
Chapter 02: Building an Empire.

Yuki POV:

The Yaorozu business was based in Tokyo and I decided to expand, while the Headquarters remain in Tokyo, the branches will be all over Japan. The real-estate company was renamed to be PARADISE, and all the surplus earned from the security and manufacturing company were invested into the PARADISE.

I charted out all of the prime spots available on the Tokyo mainland and beyond, specifically in the Kyushu, Chiba, Mustafu and Kyoto. The start was made from making renovations for business owners and then it advanced to making flats and apartment complexes.

The biggest project launched till date and an investment that devoured a total over 131 billion dollars USD. The complexes were named KINGDOM, and it went with adding where it was, like KINGDOM TOKYO.

I started with Tokyo and let me tell a bit on how I did it and explain the fact that it was purely profitable business, I simply bought out land on the outskirts of the Tokyo mainland and loaded it with everything a man might need and more.

From 24/7 shopping malls and med stores to movie theatres and amusement parks to playgrounds and kinder gardens and grade schools. The government was very much agreeable to make a new rail station near the KINGDOM on the tracks passing by.

Making roads was not tough as I took the tenders from the govt. and made them myself. The architecture and facilities were all world class and the apartments were ranked on stars, from one to five stars the ratings would determine the quality and cost of the apartments. The ones in better locations were rated higher and the ones made for the commoners to afford were rated a bit lower.

The KINGDOM was a city on its own and it was a perfect success, the media did the advertisement and the word passed on, the apartments were sold like hotcakes. The most attractive deals were that the people would be insured by THE GUARD, any damage done because of our lack of security would compensated by us including the property damages on the buyer's part.

The KINGDOM was like a secure fortress, impenetrable and strictly regulated. Being privately owned property gave many advantages on that part, even if you were the Prime Minister, if I don't permit, he won't place a single step on my land.

The KINDOM TOKYO took me 3 years to build and complete and by then I was already a conglomerate on my own. The loans I had taken were already repaid and I started making money, minting money would be a better phrase. I was the country's new God of Wealth by the time I was 13 and now with another year passing, I was a brand in myself.

The most important part was that I had already started my own healthcare and fashion services, the start was made in the KINGDOM and then I branched it out as it gained popularity; believe me when I say the fashion market is one of the most profitable businesses.

An honest statement, branded business is a profitable business. Slowly as time passed, the popularity increases and the margin curve rises, then the only job that remains is to keep competition at bay. As the amount of business outlets increased, the security company got more light to shine in.

The people started having faith and employing THE GUARD, this brought down the crime rate down by its ear.

This brought about another change in the current society. The Government seeing the benefits of an organization of quirk holders trained to fight and defend crime in a disciplined format, brought back the special forces.

The Hero Agency was not at all pleased to see them losing their limelight and the poaching of their operatives which not only left to join THE GUARD, whatever was left was slowly running away to join the Govt. Special Forces.

I guess some of you folks have already found something amiss. Yes, no matter which organization, it must have somethings that must be kept hidden, and the Hero Agency did too, and a lot. These guys at the management were the worst few folks according to me. They were criminals, or better said villains that they swore to protect the people from, murder, assassinations, deliberate planning of crimes to make a staged show of rescue, the list was long.

I did what any good citizen is expected to, I simply handed it off in two copies, one to the Media station and another to the Police Station. This time around I saw how handy the media can be while influencing the people and their mindsets, it was high time that I decided to have a piece of the pie known as the media industry.

I started buying stakes at the bigger and more influential news agencies through my investment companies and gave them a make over to be better trained and equipped. Then came the current plot; yes, I am standing on a man-made island, the home of technology and the hub of researchers. I am standing on I-ISLAND, with a meeting scheduled with the leading professor and the father of I-ISLAND, Mr. Shields, the researcher who is famed for working with All Might in his younger days, when All Might was working as a hero in America.

POV ends.

A luxurious private jet made a landing in the I-ISLAND airport, the door opened and two men in tactical gear came out and secured the perimeter and then came another two, scanning the area out through the scoped attached to their rifles.

These rifles were specially made and the selling point of THE GUARD, they shot bullets that would not kill the people shot, they would just give a nasty shock. These bullets were specially made and were made accordingly in many different charges, from a low restraining shot to the direct incapitation shot, then came the ones made for the eccentric quirk holders, the special shots were enough to knock an adult elephant out cold in less than a second.

Then came the govt. asking for the blueprints, they were out right refused but a final deal was made that the sale and maintenance of the arms and gear will solely belong to THANANTOS only, and the Special Forces became the biggest client, followed by the Police Force, but they were only sold handguns which held charges that were safe to carry around, ones that were only capable of restraining people with mild charges.

After the guards had confirmed that the area was safe, the signaled each other to confirm and an operative sent the confirmation back to the plane through his earpiece. The next moment a figure appeared, a boy in his teens, with bluish silver hair and beautiful blue eyes. The young man walked down the stairs and was escorted out of the runway by his guards.

The teenager was Yuki, that much was obvious, but what was he doing here in I-ISLAND, that was a boring question that anybody with information could understand. Yuki was here to sign a deal with David Shields to purchase the ownership of the I-ISLAND and fund the ventures the scientists were researching on.

What would he gain out of this? You might ask, and the answer would be the future lies in science and technology, being the owner of the leading company that manufactures support gear and tactical accessories, he had to get his hands on the prodigious researchers who would be making the next level stuff for him and his company.

Yuki walked in to the airport reception which was rather empty since the place was not open to the general public as of yet. A group of middle-aged men and women stood there in lab-attire, smiling generously to welcome their would-be patron and moneybag.

Leading them was a blond man, the chief researcher and the founder of the I-Island, David Shields. He extended his hand for Yuki to shake and exchanged some pleasantries.

"I hope the flight was comfortable Mr. Yaorozu, welcome to the hub of science and technology, welcome to I-ISLAND." David smiled, proud to show his life's work.

"It was a pleasant journey Mr. Shields, but I prefer the term 'SIR' to be used when we are at the workplace. Other names would work when we are in a private setting, is that acceptable?" Yuki smiled as he spoke in a no-nonsense manner that McGonagall would have been proud of.

"It is fine that way Boss!" The scientists bowed at the same time.

"Mr. Shields, please ask the managing faculty to meet me in a conference room by the next hour. There are a few things that have drawn my attention in the files that were sent over. Is that fine with you?" Yuki asked looking the man right in the eye.

"Yes, sir. The committee is already waiting for you to have a word with them." David answered.

"Good, I like things being organized properly. Now, lead the way Mr. Shields." Yuki said and gestured David to lead the way.

The scientists that were left behind heaved a collective sigh and wiped their brows.

"What a terrifying boy, sharp and cold like a blade, the reputation is not a bit undeserved." A man sighed.

"This really is a different breed, what 14-year-old could command such an aura, let alone manage to be called the new God of wealth." Chimed in another.

"Yeah, the boy is really intense, not a wasted word, yet not a shred of arrogance and vanity. It was like standing in the presence of a King, really intense." The third guy said and the rest nodded.

Guess who's BACK?

Back AGAIN..

I am BACK !!!




Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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