

Vivian wasn't surprised, he had given her a sign of what he was up to by pulling her chair closer to him. But she was surprised about one thing. Why he'd kiss her just to lie to his Aunt that she was his girlfriend when actually, she wasn't. She was far from being his girlfriend.

But she accepted the kiss and returned the gesture. "I really didn't have to do this but... Daniel pushed me. And I really don't want to crush my Aunt's expectations," he whispered against her lips but now that she had tasted his mouth, she didn't give a damn about the reason. She placed her hand on his cheek and surveyed his lips before going for what became wild right in front of his Aunt.

She watched them act romantic before her but soon got bored of what was happening so she banged the surface of the table to break their connection. It happened the minute she did.

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