
This is Polling time...

Hello, dear readers.

It's been very good to write this fanfic and I will be try improving it in the next volume so help me pick a world from the list below and you can also suggest more than one world crossover.


1.Musaigen no phatom.

2.Princess Lover

3.Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari

4.Hyakuran no haou

5.Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism

6.Taimadou Gakuen 35

7.Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut

8.Seikon no Qwaser


10.Project K

11.Wise man's grandchild

12.The Misfit of Demon King Academy

13.Dragonar Academy

14.Is This a Zombie


16.Triage X

17.How not to Summon Demon Lord

18.Grancrest Senki

19.Witch Craft Works


21.Magi:The Adventure of Sinbad

22.Kahikoi:Oh Samurai Girls


24.Grisaia no kajitsu


26.Blue Exorcist

27.Ambition of Oda Nobuna


29.Shimoneta to lu Gainan ga


31.Nanatsu no Bitoku

32.Dakara Boku Wa(So, I can't play H)

33.Senran Kagura

34.Kagaji no Yatauta


Common guys, help me pick up second world. Every anime mentioned above are great for me so I am unable to decide which to pick so your help would be appreciative.

If someone haven't watched the animes mentioned above then I would heavily recommend to watch them.

So I will be waiting for your responce....


Please don't forget to leave your reply in comment section..

Abysalyounglordcreators' thoughts
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