
Student School Council Debate I

Main Auditorium, Yukihime High School, Elffire City.

The lights of the stage lit up as lean and somewhat handsome appeared in front of everyone.

At first, no one reacted, but suddenly some people in the crowd started clapping and the rest of the students felt compelled to clap as well.

The handsome man on the stage smiled and waved at the crowd before taking his place on the podium.

Vivian and Brenda's group noticed that the ones who started clapping first were Winston's supporters.

They narrowed their eyes as they thought at the same time, 'Smart move.'

"Good afternoon, students!" The youth said as he picked up the microphone, "Some of you might know me, but for those who don't, my name is John Smith, a third-year student. I'm currently running to become the vice president of the student council together with Winston and the others." John said with an amiable tone of voice.

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