
Always like that?

Even after his assurance, she sat still on the seat staring into space as if she didn't hear what he said. And he was weak to speak, soon she moved her attention to him only to see him groaning.

"I can drive you home," she said in a quiet tone as if trying to compel him.

"Th-ank you, I don't ne-ed your help," through gritted teeth, he answered and settled his gaze on her. "Please leave my car," he whispered.

Vivian stared at him for a while in thoughts while he stared back with a grimaced face. "You..." She said as she compelled him with their gazes locked so he didn't know she was moving closer to him until her lips pressed his slowly so she compelled him to listen to whatever she told him to.

"I'll drive you home," she said convincingly after pulling away.

"Why? Why are you suddenly nice to me?" He asked as he was manipulated by the demon girl.

"Because you are not feeling well, just direct me to your aunt's place, I'll drive you there."

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