
The fish cometh!!

I arrive at my fathers' office with the escort guard and in front are 2 guards, looking fairly professional which is neat, as we approach my escort walks forward and lets them know I'm here to see my father.

One guard ducks in and we hear some murmured talking, and as quickly as he left he came back with a "he will see you, young lord"

Gideon " cool beans, thanks for the help fellas"

I give a quick wave as I walk inside my fathers' office and see a black-haired man, with blue eyes, not a slender frame but skinny enough to get away with being called skinny, kind face and a fuck off big handle bad mustache, which even though it's in my memories, seeing in person is a whole other thing, I would call it tacky, but it seems to fit right on his face…..

He began with a fatherly smile

Victor " I'm so glad to see you have recovered Gideon, you don't know how worried I was when I heard! it's a good thing Richard and his shinx were there to save you"

What now? Did he just say saved me? He's not really that thick, is he? I know from my memories he seemed kinda simple, but I thought it was like a little game of him making me suffer because I killed his wife or something, even before I actually woke up, my memories are of me feeling guilty over mums death, maybe I got it wrong?

Gideon " hold up…. Saved me? who told you that bullshit?"

Victor " I do not appreciate such language young man, but it was Jennet who told me about your accident"

Gideon" accident... riiiiight... whatever, I think we are going to have to sit down for a talk tonight, well we're going to anyway because... well some things happened and now I'm here, but I don't have time for that right now, I need a Pokeball and to borrow azumarill for the afternoon"

Victor " well I don't know what happened, but we can all talk tonight at dinner… and what do you need a Pokeball for?"

Didn't even question his azumarill? Well, I suppose they are related.

Gideon" I've decided I'm going to catch a Pokémon on the beach to the east and I wanted azumarill to accompany me"

Victor " a Pokémon aye?, you're a bit young but it is better to start young," he suddenly stands up excited "OK!! I can come with you and we can catch it together!"

I can see he is after some father/son bonding time but, while this guy is my 'father' I'm not there just yet, I've been 'alive' for like an hour, not that I'm opposed to it, I know he is my father and I don't feel weird about it, well kinda but I'm sure it will pass, but sorry pops gotta run solo on this one, I can feel it.

Gideon" sorry no can do big man, gotta fly solo on this one, I would go alone but you never know what could happen out there, she is just in case shit goes south"

Victor " again language your young man…. *sigh*very well…. Sometimes a man just has to go his own way, I can appreciate that, I will allow it but I want you back long before dark, am I clear?...and why are you speaking so strangely?"

Gideon " ehhhh…..thought I would try something new….was kind of sick of the old me you know?…"

He just nods confusedly…..reached into his desk and pulls out 2 shrunken pokeballs, one looks a little worn, and the other basically new… I don't actually need this basic bitch Pokeball I plan on using one of my 3 weekly items on a luxury ball made to look like a normal Pokeball, which for some reason I know I can do…

From my knowledge packet, I know like the comfiest Pokeball in existence, so my crew will be rolling in the best of the best, wouldn't have it any other way.

Gideon " got it, I should be back before dark....shouldn't be too hard should only be an hour and some change if I give it some effort…."

I got a feeling my fish will be there when I get there, don't know why I just do.

Gideon" alright peace out, I'll be back before you know it, and before they say anything, they started it"

Before I give him a chance to respond I rush out the door, out the castle, and run along the east road to the sea, but the word road is a bit of a stretch, more like a dirt trail, but that's not important, as I pick up speed I start thinking about this morning…

According to my memory, the tweedles really fucked me up yesterday, how I'm out of bed who knows, but I feel no pain, and even my broken rib seems fine, guess that aura juice really works wonders aye...

It was a longish journey, over an hour at a nearly full-tilt sprint, thank god for that aura juice, id maybe be able to sprint for 2 minutes before being out of commission for the day before I reincarnated….... as I reach the beach….. it was beautiful, pristine white sand, calm waves of nearly clear blue water lapping against the shores, no pollution, this would be an amazing place to lay out a towel, umbrella and smoke and fat blunt…

Of course, I'm not going to smoke till I'm at least 14…. That's if I find the stuff before then, Freddie and Morgan did say it wasn't too far, and im kinda inclined to believe them, so….

As I'm having an inner monologue I spot something on the horizon and the tug I'm feeling is getting real strong…. I can only imagine that's my fish!!, it seems to be pushing something, with my aura enhanced peepers I can see like with binoculars if I want too, he's pushing some sort of chest….. wow I hope that's what I think it is.

But then I notice, a big fin behind my fish and my fish looks like he's hauling ass, and as I gets closer look I finally see it, a fucking sharpedo hot on his heals!! Without thinking much I fumble around with the worn pokeball, I know how it operates, I throw the ball as far as I can into the water and shout "AZUMARILL SAVE THAT MAGIKARP FROM THAT SHARPEDO!!"

Suddenly in a flash of light a blubbery blue ball bursts into the water with some hectic speed and rushes straight at the sharpedo with what I can only imagine is a aqua jet, hit it head on and sends it flying, skipping along the water.

And safely escorts the magikarp to the shore, where it pushes the chest onto the shore and stares directly at me….

While i stare back, I can't help it but let out a chuckle and say

Gideon " Found ya buddy...I've been looking for you since I was born….."

I had a big cheesy grin on my face….

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