
Chapter 12

Not Possessed Diary Entry #1

September 14th, the day of the Triwizard Champion Drawing Thing

It's not easy for me to start this, but I just have to put my thoughts down or my head is going to fucking explode. 'What's wrong Ginny?' you ask? I ask? Whatever. I'll answer anyway. It's my stupid ass brother and his friends. More them than him, and just Harry and Hermione specifically. What I saw him doing at the end of Summer- what me and Hermione did…

Merlin, I'm blushing just writing this!

You'd think after wanking together and kissing that, well, something would have changed between Hermione and I, but other than catching her staring at me sometimes, nothing. No, 'Hey Ginny, want to talk about that earth shattering day a month ago? You remember the one, right? We fingered ourselves and kissed while watching our fourteen year old friend pound a full grown woman into the ground with his penis?!'

'Why yes Hermione, yes I would like to speak with you about that!'

Honestly, if it wasn't for those times I caught her blushing my way, I would have probably written the whole thing off as a crazy hallucination.

And now I'm writing into a diary about hallucinations. Great.

Anyway, the real reason I'm writing this is simple: I have decided to put my stealthy skills to the test. There is a rumor floating around, one whose validity I am certain of, that Harry Potter has begun sleeping around and having, gasp! sex!

I am unsurprised by this news.

I plan to document his activities.

'But Ginny!' you say, 'that's so wrong! Not only would you be violating your friend's privacy, you like like him too!'

To which I would reply, 'Shut the hell up, you crazy second voice in my head.'

Luckily there isn't really anybody else in my noggin, but the point stands. I don't care if it's wrong, or if it hurts. I got to watch Harry Potter have sex, and I want to do it again.

Okay fine. Is invading a friend's privacy wrong? Sure. And is voyeurism kind of messed up by definition? Maybe! Will this be the single most selfish thing I've ever considered doing?

I don't care. I'm about to stop writing so that I can rub my clit, I'm so fucking horny just thinking about it. I'm going to watch Harry seed these sluts all around me, and I'm going to record every detail, and I'm going to cum sofucking hard while I do. And once I've compiled a book full of his conquests, I'm going to confront his slutty ass with it, and make him fuck me.

Then I'm going to do the same with Hermione. I'd love to see her pretend nothing happened with a book full of proof in her face and my cunt on her lips.

Merlin, look at what I just wrote. If anybody found this…

I really shouldn't keep a diary.

Totally Safe to Write in Diary Entry #2

September 15th, 1994

Oh. My. Magic.

I really did it. Literally the day after my first entry I was following Harry (sneakily, from a distance) when he just grabbed Susan Bones in the middle of a deserted hallway (it was early) and dragged her in a broom closet. She'd giggled, so I assume the Hufflepuff whore and Harry had planned their little rendezvous, but honestly! They weren't even sneaky about it! I'd been too stunned to move from my spot hidden behind a suit of armor, but even from halfway down the hallway I'd heard her vagina's wet suction as they'd fucked, moaning and banging about without a care in the world.

My heart had been beating so fast.

I ran away before they came out, embarrassed and ashamed and scared and so fucking horny that I'd barely made it to the preliminary matches in time, having stopped to rub myself off in a bathroom on the way.

This little book is technically my diary as well, so I think it's fine to write about how burned I was when Ron tricked me in the tourney. I knew he was good, but I had no idea those three were already so powerful.

Watching Harry pinch butts and feel Luna (Luna! Of all people!) up all afternoon had been both sexually and emotionally frustrating, but I hadn't blown my cover. One shag with Susan isn't going to be enough to force him and Hermione to acknowledge me, so I'm containing myself, even if it's annoying to have them act like there's some secret they're masterfully hiding. Hello Harry! Half the school had heard! It's not news to me that you're a fucking man slut.

I'm horny again.

On an unrelated note, Hermione looked good enough to eat today, so powerful and cool while she dueled.

Got to go. Me and some shea butter mom got me have a date.

Leather Bound Blackmail Entry #3

September 16th, Rainy as Shit

Nothing much to report back today. Everybody just spent their free time lazing about inside.

Harry spent almost the entire day trading flirty compliments for embarrassed barbs with the French veela Gabrielle, who I hate and who also has a wonderful bottom. Something about the way he looks at her feels different, but I'm almost positive they haven't done the deed yet. Maybe he's trying to wear her down, but my gut tell me that that's not it.

