
CHAPTER 61: Leviathan.

Sirin had left to go to the north and let Fyseryra to guard the fortress. She didn't complain, in fact she seemed les responsive than before their little talk. Yet she always kept her eye on the pale demon whenever she could.

At the moment Sirin had been flying over the no one's land for several days now. He couldn't imagine what kind of trouble he would have had to go though if he had to walk all that way.

Even if he didn't need to, he decided to stop by a small village that just so happened to be on his path.

Once he landed and came closer, he was flooded with the warm smells from the diches the people were preparing in their homes.

Even if it was already starting to get dark and it was unlikely that any humans would still come out, Sirin turned into a shade demon and slid through the shadows.

He still felt that it was odd that there were so many vile spirits that there were entire temples designated to train people to purify them and grand them rest. He hadn't seen any of these lose spirits in other worlds and the people here didn't seem to have it that bad that they would die with so much hatred and regret.

As he made his way through the small village, he could only hear the upbeat chatting of humans or the soft snoring of those who had gone to bed early. There was no stench of blood nor was there any sign of dangerous beasts walking around. And still this village was nearing the edge of the continent, completely surrounded by mountains, and almost shut off from the luxuries more inward.

Eventually Sirin got bored from the endless chatter and changed back to fly off.

From the corner of his eyes, he could still make out a small child that wandered onto the streets to pick up a small wooden toy that it had forgotten outside.

The child looked up pat the flying demon and the quickly rushed inside.

Sirin however, already had his attention elsewhere.

As he flew away, he saw how dark clouds were looming on the horizon. For a moment he considered to halt his travels for a while as it was clear that a storm was approaching.

Yet he eventually came to the realisation that there was hardly a chance of escaping this storm so he might as well continue forward.

After flying for roughly half an hour the shore come in sight and with it the storm arrived.

He hardly cared for the weather. If he could get the crystal from the so called 'leviathan', he would be done here, and he could start his journey back to the fortress.

He figured that the waves would maybe even anger this creature which would make it easier to find.

Without second thought he took a deep breath and let himself drop into the water. Here he closed his eyes and begun to search for the souls of any nearby creatures.

The sea was absolutely swimming with many kinds of fish. Which should be what would allow such a large creature to sustain itself.

Eventually Sirin found what he assumed to be this sea monster on the bottom of the sea. Compared to the small star lights of regular souls this thing was almost a wildfire. Yet the light was a lot dimmer than that of the smaller fish.

He swum up for breath and then headed towards the creature, using his wings to swim.

However, he was surprised to find a large underwater cave. As he entered, he found that it had a large pocket of air and a stone plateau above the water to accompany it.

He crawled out of the water and looked over the large open space.

Somewhere tucked away in a corner laid the leviathan. Its frail body leaning against the wall of the cave as its dark, empty eyes stared into nothing ness.

It was alive, breathing in fact.

Sirin carefully approached the creature. It was already clear from the vibe that it gave off that it was claimed by a demon.

It looked miserable, its fins were torn, and large scars covered its scaled body. Furthermore, it hadn't eaten in a verry long time. And chances were high that it was by choice.

The young demon shivered as he looked at its 'face' it was disgustingly human-like. As if someone had taken a human face and had tried to turn that into a fish but had stopped halfway.

When Sirin saw its chest he noticed how the crystal, in stead of being fused to the body as with the two demons he encountered, was burned, and melted to the flesh.

Carefully he took a knife from his pocket dimension and placed his hand on the crystal.

The creature moaned in pain, but it appeared too weak to actually stop Sirin.

The demon took a deep breath and placed his knife just beneath the crystal. With one fluent motion he cut it off.

The leviathan wined and crawled up.

Sirin took the crystal and placed it in his pocket dimension. He needed to leave as soon as possible now, if a demon was strong enough to claim this large of a creature, then he wouldn't want to encounter it.

But when he turned around, he stopped in his tracks. The leviathan was… singing?

It wasn't much more than just a few pained cries following a rhythm. But it clearly was some sort of singing.

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