
New Direction

[2000 Exp]

“Huh? Where’d that extra exp come from?” Jay had a confused smile as he stepped out of the dungeon.

“Oh yeah, the helminth… I guess exp doesn’t transfer through two dungeons?” he shrugged, glad the parasitic worm was still at work in the other dungeon; he made a mental note to visit it tomorrow and collect some new blue bones.

“I guess Anya went home.” Jay looked around the exit area, looking for her. It seemed that the other adventurers did too.

“Well, I’ll see her tomorrow.” he shrugged, not forgetting about the rings she still has for him.

While walking home, Jay began thinking about the last fight, analysing it.

“Hmm… things would’ve been bad if I couldn’t keep summoning skeletons… if I run out of mana it seems that I am as good as dead - even if I do have high strength, it wouldn’t really matter…” Jay was beginning to rethink everything once more as he was shaking his head.

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