I snuck a grope in on Hermione's breast today as well. You hear that, the Hermione of a few weeks (months?) from now?! I squeezed your tit on purpose on that rainy Friday! Take that!

On yet another unrelated note, I seem to be spiraling further down a bottomless pit of debauchery on a daily basis that fuels my every action and waking thought.

Also, Fleur and Harry seem to have had some tiff, but they're getting over it.

Clever Name for this Diary Entry #4

September 17th, a Stalking Filled Saturday

Today Diary, I confess. It so happened that I was following Harry, randy like one of those whores mommy would shake her head at as we passed Knockturn, when in a sudden moment of clarity I stopped and asked myself, 'What the hell are you doing, Ginevra? What kind of improper witch have you become, that you stalk your classmates like a weirdo, hoping to catch a glimpse of them doing the nasty?'

To tell you the truth, Diary, I even contemplated your murder for a while.

Needless to say, the moment of insanity passed, and I resumed my hunt.

If that was my, 'one last chance to turn back,' that I'd been waiting for, I've got to say, it wasn't very dramatic or even all that tempting.

Anyway, getting back on track, I resumed my hunt, like I said (I like using that word!) and continued to shadow Harry Potter from a distance. He seemed to be wandering aimlessly for a while, but eventually, bingo! (another good word) He came to a stop.

Some older, dark skinned girl, wearing Slytherin colors, if you can believe it, was waiting for him just outside an abandoned classroom.

They talked for a little, surprisingly playful as they flirted back and forth, the girl showing off what must have been a note Harry had passed her at some point.

Long story short, they wound up heading into the classroom.

It feels weird even writing their names here, but thank you, Fred and George. Because of your shenanigans I knew of a secret passage that led to that particular room. I had to backtrack a bit to reach it, but getting to spy on Harry while he went to work was quickly becoming my obsession.

The tunnel was cramped and I had to crawl on my hands and knees through it, but the peephole it led to was perfect and so fucking worth it.

Harry, when you read this, I want you to know just how absolutely fucking soaked my little cunny was as I watched you jackhammer that green and silver slut into the professor's desk. I've been working more and more of my fingers into my pussy ever since I first saw you rape that woman, trying to get loose enough to not break when I finally get my turn. I know I'm small, but I can take it.

Oh! And Hermione, just like before, he came right in her- and you should have seen the way she bucked into him as he did! It was amazing. I must have came three or four times by the time lunch rolled around and they were finished.

Harry kissed her on the lips and slapped her bum playfully as he left the room, whistling like nothing had happened.

I watched the seventh year girl just kind or roll around and bask in the afterglow like a cat. I felt jealous and hateful and rubbed my cunt again as I watcher her pussy leak Harry's milk.

When we fuck, Harry, I'm going to let you breed me right, and put a big plug up my cunt when you're done so none of your cum gets wasted.

When she finally left I went in and licked your sperm up off the floor. I was dumb about it, though, and some of it smeared on the front of my robe. That's what that spot was you asked about, Hermione. Not snot from that non-existent cold I'm going to pretend to have for the next few days.

I can't take it anymore. This is the artist formerly known as Ginny, signing off.

P.S., I'm about to masturbate imagining it was you and Hermione in that classroom, Harry.

P.P.S. You better have used a contraceptive. If you're a father by the time you read this it's going to be weird.

P.P.P.S. One more thing- Note to self, find out that girl's name. She was fucking beautiful.

Bye for now.

Exhibit 'A' in the Case of Ginevra Weasley VS Harry Potter for the Crime of Being a Horrible Friend and Shameless Slut, uh, Entry #5

September 18th, a day before Hermione's B-Day!

If the title didn't give it away, I've been feeling a little down lately. I blame my period (sorry Harry, I know guys don't like to think about that). Honestly, any of the shame or regret I use to feel is gone. A first year caught me fingering myself under the table in the back of the library today and I didn't really care other than to make sure she doesn't tell. I'd been listening to Lavender Brown brag about how hard she'd made you cum inside her on the train ride in. I wish I could have watched.

I'm falling behind on my homework already, but its hard to sit still and work on it. I just keep thinking, 'What if he's out there, fucking somebody I know, right now?'

