
CH. 20: Things Sure Get Interesting Around Those Six..

Carrera- "What do you want." She asked bluntly.

Takashi- "Y-You saved us and we're grateful for it.. But who are you?"

Carrera tongue clicked.

Carrera- "And what do i get from giving my name to mere humans such as yourselves?"

Takashi looked confused.

Takashi- "H-Humans? What do you mean?" He asked.

Saya- "I don't like this girl's attitude at all.." She said.

Carrera seemed to leave again but Takashi did not want to let her go so soon without revealing herself.

Takashi held Carrera's shoulder. Her eyes opened in shocked.

She immediately reacted by pointing her spectral gun directly on Takashi's forehead. He instinctively froze up and couldn't not flinch by even a centimeter, because if he moved, he'd die.

Carrera- "Look here punk, I'm a demon and you're a weak human. I saved you only because i wanted to have these creatures' souls for myself and not because i wanted to help your sorry asses. We're no equals so forget it." She said.

Takashi- 'D-Demon?? Is she insane??' He thought.

Rei- "TAKASHI!!" She shouted while running towards him.


A bullet passed by Rei's head, it missed her by a millimeter and cut a big portion of her hair, falling on the ground before fading into nothingness.

Carrera- "Don't fucking move closer, i wanna see if this human has the guts to touch me like I'm his friend or sum dumb shit." She said.

Rei immediately stopped moving after feeling the bullet's pressure passing through her face. Her life literally flashed through her eyes and her legs started trembling.

Hirano, Shizuka, Saya and Saeko looked with horror at the unfolding scene. Saeko grit her teeth and tried to help Takashi but her senses were screaming at her not to try anything against that dangerous blonde girl.

Saeko- 'Damn it.. I feel so weak right now.. Takashi's going to die if i do nothing!' She thought.

But then, Carrera noticed something with this boy's looks.

Carrera- "Hold on a sec.. You seem familiar.." She mumbled not letting her guard down.

Takashi tried to calm her down. He moved a little.

Takashi- "If so, then please let intro--..."

Carrera shoved her gun harder into Takashi's forehead.

Carrera- "You move once again I'll fucking explode your brain outta yer head." She said with menace.

She then focused on this guy's appearance and remembered what Akira told her.

[[ Flashback ]]

Akira- "Yeah Carrera i don't see why you can't go around killing these pests." He agreed.

Carrera- "Yeah appreciate it Akira. Imma go right now." She flew away.

Akira- "Oh and by the way, before you leave!" He called her.

Carrera looked at Akira again.

Akira- "If you see a a 17 year old guy with brown hair accompanied by four girls and a chubby boy, don't kill them."

Carrera- "Yeah ok but why would you care about some weak ass humans." She asked.

Akira smiled.

Akira- "Dunno but things sure do get interesting around those six~" He said smiling.

Carrera smiled back and nodded before leaving.

[[ End Of Flashback ]]

Carrera lowered her gun from the boy's forehead slowly but still with her guard up. Takashi sighed in relief.

Carrera- "Fine. I guess we could be buddy buddies for a while, but if you try doing something I'll have a pleasure making bullets with your skull.. And that applies to everyone else." She said with piercing blue eyes.

Takashi gulped, and so did the other five people.

They then started moving out of this place, while still being wary of Carrera.


The seven walked away towards Akira's location with Carrera taking the lead.

Saya- "Everyone! they're coming, Northeast!"

She pointed towards a group of eight zombies coming towards them.

Saeko and Rei prepared to attack, Hirano and Takashi pulled out their guns.

Carrera stopped them.

Carrera- "No need to be so worked up about those little shits."


She snapped her fingers and the zombies disappeared from existence, erased into memories.

The group of highschoolers looked at this with shock, this girl had power that far surpassed their imagination.

Saya- "H-How can you do that??"

