
Chapitre 18

Chapter 18

The weapon flew through the air towards the targets, curving as I brought it around. The first target was sliced through cleanly, but then the steel circle slipped from my magic and hit the second straw target, glancing off the side and going flying only to be caught in a blue magic aura.

"Damn it!" I sighed, "That thing is slippery."

Luna nodded, "It is the most difficult thing about using one." she agreed, floating it over to me so I could grab it again.

Floating things with magic? Easy.

Doing it while only holding one part of the item instead of the entire item? Not that difficult.

Doing it at high speed over five meters away from you? Really difficult.

With precision? Ugh.

Her magic felt like pop rocks against mine as I grabbed the inside of the ring, avoiding touching the blade part. If you covered that with your magic, it didn't cut right. That's what increased the difficulty the most.

It meant you had to keep a constant outwards pressure along the inner ring. Sound easy? Sure. Right in front of you. Any unicorn with basic command of their magic could do it.

Five or more meters away while spinning and maneuvering the thing? I would be surprised if Twilight fucking Sparkle herself could do it without practice.

"I see why you prefer swords." I sighed and span the steel circle again before sending it off towards the target, bringing it down low enough to almost skim the frozen ground and then up in a uppercut slice, cutting the target off before bringing it around for another go.

Another five seconds later it went spinning out of control in our general direction, bouncing off the ground once before Luna caught it again.

"They are easier to use. Easier with a clear handle you can surround with your magic." she commented with a smile and put it back in the box as she settled her wing across my back, "You are improving."

"So you say."

Luna grinned and I folded my ears against my head before she had the opportunity to bite one of them, "You are! Remember your first attempt?"

"...I'd rather not..."

That had been kind of embarrassing. I dropped it less than a meter away and it bounced, almost hitting my leg.


I gave her a small glare, flicking my ear as she let go. She had waited until I relaxed! Sneaky minx!

Leaning in, Luna gave me a small nuzzle, "Silly Page." she teased with a smile before she closed the box with the weapon, picking it up in her magic, "Any luck with your new book so far?"

Frowning I scratched at the frozen ground with my hoof, shaking my head, "...No." I admitted, "Oh, I have plenty of scene drafts and ideas written down as well as a basic story outline, but... I lack in details, atmosphere. Genuine location details."

Surprise, surprise, writing a novel about a spy in exotic locations without actually visiting those locations was difficult, even with the royal archives to references.

Luna nodded as I took over holding the weapons case, "Have you considered traveling? Seeing Equestria?"

"Yeah." I answered with a nod, reaching for my satchel with my magic to fit the case into it, "But that will have to wait until this summer. Traveling during the winter would be much harder." before I walked up to her, "But it would mean being away for... weeks. Months even."

Sighing, Luna nodded, "It would." she agreed, giving me a small nuzzle, "But I want you to live your life, Page. Even if it mean months apart."

"I'll think about it." I answered and then gave her a curious look, "Luna, have you thought anything more about my idea for Winter Solstice?"

Pausing with one hoof slightly lifted of the snow ground she nodded, "I have."


"...It is a bit short on time." Luna said then she smiled, "But I have decided to announce it in a couple of days. This will be so much fun!"


Grinning I trotted along back towards the tower, the stars sparkling far above as I renewed the warming spell on myself, "So... what kind of celebrations have you been thinking of? What does Princess Celestia think?"

"Celestia was actually the one to talk me into it when I mentioned your idea." Luna admitted, "She was excited about it."

"You didn't expect that?" I asked with a small frown.

Luna shrugged, "Well, I did. And I actually liked the idea as well, just... not for this year. It seemed a bit soon. But she talked me into it and I think she might be right. It will be fun."

"Still, less than a month left. Not a lot of time to organize the entire thing." I said before I paused, ""Wait... there won't be any kind of... ball or something, right?"

She giggled, poking my side with her wing, "There have to be official festivities. But nothing so boring." She answered, "I'm thinking something similar to my sisters Summer sun Celebration." before she looked thoughtful, "...But perhaps indoors most of the time. It is the middle of winter after all."

"Well, there is such a thing as warm clothing. Besides, I can think of something nice to do with all that cold."

Luna raised a eyebrow at me so I grinned.

"Well... a couple of warm blankets, something warm to drink and cuddle up outside to watch the stars. Sound nice?" I suggested.

Smiling sadly, she gave me a quick kiss as we entered the tower, "Yes. But... another day. During the Winter solstice I will be too busy I'm afraid."

Well, poop.

"Well, I'll be there with you at least."

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