
Application Successful - Part 3

Jacob sat there for a solid minute before he finally started typing. He was hoping that one of his mates might have opened up first to start the ribbing, but if they wanted to play it this way, he would get the first words in.

The Counselor: (Ok guys first off, fuck you! You know how long I've been looking for a job, you didn't have to screw with me like this)

Hoping to get the group started with the jokes, Jacob was confused as he waited and waited, for a second or two he would see the icons of the other users light up and the animation to show that they were typing appear, before it would then disappear.

Which meant they were writing something and then deleting it, which made no sense. The conversation was easy. He started with a (fuck you), they replied with a (I can't believe you fell for that you gullible bastard) he would shoot back something about their small penis's, or brains or something along those lines, maybe a I fucked your girlfriend would be thrown in at some point), see simple.

Finally someone replied! Well actually two of them at the same time!!

Darth Vader: (How did you hack this secure comm frequency and why in the love of Force is my user ID set to Darth Vader.)

Ruin princess: (I first thought you were my brother, but clearly that is not that case using such language. Identify yourself immediately and what faction you are from or I will have to report you to my brother.)

He wanted to roll his eyes, he really did. It was at this time he realized that a few minutes had passed since he had gotten the first text. The day was already closing in on 5pm, there were slight bags under his eyes and he was bone tired. All he wanted to do was go home and have a nice shower.

Looking back at the screen he quickly replied quickly getting over these guys trying to stay in character, the jig was up. Heck there wasn't even a jig in the first place. The joke was pretty damn legit at the start and got him, he could admit that, could they just drop it already.

The Counselor: (Look guys I don't have time for this shit, it was a funny joke, haha. Could you stop fucking with me and tell me who it is as each character?)

Once again he gave them a solid minute or two to reply, but once again he got nothing, neither of the two that had replied had bother to continue to keep in character and he was sick of waiting. Feeling his anger start to build at all this pointless crap.

His long day, his tired bones, this shitty joke. It shouldn't have got to him quite so deeply, but at the moment it was, he almost felt like he could throw his phone out the window, but that would just be a waste of money.

Taking a calming breath in, he slowly typed out names, trying to guess which of his friends were fucking with him.

The Counselor: (Mike? This isn't funny)

The Counselor: (Liam? Next time I see you guys I'm going to extort so many drinks of you cunts.)

The Counselor: (Mark? Damn guys I'm tired, weary and want to go home, just tell me who it is.)

The Counselor: (Sam? I'm really getting angry here, could you guys just fucking stop it.)

Feeling the limits of his patience about to snap, what finally sent him over the edge was the direct message he suddenly got from the Admin, the text being in a deep green text box instead of the blue all the other messages had been sent in, and most likely also hidden from all other chat members.

Admin: ([Group Chat] can be used to give 'Life Counseling', to all members invited in small tidbits, Each 'Counsel' given is assessed on specified users short term decisions from said counseling. Depending on decisions a greater amount of income is generated. Please see the [1 v 1 Counseling sessions] for more in-depth Counseling and higher payment.

'Ok fine you guys won't tell me who's who! Well Fuck you too!'

'I get paid for giving out some stupid 'life counseling'? My Arse, I'll give your 'characters' some life counseling!'

He wasn't sure what came over him at that moment other than extreme rage, but at the same time it gave him clarity. Quickly skimming over the names and coming to the conclusion that they were the favourite fictional characters of whichever friends they were, he quickly set to work.

He didn't even have to think that hard about it as the names were pretty recognizable, though he did stop for a second on ruin princess because that one was from an anime and for the [Phoenix] user name, he knew his friends pretty well, if they were going to use any 'Phoenix' character it would be that one.

'Thank god all these characters are rather well know and have some serious issues.'

The Counselor: (Ok if you guys want to fuck with me, fine I'll play, you want some 'Life Counseling' here it fucking is.)

The Counselor: (Lets start with the easy one, ok ANI, you want to know why your user name is Darth Vader, we both bloody know why, you youngling killing piece of shit. Here's the actual counseling. You get manipulated by your father figure and become a sith lord, easy solution, leave the fucking Jedi order, stop bitching about shit and go live a god damned happy life with your wife, be an actual dad and have a nice life!)

He didn't wait for a reply as he moved on, though one did appear before he made it to the next.

Darth Vader: (I don't know what game you're playing, or where you got your information. But you should know Jedi don't have relationships)

The Counselor: (Rias, pull your finger out of your ass and start training. For the love of whatever you pray to, the fact that some pervert with a sacred gear is what saves your sorry ass defines your whole problem. You had what 8-10 years and you can barely fight jack shit with your ohh great power of destruction. Get a reality check bitch you are literally nothing but a woman with large boobs waiting for the next douche bag to come take you. Seeing as you're the little sister of the bloody devil in charge. Get your shit together woman!)

Once again he moved on not bothering to read the reply.

Ruin princess: (I will find you and you will regret your words)

The Counselor: (Jean, I mean I can't fault your character, you've basically got a split personality because the bold bastard screwed around with your head, not to mention your husband having a Psychic affair later in life. Just sad really)

Phoenix: (What is a Psychic affair? And who was my husband…)

The Counselor: (Bruce, honestly not much wrong with you, well other than you beat the shit out of people in a giant bat suit, but honestly a lot of good work, if you don't include all your protégés either dying or leaving you and how most of your contingencies usually come around to bite you in the arse. Ehh I guess stop being so paranoid and shit might work out, You're welcome."

The Counselor: (There you all got some 'life counseling, now fuck off you've had your fun I'll talk to you guys later!)

The [Dark Knight] was the only one that didn't reply after Jacobs small tirade and anger, but he honestly didn't care at that point. Though he felt better after letting out his frustration he was still pissed off.

Quickly closing the app and trying to delete it, he once again contemplated chucking his phone out the window as he realized he couldn't delete the app.

'was it really a scamming app, fuck. No wonder my friends weren't replying. Urgh.'

Chucking his phone on the seat next to him, he rubbed his face in exhaustion slowly backing out of the car park and making his way home. He need a bloody hot shower after the day he just had. He was hopeful that he could easily get his phone fixed at the shop, or maybe a reset of the system.

As he started to curse his life he didn't realize the waves his words had set off in the lives of the 'Characters', he had just 'counseled'.

So there is a lot more swearing in this novel than all my others, only way i could really make out this is real life, because my firends and i swear at each other all the time, especially when we get angry, though we drop words like cunt more.

Anyways hope you liked the opening to the novel. As can be expected the next chapter would be something along the lines of what happenes with the other characters.

Zevren out!

Remeber no HARem!!! Why do i keep mentioning it? Becuase someone will bloody ask!

Rember to comment on anyone you would like added to the counselling, mainly chracters that need the life put back on track by a shit tone of straight to the point words. Can;t gaurentee i will choos any character as i might not have watched the movie, anime, series, ect.

Zevrencreators' thoughts
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