
Tense atmosphere

I, and the other Roulette guys have been sitting thirty minutes ago on the second floor of the Chum bucket, waiting for the leader and his minions, from the four gangs that Bang Revan--the owner of the chum bucket asked to come.

"They think we're not busy people what the hell? A few minutes late okay, Now this? Half an hour! Crazy." Bambang grumbled.

"Patience, Ms. Bang, the rubber clock for Indo people is normal!" said Paimin.

We immediately turned our heads when we heard a loud noise coming from the stairs. And, sure enough. Three men appeared from behind the door.

The three of them wore the same black string bracelet, there were very small initials on the bracelet. Too bad it's not legible, too small.

"Oh, so you guys asked us to come? Roulette?" said one of them. The tall, handsome, and brown hair. It's not like paint. The chocolate is like Caucasian Caucasians. Maybe he's a half--Gabriel.

Up to you.

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