
Returning the Anomaly Stone

My white sword slashed across the front of Entode's breastplate while heavy bolts of violet lightning struck him from behind. Despite his armor withstanding the blow, heavy damage had been dealt to his body. Although his body was rapidly recovering and powering up, there was still a level of lag that could not be made up before my next attack would hit.

My black sword stabbed through his gut, finally cracking his armor. Gray flames ignited around us as I twisted the sword, causing him to scream in pain. He landed a heavy punch in my face, but I ignored it, standing my ground, as I swung my white sword for his neck.

For so long, I had waited for this exact moment. Entode had been killed by my hands a few times, but to wipe out his True Soul would cost my own since he spent most of his strength on being unkillable. This time, I had no problem sacrificing my own since I had lost everything else.

My blade was just inches from his neck, but before I could complete the motion, a crimson spear hit my sword. The explosion of energy that followed the attack threw Entode and I in different directions, though I took little damage from it in my current state. Skansi appeared in the spot where the two of us had been and threw a second spear at me, but with more power this time.

Since I relied on the power of my body to take blows, there was little that I could do other than meet the attack head-on. I swung both swords, sending a streak of violet lightning and a streak of gray flames at the crimson spear, while the Chaos Storm around me stirred to destroy the attack. Space destabilized between me and the spearpoint, Yin and Yang lashed out, Earth was created, Water formed, Wind blew... I was able to harness all of the elements of Chaos within the storm.

What was left over from the attack was easily blocked by my two swords, and the explosive energy could not even move me an inch back. While Skansi was focused on attacking me, Joyano appeared behind him and chopped with his golden great sword. Skansi tried to dodge, but he had been too invested into attacking me, so he reacted a little late. The three arms on his right side were severed and Joyano struck out a second time, but not at Skansi. Instead, his hammer smashed against the three weapons that the arms had been holding, shattering them without Skansi's power to reinforce them.

"Now who is using sneak attacks?!?" Skansi spat.

"You were the one to abandon our duel and turn it into a two-on-two battle. You have nothing but your own arrogance to blame for your mistake," Joyano replied.

I moved to stand next to Joyano while Entode joined Skansi. None of the four of us were in a good state, but our side did look a little better though it was only if we could end this quickly. My Life Force could only last so long and, once it collapsed, Joyano would be on his own.


In the morning, all of us headed into Eden early enough to drop off Madi for school and Hope by the nursery then we headed to the Council Chambers which was in the heart of the city. It was a large building because the first floor was dedicated for large council meetings where the entire population could come and sit for an address, though it had still yet to be used. The second floor was where their offices were and the normal conference room that they used for their daily meetings.

Today, though, we made a special room under the floor of the Main Hall which would be removed after the conversation that we would have. While I made the furniture, Katye crafted a small mana crystal then casted an enchantment on it which caused the crystal to release a white light. With a bit of mage-steel, she turned it into a hanging light that lit the entire room.

After finishing the prep work for the room, it did not take long before the Council Members trickled in. Katye had brought a pot of coffee, the smell of which drew in Clarke first, followed shortly by Kane. Luna, Indra, and Roan had never developed a taste for the bitter drink, just like Echo, so maybe it was a Grounder thing.

"Can anything kill you these days?" Roan asked with a chuckle as we greeted each other.

"Let's hope not. The last surprise from the Disciples was rather unpleasant," I retorted.

He smirked and headed for his chair while I greeted Indra. She had been less worried about me, since she's had practically blind confidence in my strength ever since I was able to easily defeat her in a duel without relying on my powers. Luna was the last to arrive, but as Heda, it was expected, though the truth of the matter was that she was not a morning person, since she would normally start her days about two hours later.

"It's good to see that you have recovered, Rebecca," Luna said as she took her seat.

"Thank you, Heda," I replied.

"As unfortunate as the bombing was, it has proven that our measures to prevent the Disciples from using the Anomaly Stone to reach Earth was not enough. I would like your opinions on what we should do, Katye and Rebecca, before we start the official discussion," Luna instructed.

"Where Rebecca built our home, there is a small cave system which we believe was the original home of the Anomaly Stone before Bill Cadogan took it to the Polis bunker. Raven has been trying to understand the suit that we took off the dead agent, but it is meant to work with the artifact, so it's a dead end without it. Since I have proven that our powers can see through their cloaking tech, I would suggest that we move it here and replace it in the cavern.

"There are still traces of mana embedded in the rock, so something may happen if we return it. It would also give Raven and I the chance to study it while either Rebecca or I can guard it at all times. We could also easily turn the cave system into a fortification in case the Disciples ever try to mount a true attack against Wonkru," Katye explained.

"Rebecca?" Luna asked when I did not speak right away.

"Katye's plan sounds good to me... There is just little that I can do to assist which bothers me. As I see it, we either go with Katye's plan, or we toss the blasted thing into the sun, but considering that the Transcendents were the creators of it, destroying it would probably only cause us more problems," I sighed.

"Does anyone else have an idea that they would like to suggest as an alternative?" Luna asked and then waited for anyone to speak up. After nearly ten minutes of silence, Luna sighed, "There is your answer, Katye. Roan and Diyoza, I want you two to start drafting up plans for the fortification around where we'll be placing the Anomaly Stone. Clarke, Kane, and Indra, I want you to start going through a list of our people and figure out how we will set up a rotation of troops; Katye and Rebecca will still be the main ones to guard it, but we shouldn't rely on them alone. Katye and Rebecca, I want you to give Roan and Diyoza a tour of the area and any specifications that you or they will need then find Shaw and recover the Anomaly Stone. I'll give you three months to figure out how to use it properly, if you can't, we'll see if the Flame still can."