Hirano- "Are you perhaps using a satellital connection to launch military laser beams at targets??" He asked, and this was none so out of range seeing how Carrera was wearing a weird looking military uniform.

Carrera looked at Hirano with confusion.

Carrera- "The fuck do you mean? I'm only using my powers." She said in confusion.

They looked at Carrera even more surprised

The humans started whispering to each other.

Saeko- "Well, demon or not, we don't stand a chance against her."

Saya- "I agree.. But how can we trust someone who's from such a cruel race??"

Rei- "Our paths just had to cross but now that she's seen us there is no escape from her."

Hirano- "I don't think it's that bad, as long as we don't offend her there's nothing to worry about, plus she's a very strong person, i doubt even a bite from those creatures could hurt her."

They walked for a few minutes until reaching the central city.

Carrera- "Ah, here they are!" She exclaimed.

Carrera smiled for the first time ever since their encounter and they were surprised to see a demon smiling.

Carrera- "Oi! Akira! I found the little shits you were looking for!" She said while waving her hands.

Akira dropped on the ground and broke the road. He was holding a zombie's head from it's mouth.

Akira- "Oh, nice job Carrera." He said smiling.

Carrera- "What are you doing with that shit's head?"

Akira looked at the zombie head.

Akira- "Oh, this creep touched me with his dirty hands, so i felt like torturing his soul."

He then pulled out a soul from his back, a white orb with multiple bruises on it's geometry. The humans could see it but not hear it as the soul was screaming and agonizing from pain.

Carrera- "Hehe noice. One zombie also touched me, i inserted my spectral shotgun up it's ass and shot it before eating its soul." She laughed.

The humans listened to this casual conversation with horror while looking at the floating broken orb.

Takashi- "So it's real?! Sh-She's a demon?!"

Akira just noticed these guys.

Akira- "Ah! Welcome to my Hell everyone!" He said cheerfully.

Takashi- "Wh-Who are you?"

Akira- "Me? I can be anything you want~" He giggled.

The humans looked at Akira with confusion.

Rei- "Wh-What do you mean by that?" She asked.

Akira ignored that remark and looked up to see Testarossa and Ultima coming back.

Ultima- "Weee~ We're back Akira!" She exclaimed as she landed on the ground.

Testarossa- "Oh, who are those?"

Akira- "Nah nevermind them, just some acquittances. So you've had fun collecting the souls of these creatures?"

Testarossa- "Yes Akira, in fact, we have cleared out the whole country from these monsters.

Testarossa held her hands with a charming expression.

Testarossa- "Now Akira we can fortunately continue our date~" She said with anticipation.

The humans' jaws opened wide in surprise.

Kohta- "I-I'm sorry i think i missed a page.. Did she say that all of Japan has been cleared out of them??"

Akira- "Yeah, there's nothing to worry about anymore. Everything's fine, you can go back to whatever you were doing."

Akira pulled out a television from nowhere and played the live news. The government had already noticed the exponential decline of the creatures from thousands in a square kilometer to zero.

"Breaking news, it seems that our Japan have been blessed by the gods themselves. As shocking as it may seem, no creatures or remain of them have been found by the government's most sophisticated receptors in all districts and cities of Japan for almost an hour now. Our witness reports confirmed that elite soldiers have been travelling across the whole city with unbelievable speed and eliminating any threat until none remained. The identity of these soldiers is unknown but rare witnesses said that three of them were girls with Blonde, purple and white hair, wherever they are, we owe them our life. They are our country's pride." -End Report

The three demonesses smiled with pride.

Testarossa- "That's me~" She said.

Carrera- "Yup, we're famous now."

Ultima- "That's so nice of them!"

The highschool kids were even more surprised. They couldn't believe the stars of the news were right here in front of them.

Saya- "I-I can't believe it.. You three have saved millions.. You truly are angels." She mumbled unconsciously.

Akira almost laughed but he kept it for himself.

Akira- "A-Angels?.. Ahaha~ Sorry for laughing but we're all devils in here.. I'm the worst of them." He said smiling innocently.

