
Slave mark

"M-me on top?" Layla said a bit surprised.

{I-I never rode on top before. I'm so embarrassed.}

"So I took your first blowjob and now your first ride on top. It seems your husband is a eunuch, not having taken you in all kinds of different ways before."

"T-that's not true. I-it was my fault as well that we didn't do anything."

I chuckled as I put my hands under my head, not going to do anything. "Well from now on that won't do anymore, get ready to be trained plenty in all kinds of different things. You'll become the best sex slave ever. Now let's have you ride cowgirl style. I'm not gonna do anything but see as you get on top and ride me."

"Y-yes master," Layla said as she awkwardly got on top of me, giving me a full view of her amazing body.

"Just relax and move your body up and down."

Layla gulped as she put her pussy above my dick, before she lowered her body.

{Aaahn, master's dick is so good. I'm already addicted to it.}

I didn't have to do anything but enjoy as Layla moved up and down, my dick entering her body deep, as I had a great view of her bouncing breasts.

"F-feels good, master's dick feels good."

"I'm glad, now do it some faster."

"Yes master," Layla said as she increased the pace.

Layla began to enjoy it more and more. Luckily my bedroom was right next to the master bedroom which was empty at the moment. Both Olivia and Nina, slept on the other side of the big house, which should mean they wouldn't notice our hot sex. We even had two bathrooms so they wouldn't have to go to this side of the house at all.

That way I could perfectly enjoy the hot housewife riding me cowgirl style on top. It also didn't take long before I filled Layla's womb with a fresh load of semen, while at the same time she came as well.

After both our orgasms ended, Layla fell down next to me.

"You enjoyed it?" I asked her after she cooled down for a bit.

Layla smiled as she looked at me, "I loved it master. I never had sex that good."

"I'm glad, now let's relax for a bit."

I lied on my back, my head resting on a pillow, while Layla lied clenching against me. The bed was just a small one-person bed, so there wasn't much room. It made us lie close to each other in which I had no problems.

"M-master, can I rest on your chest?" Layla asked me a bit nervous.

I smiled and nodded my head, following which Layla snuggled even closer to me, as she rested her head on my small chest.

As I softly rubbed her head, I said: "When's the last time you and Harry did it?"

Layla blushed a bit as she answered, "M-more than a year ago."

"I see, well don't worry from now on, you're gonna get it every single day."

"Yes master," Layla said smiling happy.

"Make sure to take contraceptives though, I'm not planning on putting on a condom."

"Yes master."

{Master's baby,} Layla thought after which she immediately shook her head, {n-no Layla, it's much to soon for that, master's never gonna impregnate you now. I'm not getting any younger though.}

I was a bit surprised hearing her thoughts, after all this woman was seriously thinking of having a baby with me. She actually wanted to get impregnated by her twelve-year-old adopted son.

Smiling I expressed my gratitude for gaining the system even more. To get a beautiful woman like Layla to fall so deep, I couldn't be happier.

I slowly grabbed one of her big soft breasts as I said softly, "Be prepared though, at any moment I can order you to stop taking them, understood?"

Layla looked up at me and I met her gaze.

"U-understood master."

She couldn't contain her happiness as she put her soft lips on top of mine.

After enjoying her lips for a bit I said to her, "Next up is gonna be your slave mark, know what it is?"

Layla gulped as she said: "Y-yes it's something every slave acquires right. Master can decide where to put it and then I'll be marked for life, showing my loyalty and obedience to my master."

"Exactly, I'm planning on putting it on you now, or do you have second thoughts becoming my slave?"

"No none," Layla replied honestly.

"Think good though, after I put it on you, you can never disobey me again. You'll be mine for the rest of your life."

"P-please put the mark on me, I want to be master's completely."

Loving her conviction to become my slave completely I nodded my head.

"Good then show me your crotch, no better place to put it than right above your womb."

Layla sat with her back against the wall, showing me her amazing pussy again while right above it was the place I would put the mark.

Looking at the gorgeous woman I held my hand on the place below her belly button and above her pussy as I said: "Ready?"

[Do you wish to continue and place the slave mark on your slave?]

Layla nodded her head.

I smiled and clicked yes on the system after which Layla began letting out soft moans as something began appearing on her crotch.

