

Tokyo Animation Studios, Elffire City.

5:06 PM, Friday, December 25th.

The wintry sun had already descended the skies, and the night arrived in the city, but that didn't stop the operations in the city.

With the heating system melting the snow that fell from the skies, the early night didn't bother the citizens, especially the ones who worked in advanced facilities.

The Tokyo Studios were one of these places, the building had a perfect isolation system to maintain the inside temperature.

That's why no one wore winter clothes inside the building.

Theo was walking through the corridors of the studios as he talked with Ryoko.

He had spent the day in the studio inspecting the work of his employees.

He visited most of the departments and talked with other animators.

For example, he visited the sound studio and observed the sound engineers producing the sound effects for his anime, he even helped them a little.

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