
Shuckle came to fuckle

As I walk out of the only class I'm going to attend today, noble etiquette, I stretch my back and think about the upcoming fights I have with shuckle, and how I built him for them.

Shuckle is considered a useless Pokémon by the masses due to the fact it's attacks have the force of wet tissue paper, and people of this world are all about aggression and power, it's pretty much overpower your opponent with pure strength or you lose.

But shuckle isn't built for that, honestly his attack power is rubbish, and no amount of training can overcome that, it's just how his species is, but his defences? They're ungodly strong, no one hunts shuckle for that reason, it can't hurt you, but it's not worth the time or effort to try and break open a shuckle.

But the only issue I had with shuckle was his endurance, stamina and general staying power in a fight, which we trained hard with the 30x growth speed, aura juice and substantial amounts of food, even if shuckle is only just in the intermediate stage, he won't go down easy even for something in the elite stages.

Yes I know I said elite stage dunk on everything below them, which is normally true, but a shuckles defence is just that high, not that shuckle could hurt the elite Pokémon, but could annoy it into quitting? Sure….

And my shuckle being the purple grade little badass he is, as much as he doesn't like fighting, he is just so good at it, he did a few mock battles in little town against Pokémon higher stages then him and he just made their life hell, with a copious amount of combos I came up with for all types of mons.

The most annoying to fight would be dark/poison typing together like skuntank and drapion, but poison OR dark type just like the rest are easy pickings, so let's go over a list of my little turtle bugs move sets

-power split

-guard split

-power trick

-safe guard




-sleep talk




-stealth rock



-iron defence



-sticky web

-sunny day

No 4 moves lock here, and the amount of combos that I can pull off with what moves he has is ridiculous, with power trick and guard split alone he turns into a discount one punch man... or turtle…..yeah one punch turtle… but that doesn't really matter

I more enjoy setting the field and watching my opponent slowly fall into panic as the horror of losing to a shuckle sets in and they start desperately trying everything available to find a way out...but there is no way out...no one can escape from shuckle, he is inevitable…..and I can't wait to show these pretentious pricks that as it breaks their pride

Again, there are probably good nobles out there like pops but I haven't met them, well Kane and Leo are royalty so they're not nobles, and I know I'm a noble and all and shouldn't want to be one, but what can I do? The world forces me to be one or just make life so much harder, I don't want to be involved in all their bullshit but I have to, it's just the way the world works now.

So I'll start my little city near the coast and make a place for me and my people to live well without all the shit that comes with living under someone else's rules.

As I'm in my own little world, Logan my butler comes up to me and reports on the little mission I gave him this morning, with some amazing news.

Logan " my lord, we have found the gambling houses, and there are indeed bets on todays fights, and we found the odds on your battle today against Michael Blaine, they are paying 25 to 1 against you and your shuckle, with a maximum of 200 gold bet limit per person, and as instructed I have had every available body bet the maximum amount allotted on you and shuckle"


Wow!!, gold can not be this easy to make, those poor gambling houses, I'm about to clean them out, I know they're run by nobles from the shadows and it makes it all the better, oh this is going to be a wonderfull day.

I even told my guys they can keep a handful of the gold they earn, and to say they were stoked was an understatement, but over the years of indoctrination I've put importance on accepting all bribes from other people and reporting it anyways, so most of my people are quite wealthy, but also very loyal, they keep half the bribe money, the other half goes into a "money jar" to pay for shit at the end of the year party we normally have, it's just mostly drinking,smoking and fucking, with some music and dancing in between.

I've told my peeps that my goal isn't for them all to become stinking rich but to live comfortably without having to worry about what to eat next week or stress over rent, I've imparted the importance of spending money well, as well as a nest egg for rainy days. Pretty much everyone in little town is well off, the children eat well and can run around even at night without having to worry about being kidnapped or a random mon attack, and the parents and adults in general don't have to stress over life in general there.

That's how I want my city set up for my people, I don't care about the world at large as long as MY guys are good, and they live by a general rule that encompasses how they should live, words to live by

"don't be a cunt"

A simple phrase, but it says enough to portray my general morals to my little town residents.