It looked like a heart-shaped symbol in a light pink color. Then before it stopped a small letter J appeared right through it, signifying Layla belong to me from now on.

[The level 1 slave mark has been successfully placed on the slave.]

The tattoo wasn't big and not very artistic either, but I immediately noticed the slave mark was only at level 1 and could be upgraded, in which it would grow bigger and look more detailed.

Layla looked down on the heart-shaped tattoo, with the letter J on it and smiled brightly as she said: "I now fully belong to you master, I'm so happy."

I smiled seeing her honest happy face. This woman truly loved that she became mine. She didn't even found it weird that a tattoo appeared on her crotch magically, something which I was sure was due to the system as well.

And as if Layla knew everything about the slave mark and slave state she said: "I'll work hard to satisfy master to increase the level of the slave mark. I'll definitely get the best mark ever."

Even I didn't know the mechanics yet behind the mark, as they only appeared now in the system, yet it seemed Layla knew exactly what she needed to do, which was enough for me right now.

As Layla was still sitting up, with her legs slightly spread, I put a finger inside her wet pussy as I said: "Want to celebrate your true becoming of a slave?"

"Yes master," she replied honestly as both of us began indulging ourselves in each other's bodies once more.

Hours later deep in the night, Layla was sleeping peacefully. Her body was clenching against mine, as she rested her head on my chest. It seemed she didn't want to let go at all.

We had fucked again and again. Only when we were too exhausted to continue we stopped and she immediately fell asleep upon cuddling close to me.

She was nothing like the kind housewife anymore. She now was a lewd sex slave who would obey every order I gave her.

I softly caressed her face as I went over the system messages. First up was Layla's status screen.

[Targets - Layla

Name: Layla Wiler

Status: Slave

Slave mark: Has been successfully applied. Level 1

Age: 37

Measurements: 98-66-94

Obedience: 70%

Sexual interest in you: 85%

Days without sex: 0

Lust: 0%

Orgasm meter: 0%

Sex skills: (unlocked after reaching 75% obedience.)

Chance for impregnation: (unlocked after 75% obedience.)

Thoughts: OFF

More will be unlocked after completions of quests.]

As she was asleep after having the sex of her life, her lust and orgasm meter were both at 0. But what interested me more was the slave mark

[Congratulations on applying the first slave mark on one of your slaves.

As slave mark is a symbol of submission. There are two types of slave marks voluntarily applied slave marks and forced slave marks. Both types have different uses. For example, Forced slave marks will make it harder for slaves to disobey orders, they can also be used to punish slaves. Voluntary slave marks increases a slave's lust and sexual desire towards her master, they can also be used to increase chances of pregnancy. A forced slave mark can be changed into a voluntary slave mark, if the slave fully accepts it. Higher level slave marks, increase amount of uses and the power of the slave mark. Level up conditions will be different for individuals. A slave will know about the level up conditions.]

After reading the explanation I immediately opened Layla's slave mark information.

[Targets - Layla - slave mark

Level: 1

Use: Layla will have lightly increased lust and sexual desire towards you, also sex with you will feel better for her.

Conditions to level up slave mark:

- Slave needs to obey 100 sex slave tasks. (5/100)

- Slave needs to obey 50 housewife slave tasks. (0/50)

- Slave needs to have her ass trained into a fuckhole and experience anal sex with her master]

After reading the explanation I smiled, after all it was kinda a ranking to see which slave could earn the best slave mark. Looking at the objectives for Layla to complete I was satisfied as well, after all it meant plenty of sex, and she would have to work hard to have her ass turned into a fuckhole.

The system kept surprising me and it seemed even after enslaving Layla, there was plenty of more to do with her. I wouldn't stop until Layla was the best sex slave a man could ever wish himself.

Of course starting now I would put more focus into the other women, it was time to gain more sex slaves and have them all live together as they serve me.

Next up was an achievement I got as well.

[Achievements - Get a blowjob

To earn this achievement you have to get a blowjob.

Reward: Semen production enhanced. You will produce slightly more semen.

Get more blowjobs from different women to obtain more rewards. 9 more until next reward.]

I smiled looking at the reward, which meant I could fill Layla with even more of my liquid.

While enjoying feeling Layla's naked body pressed close to me, I began to sleep as well.

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