

Name: Adi

Age: 20 Years

Duty: 1050/1000

Day: 33/181 before the disaster

Equipment: Living space of 250M²

Prizes: 1 Billiton

* Farming Skills (Intermediate)

* Carpentry Skills (Intermediate)


Only a day later when information about advertisements posted in 3 provinces spread, instantly the trust value of people who had seen the material increased, even though it seemed very small, it still had an impact on Adi, who has already crossed the 1000 mark.

Where then the figure of 1000 people, is a good sign for Adi who has tried to increase the number of people who believe because even though 1000 people are still very small when compared to the number of millions of people, of the 1000 people, of course, have family friends and also the circle itself.

So that in the end then, when these people believe then of course in this case they will influence the people around them, and from there then the great potential for Adi where these prospective people will become, those who believe then, only with a few more pushes for them then to be able to trust completely, and that's where Adi will then reap the rewards.

So actually Adi's purpose of advertising is, not to make people believe directly with the information being disseminated, but Adi considers it more important that the advertisement given, will indirectly be stored in the memory of those who have seen it.

And when there is an outside factor that triggers the information from the advert, stop by then those who still doubt will start to believe it and from there, wave after wave of people who will believe it will increase. And of course, this is something very good for adi.

So it can be said that Adi is currently waiting for his harvest because he also feels that things will get worse and of course in this case the weather is the easiest thing to predict, from the available data it can be seen throughout this year that even though Indonesia is located in the equator and has 2 seasons.

But for some unreasonable reason, or one could say outside the supposed natural phenomena, Adi could faintly see that the temperature from the equator was increasing, and the humidity in the air was also increasing, not to mention later as the day drew closer. disaster happened.

Adi feels that the weather will get colder and even the possibility that parts of Indonesia, especially areas with beaches and lowlands, may experience snowfall which is very unlikely to happen, except in a small part of Papua, especially the mountains of the peak of Wijaya.

Which is the only snowy area in Indonesia, so it can be said that you have a good strategy in planting fruit and also harvesting it, it's just that it depends again on the abnormal situation that exists.

And for some reason the heart feels that it expects something bad to happen, this is the opposite where it also expects everything to be fine, but when things get worse then it will be happy that things really happened and the effort certainly paid off.

Not to mention the wave of gifts that he will receive from the existing system, but along with that Adi also realizes that this is a bad sign that can be said that normal human life will soon be replaced with everything that will not be known.

But what is clear and certain is that this great disaster, will abandon the entire world and also change the current state of affairs, even for some reason Adi thinks that the current human structure might change greatly, if the dream clues experienced are true. happened.

So then his anticipation in this case is very much needed, to make the survival of both himself and also the people he loves and also humans, in general, can survive.

"Congratulations Adi you have crossed the thousand mark" the angel's voice echoed when Adi entered his room

"Haaa... already 1000 is amazing... even though I already predicted it, but when I heard it in person, it was different" Adi replied happily

"Ok, above is the gift you received" Angel replied back

"Ohhhhh.....there is an additional 1 billion reward, there are two skills, and also there is an additional land area....this is all a good thing," said Adi happily

"Please explain angel, about some of these gifts," Adi asked for further explanation from the angel

"Well, for an additional 50 M space, it is an extra gift that you receive when you pass 1000, the next prize in the form of additional space you will get at 10,000. While the prize money is a bonus 10 times more than normal

For intermediate farming skills, it is the Farming ability possessed by those who have been farming for 5-10 years, and so are the Carpentry skills that you also receive, ranging from the experience of an expert craftsman for 5-10 years, to advanced or high is in the experience range of 10-20 years" angel explained

"Is this ability only directly absorbed by my brain, or is there some other special procedure?" Adi asks again

"Just click on your status column, which contains the ability and immediately you can receive it" Angel replied back

"It's good that it helps," Adi said happily

And then Adi continued the harvesting process and also planted what was in the room, it's been more than a month since Adi planted inside, he has harvested vegetables several times while for hand plants such as rice and wheat, he can only harvest 1 to 2 times.

But even so, he can be said to be very lucky because basically, if it is calculated through normal time outside space then it is very impossible to do, not to mention the natural factors, human factors, and also pest factors, which always affect farmers to get results. the maximum

Here in Adi's room, there is no need to worry about all these things, not to mention about the yield of his harvest, it can be guaranteed that he will never be able to experience crop failure, and the yield from his harvest is also several times higher than the results outside, As for the notation and value nutrients contained in the plants grown.

Adi must say that he should be more grateful because after he tested the plants grown indoors, by giving them to a friend who has a major in botany as well as agriculture, he discovered that they almost tripled the filtration and nutritional value of the plants. the.

This of course made his friend feel very happy and also curious, where did he get the seeds from, And Adi, of course, could not answer honestly can only say that he bought the vegetables from an old man merchant, and saw that he brought merchandise from the old man it was very fresh, especially when Adi tried the taste, he was finally amazed by the different taste than the vegetables.

So in this case he tries to ask his friend about the existing values, and on the other hand when his friend hears Adi's answer and hears his story then he feels disappointed.

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