I'd hate to miss that. I really want to see you with one of my friends, or somebody I speak with, Harry. If you read this and don't hate me, and I forget to bring it up, please let me know if you plan on fucking Luna.

On a not Harry-and-his-sexual-adventures note, tomorrow is (was?) your birthday Hermione! Happy birthday again! I love you! I'll try to tell you eventually, but I'm all over the place right now 🙂 I love you too, Harry!

I should probably scribble that out.


Big Book of BadGirl, Entry #6

19/9/94, AKA My-girl-crush-is-two-years-older-than-me-day!

So, I think a recap of the good and bad things that happened today is in order, because I can't fall asleep and I'm not sure how to feel about today.

I'll alternate good-bad-good-bad and let you (Harry or Hermione or both of you) decide if today was a win or not.

Here we go.

Good- I woke up feeling great! Loophole worked (Harry ask Hermione) and my period ended some time during the night. I love potions.

Bad- My breath. I caught a backdraft and almost died. Still, an easy fix.

Good- I received a letter from Mum during breakfast. It was very nice, in her signature overbearing way, and had the necklace I'd asked her to get for Hermione on my behalf (with my money Hermione! I knew it would look great on you!).

Bad- I am still behind on my homework and am going to have to slap something together in classes tomorrow. I spied and wanked the entire weekend away.

Good- I got to spy on Harry and had a good wank. Seriously though, the things he does to those poor girls Hermione… I'll never look at whipped cream or that Durmstrang witch the same again!

Bad- I've been finger fucking myself so much lately that I had to ask for a mild pain relief potion. Madam Pomfrey thinks it's for a headache, but my clit is just sore.

Good- Hermione looked absolutely gorgeous at her party! You really did, and you seemed to have a good time too. The way you talked to everybody and opened your presents so carefully- you're so cool!

Bad/Good- Hermione hugged me very closely when she opened my present to her and saw the necklace (the one with two little hearts, Harry). I list it as both because I loved it but it was obvious I loved it and I hate how obvious my blushes are! Harry grinned very knowingly too, whether that's significant or not I couldn't begin to guess.

Regular Good- Pretty much the entire rest of the night. It's Sunday so there's the looming doom of school tomorrow, but that didn't stop our little gaggle of friends (not my yearmate friends but the trio and the two veela and Luna) from hanging out in the Gryffindor common room, sipping hot chocolate and swapping stories.

Actually, one more bad- Harry once again found himself a spot next to Gabrielle, now that I look back. I don't think they spoke to one another exclusively even once, but just that he had this tendency to glue himself to the drop dead gorgeous girl irked me.

Note- I caught a flash of under-cheek when Gabby bent over to pick something up at your party today, Hermione. I am still faithfully yours and Harry's and stuff, but holy shit. I would tear that bitch up.

Double Note- There seems to be no end to my newly discovered hornyness within sight.

If mum was like this, it's no wonder I've got six brothers.


In retrospect, all in all, I suppose it was quite a good day 🙂

Focusing Back Up, Entries #7, 8, and 9

September 20th thru the 22

I'm finally writing this on Wednesday night. I've been so busy since Hermione's party that there hasn't been a lot of time to write. That homework I kept putting off… Well, the quizzes I got back in DADA (Professor Moody looks like beef jerky but is actually pretty knowledgeable) and Charms were good!

Anyway, in more important news, I failed to catch Harry in the act yesterday and the day before, just too fucking swamped with stuff, buuut! Earlier today I was hunting him (haha) and, drum roll please, got a front row seat to his sexy cock splitting open a virgin! And not a, 'fists herself nightly in her bed but hasn't technically had intercourse' virgin like me, but a honest to magic, hymen-intact virgin! Harry, in what I'm starting to see is like his superpower or something, seemed to know ex-fucking-zactly what to do and guided the super cute Slytherin girl from start to finish.

It was so sweet Hermione. He was all kissing her tears of pain away and waiting for her to give him permission to move and stuff! Just like in books. And all that from a guy I'll never forget yelling, 'That's it, you dirty bitch, gag on it.'

Heh, I'll put that on the cover as the tagline!