As Logan finished explaining how much was placed in bets and we make our way the battle field where shuckle will be brutalising a chimchar, I know for a fact a majority of the nobles have bought off a lot of the staff here, so their "academy" pokemon aren't as young as they should be but it doesn't matter, I'm a living cheat.

We made our way to the field, and there is already a crowd gathering up, a pretty big one, and again a lot of sneers and ridicules coming my way, but it's water off a ducks back to me, the kid I'm battling is waiting on the opposite side of the field with his little fire monkey next to him and a little gang of nobles, why are they always in packs?

I see my red headed future fuck buddy in the stands, looking as cold as before, and we make eye contact, I sent her a wink, and she just looks away, not in a ridiculous anime embarrassed way with red cheeks like a child, but in a "you're commoner filth, so don't lay your eyes upon me" way... I cannot wait to get a taste of that…..

As the ref takes the side, I guess it's time for the usual banter, him calling me a commoner and telling me a shuckle is useless if I had to guess

Micheal Blaine " so you actually showed up huh…. Why do you have a snorlax teddy under your arm?, no that doesn't matter, You may have strong Pokémon, but in the academy, you can't use those hahaha, and what's even better is you chose a shuckle… the worst Pokémon there is… I can only assume your father helped you pick your other Pokémon, and being the stupid commoner you are, when you could finally choose your own you chose very poorly"

Cliche, but what ever, means nothing to me, shuckle is going to show these twits, there are no bad Pokémon, only bad trainers.

Gideon " first off, I feel like you pin heads never seem to learn, I'm a noble too, my mother was a commoner, which means nothing, but you window lickers seem to think it's insulting me?, doesn't matter, second, shuckle is going to shit on your uppity little fire monkey, but why don't we make a bet, make it more interesting…."

He seemed to hesitate a bit at my confidence in shuckle, especially after I've dumpstered everyone with no losses, but only before he realised it's a shuckle

Micheal " a bet is it... what sort of bet"

Gideon " if I win, i get as much time with your sister up in the stands there as I want…"

Again a little hesitant, as he looks at his sister, and she just raises and eyebrow while looking at me

Gideon " but if you win...… I heard your family raises mainly fire type Pokémon…..did you know the magmar line had a 3rd evolution ….. and I just happen to know how to evolve it…"

There were some gasps in the crowd, shocked expressions, and even some greed in the eyes of the spectators, nothing unusual, about the same as when Rhyperior was released, but o noticed the icey red head look at me with some shock, that's a good sign

Micheal seemed to look at his sister for advice, and she just looks at him and nods, and there is my in….

Micheal " deal...but you better uphold your end of the bargain when you lose"

Gideon " I'm nothing if not a paragon of virtue, I'll keep my...you just make sure to keep yours"

The last part I say while looking Cynthia right in the eye with a smirk…..a little scummy I know, but this isn't the modern world, and I'm not a perfect person

Gideon " just give me a second to have a pep talk with my little buddy before he steam rolls your chimp"

I call out shuckle, and he looks around with a bit of wonder, it's the first time he has seen so many people, until he sees me, or more importantly he sees the snorlax under my arm, and we a squee of delight he warbles over and gently pulls it down into a soft wrap and he closes his eyes and rubs his face against it….

I'm not proud of what I'm about to do…he's so young and susceptible to my little white lies, but it's the only way to get him to battle at the moment

Gideon " hey big man, I brought you out for a serious reason….."

He looks at me with those innocent eyes, uuuggghh, only a year and you won't have to battle again if you don't want to buddy I promise.

Gideon " see that guy over there with the fire chimp…..well we have to battle them, and you know what they told me before all this?"

He shakes his head…

Gideon " they told me that they HATE snorlax teddy bears, and they will destroy anyone they find"


Shuckle pulls in his bear protectively into his embrace and looks at the "enemies" with fear, that turns into anger on his little wormy face...god I hate doing this... and then he looks at me with determination, like 'I'll handle this' and he takes his place at the side of the field

Shuckle seems to get laughed at, which I kinda hate…..I'm kind attached to the guy, even if I have to trick him into fights, and him being laughed at grinds my gears, but the laughter won't last long…..just one year buddy and you can lay around all day with your bear all you want…..I guess I'll take my anger out on this guy

Gideon " I hope you came lubed up you little ginger cock breathed twink, because…..shuckle came to fuckle, and you're first in line"

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