
Let The Pack Decide

I enter the pack hall from the rear door, and as I look out from behind the stage curtain, I can see it’s full of members of the pack, the visiting leaders and their pack members, and the remaining members of the Elder council. Everyone is talking loudly, but they all stop talking when I walk onto the stage. The members of Blood-Moon all kneel when I approach the microphone, and I have to clasp my hands together on the podium to stop them from shaking.

‘Breathe. We’ve got this, Athena. I told you, I believe we were made for this,’ Enyo says softly, and I feel her strength envelop me.

I clear my throat before saying, “Good morning, everyone. Thank you for coming on such short notice. I’d first like to say congratulations to all of those who found their mate last night. Despite the sour turn of events, I’ve been told that there are fifty new mate bonds here this morning.” I stop as everyone in the hall claps for the new couples.

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