But seriously, he was extremely gentle with her, and it almost made me regret the abuse I've been putting my little cunny through in preparation for him. Still, I'd rather limp away with a black and blue pussy, painfully full of his cum and obviously freshly bred than get his 'pretty pretty princess' treatment, adorable though it had been.

Also, as a note (I fucking love making notes, by the way. Voldemort, the cunt, ruined two solid years of awesome journaling I could have been doing. I think there's a career for me here.) Uh, yeah, as a note, Harry really likes fucking the girls from Slytherin, I've noticed. Whether it's just that he loves fucking and has by chance been targeting Slytherins, or if he finds them more alluring, or whatever, I just figured I'd point it out.

The only other crap I can think that's worth mentioning here is that the First Task (not sure if I should capitalize that or not) is this weekend. I want to write something about how scared I am that Harry (and Fleur I guess) could get hurt, but they're both pretty awesome and I have confidence in them.

If Harry dies in the First Task, Hermione, I grant you permission to slap me for jinxing the death of the boy-who-lived-to-fuck.

I'm not sure if that hyphenated mess should be capitalized either, but I decided since I capitalized the last thing I wasn't sure about that I shouldn't capitalize this time to even it out.

Wow. Maybe I should see about brushing up on my English…

Intrepid sex reporter, Ginny Weasley, signing off.

Diabolical Plan to Fuck my Friends Daily Update, Entry #10

The twenty-third day of the ninth month of the one-thousand, nine-hundred, and ninety-fourth year (9/23/94)

I am in a good mood. 'Why?' you ask? Oh, dearest Hermione, lean that smokin' body back, relax, and I will tell you!

I am in such a good fucking mood. I already wrote that, you say? Keep those sexy lips zipped. I'm reiterating for emphasis. (I did decide to pick up a book of tips on writing) The thing that has me so happy is this: I have devised the most fucking devious of all devious plans ever devised in the history of devious plan devising!

I may have taken the tips I read in the book too seriously.

Either way, since all this will have happened by the time you read this, Harry, I'll go ahead and speak plainly.

Remember that weirdo, from X number of days/weeks/months back? The one who told you that you'd be facing dragons in the First Task, but only after she sucked your balls dry and made you tongue-fuck her little pussy, all while blindfolded?! Muhuhahaha mother fucker, it was I!

Um, hopefully. This entire entry is all counting on the fact that you don't hear me speak and instantly ask, 'Ginny!?' My voice altering charm isn't quite perfect yet, you see.

Anyway, the way it'll work (or hopefully, already has worked) is this: I heard from mum who heard from dad who was told in a letter from Bill that Charley would be coming to Hogwarts soon, and to keep an eye out for him around the 25th, which, dun-du-du-duuun! Is the date of the First Task!

Note- my previous capitalization of 'First Task' was correct. I should have capitalized the cute name I gave you too, though. That counts as a proper noun.

Anyway, as I'm sure you already know, Charley is my badass big brother who works on a dragon preserve in Romania.

And isn't that just the coolest shit ever?

Anyway, that's how I obtained my bait, which I plan on using to lure you in tonight (I'm writing this at 3:30 in the PM). It's a win-win, since you shouldn't have to go up against a dragon without knowing about it, and, well, I get to suck your fat cock and get my pussy eaten out.

'But Ginny!' you (Hermione) interject, 'if you're such a filthy slut, one whom I desperately want to have hot girl-sex with, then why don't you extort a night of steamy, passionate banging from Harry! I totally don't mind and will happily share you with that hunk of a man and bear both of your babies!'

Well, thank you, Hermione, that's very kind of you, but the truth is, I want to look into Harry's eyes when he seeds me for the first time. Getting eaten out will hopefully be awesome (all the girls he does it to seem to love it) and then, a little further down the road, I can use this fucking literary masterpiece to make Harry AND you fuck me, thus, reaching nirvana.

If I seem a little off it's because I'm nervous as hell.

Still, extorting blindfolded almost-sex from your world-famous friend as a thirteen year old nymphomaniac is almost exactly the same as removing a muggle band aid, which Ron tells me is supposedly best done quickly, and without much thought spared on the potential consequences.

I don't even know what the fuck I just wrote.

Time to go suck my first dick. Here's to hoping the tips on the hidden page of Witch Weekly pay off!

Punch-Buggy, Five-Ten Gin-Out.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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