With Heda's orders, all of us went about completing them. We drove Roan and Diyoza up to the house and opened the stone doorway to the cave. The furniture that had been in our old, little bunker had been moved out long ago, but the rooms still remained behind, which helped give them an idea of what we could do. It was decided that the majority of the cavern would remain untouched while we would start building a foot behind the walls, but that would be handled later.

After we returned to Eden, we all went our separate ways. Roan and Diyoza made their way to the Council Chambers, Raven headed to one of the engineering workshops where she had been working in, trying to figure out the Disciple's suit, Echo went to go hunt in the valley, which left Katye and I to find Shaw. Thankfully, he was not too difficult to find despite the fact that the shuttle had been grounded for an unknown amount of time.

Although there were a few hunting teams that moved through the forest daily, they rarely killed anything, and instead, their goal was to capture the different animals. Truly domesticating most of the animals would be difficult, but we had divided up a small part of the valley with a tall stone wall, where the animals could live somewhat free range, while also being taken care of. Meat was a rare commodity in Eden, but using this method, we were able to double and triple the size of the different herds, which slowly gave more to the city.

Aside from flying spaceships, Shaw had a love of animals, so he had requested to work on the Ranch. We found him working with a few people on the wall, refilling the feed troughs that ran along the wall. He saw us walking up, so he separated from his group and headed over to meet us.

"Good to see you back on your feet; you gave us a real scare," Shaw said with a smile.

"You're just new around here. After the second or third time coming back from the dead, it's more annoying than impressive," I chuckled.

"So, what brings you to me?" he asked.

"We need a ride... to the other side of the planet," Katye replied.

That caused him to raise his eyebrows since he had been sworn to secrecy about the mission to move the Anomaly Stone, but he was smart enough to not say anything there. He stepped away for a moment and told the rest of his group that he needed to leave. After that, the three of us made our way to the Gagarin and walked onboard.

"So, what exactly is that thing?" Shaw asked when we were in the privacy of the ship.

"Something that we did not make," was all that Katye said.

He could tell by her look that she would not explain more, so he let the matter go. We headed up to the bridge and Shaw piloted a course to where we had hidden the Anomaly Stone. When we landed near the location marked on the computer, it was like a slap in the face when we saw the Anomaly Stone laying on top of the sand as if it had been placed there. Tori had obviously meddled in this matter yet again, so hopefully, moving it to its proper place would allow us to, at least, know when a Disciple crossed.

We loaded the metallic sphere onto the ship, and we told Shaw that we were ready to go through the intercom. Neither of us were willing to let the stone out of our sight after all of the problems that it had caused so far. The two of us sat on opposite sides of the cargo bay with every Domain that we could use active throughout the entire trip back to Eden.

Instead of simply landing on the pad in Eden, we had Shaw fly in low, near our home. Both Katye and I transformed into our Dusa forms then opened the cargo bay doors. Since we could both fly, this was a method of keeping the movement of the Anomaly Stone quiet for now and a good excuse for us to stretch our wings, even if I was the one to do the heavy lifting. Katye's form was more light and dainty while mine was built for power and pure strength, so I could not complain; plus, her appearance alone made it difficult to control my dragon side, but again, no complaints.

We glided down to our front yard and landed just outside of the main door. Katye undid her transformation as soon as our feet hit the ground, but I kept mine active to make it easier to carry the large artifact. She had to widen the doorway for me, but that was not too difficult, and she returned it to its normal appearance while I continued onto the cave.

As soon as I crossed into the cavern, the slumbering mana within the walls suddenly stirred and surged straight at the Anomaly Stone. It was ripped out of my hands and pulled into the center of the chamber while the mana inside kept building. Neither Katye nor I knew what was happening, so we retreated back out of the cavern, yet stayed close enough that we could still see what was happening. I infused my mana into the rock around us so that I could seal the tunnel at a moment's notice.

The energy reached a crescendo and then the Anomaly Stone released green flames as well as a dizzying form of mana that made it nearly impossible for me to analyze, even while I was transformed. Still, I knew what that strange green fire meant and instantly sealed the cavern to make sure that we were not drawn into the portal. I sighed, transforming back to my human form, and sat down with a huff while Katye was staring at the wall, her eyes glowing violet.

"Incredible," she breathed. "So many different types of mana yet they all blend together perfectly and build onto each other."

"Yeah, well, it gives me a headache," I complained while rubbing my forehead.

The burst of mana did not last longer than thirty seconds before it weakened and retracted into the Anomaly Stone, giving it a contained feeling.

"Well, that was unexpected. You okay?" Katye asked as her eyes returned to normal.

"Yeah, there was just too much with all of that, especially in my Dusa form," I replied, standing back up. "What do you think that was? I thought it only did that for the jumps between planets."

"I'm not sure... In the show, it was really only used to move between the planets and start the Final War. Who knows what else it can do?" Katye replied with a shrug. "Want to check it out now that it has calmed down?"

"I'd rather throw it into the sun, but since that's not a real option, we might as well," I grumbled.

Katye chuckled and closed the distance between us, then kissed me. "Fussy dragon."

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled as well. Katye reopened the way to the cavern, but we were not expecting what we found inside. Standing next to the Anomaly Stone, there were two people, a man and a woman, who looked confused and concerned. Both of them turned towards us since the light spilled into the cavern from behind us. Although I did not recognize them, neither seemed like a Disciple and they had no tattoos.

The man moved the woman behind him then asked, "Who are you? What happened to us?"

"My name is Katye, and this is Rebecca... as for what happened, we aren't quite sure, but I think the Anomaly Stone drew you two here," Katye replied.

"And where is here?"

"I think its customary to give your name when someone introduces themselves to you," she retorted.

"Gabriel... Gabriel Santiago," he replied, "and my companion is Josephine Lightbourne."

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