Up until now, the humans never noticed the aura of death and bloodlust that's coming from the four, especially Akira.

Saeko- "You don't really look evil for devils." She teased them, after hearing the news about them, she was sure they were great people.

Akira- "Devils or demons doesn't certainly mean bad.. But i think Carrera Testarossa and Ultima's goals were mostly soul collecting and not just

Akira- "Well, now that everything's back, we'll just continue our loving trip around this world."

Akira started walking away and the three girls followed him.

But then, Saeko unfolded her blade for the first time in both this timeline and the anime. She ran her fastest towards Akira with an obvious smirk.

Akira- 'Don't react.' He said to the girls in telepathy which they agreed on.

Akira quickly turned back and stopped the katana blade with a single finger.

Saeko was shocked seeing how Akira stopped such a dangerous weapon with one finger but she did not expect less from a devil.

Akira- "Oh? And why are you attempting?" He asked with a smile.

Saeko- "I'm just testing my skills against a true demon." She said pulling her blade back at her and stepping back. She attacked him back.

Akira did not have any difficulty dodging all of her attacks, which were very professional for a basic human.

Carrera- "This world is sure filled with weaklings huh?"

Testarossa- "Perhaps it's because they're no danger that our Akira loves it?"

Ultima- "Yeah, i wouldn't like to be eating while being surrounded by catastrophe-class monsters either." She said.

The highschool kids watched Saeko, their best melee fighter being overpowered by Akira who was obviously holding back a lot.

Rei- "Pull back Saeko! You don't stand a chance!" She said with concern.

Saeko did not listen to her warnings and she continued fighting him. She slashed her sword across all directions from all angles.

Saeko- 'An opening!' She thought.

Saeko then grinned, she swinged her sword across Akira's hand and cut down his wrist.


Akira's wrist fell down on the ground and started fading into nothingness. Carrera was about to lose her mind but Testarossa stopped her and Ultima was already preparing to kill those girl. Saeko's friends got shocked because she landed a hit on Akira.

Saeko- "I landed a hit on you demon!" She smiled with high self-estim.

Akira- "Oh thanks for cutting my limb, now i can summon this."

Akira's wrist regenerated immediately and the blood quickly coagulated and formed a <Sanguinary Blade>, which he used against her.

Saeko- "No way! You made this blade with your own blood?!" She asked with surprise.

Akira- "Yes i did my dear. Keep entertaining me with your swordsmen ship~" He said underestimating her.

Saeko kept using her full speed to fight Akira. But Akira was just looking away, yawning while swinging his sword in every direction Saeko's coming from. Even with such a low guard, his posture looked very professional.

Saeko- "The way you handle your blade.. You're a professional aren't you."

Akira finally looked at Saeko with a nonchalant look.

Akira- "Oh yeah I guess you can say that since I'm using an ability of mine."

Saeko gave it her best but with time her blade started corroding because of Akira's <Sanguinary Blade>, it seemed to have a withering effect on anything it touches even though Akira made sure to seal that perk.

Saeko drew back and looked at her sword on which appeared multiple bruises and brown scars.

Saeko- "That was a good spar. But i have to stop here."

Akira- "If you wanna continue, i can give you this sword." He said throwing his <Sanguinary Blade>.

Saeko picked it up.

Saeko- "Really? Such a legendary blade and yet you're just handing it over?"

Akira- "It's worth nothing for me. But i think that with practice, you could cut mountains or even counties with a single blow."

Saeko looked at the sword and felt it's aura, which showed how much potential this blade has if used correctly.

Saeko- "I can feel it's power just by the look of it. Fascinating.."

Akira- "Yeah well no matter what you use you'll never be able to breach my defenses.. Even less reach me~"


Thanks for Your Precious Lecture! Pa--treon.com/skyfall12 (Read ahead of everyone with the advanced chapters!)

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