
To The City

Cecilia bellowed as she threw a series of strikes at me. I countered each strike then kicked her away. She performed a back handspring to recover on her feet then dashed toward me. She dodged my strike then grabbed my arm then spun herself around my body then put me in a submission hold. I grunted and she began to apply pressure.

"I... finally got you..." Cecilia panted and smiled.

I chuckled then flipped her over my body and got her on the ground. I placed my hand beside her head. "Yeah..?~ You must forgot that I can counter anything with my Atren Stance..~"

Cecilia blushed and kicked me away from her then stood up. She ran toward me and went for a flying super kick, but I grabbed her leg and tossed her aside. She rolled and recovered then dashed toward me again. She feinted her first attack, but I caught her bluff and jabbed her face then kicked her leg, making her fall onto one knee.

"Dark Iron Fist." I said then dark energy surrounded my fist then I went for the strike.

Cecilia flinched and grunted softly. She opened one eye and noticed I stopped my attack and smiled at her. "Wh-Why'd you stop..?"

"And harm you with a Dark Iron Fist? No, my love. I will not." I said and helped her up.

"Wow, her improvement is so clear. She learned the Yascea Stance pretty fast." Eirine said in awe.

"Cecilia has an amazing learning curve. It takes her no time to learn a technique." Lily smiled.

Cecilia walked to the sidelines and sat down. She grabbed her bottle of water and began to drink it. She sighed and looked at the sky. "Aunt Lily, it's been a week now. Where's Uncle Roy?"

"I wish I knew.." Lily sighed.

I crossed my arms and felt the gentle breeze. Manami appeared beside me and bowed toward me. I looked at her and noticed her saddened look.

"Manami. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Eyica...your spirit was defeated by a few followers of Chaos. There's a war going on." Manami said.

I closed my eyes and smiled a bit. "It was to be expected. He had a good run. I can not return to Eyica right now nor can I risk sending you, Lythia, or Shina back. I will reunite Eyica once I finish my conquest."

Manami smiled and giggled as I caressed her cheek. She nodded and held my hand then disappeared into magic energy.

"Roy might be held up at the city. I believe in him though. He'll make it through." I said and looked at the three of them.

The three of them looked at me with dejected eyes. I smiled and walked toward them. They watched me closely.

"Put some faith in Roy. I felt his energy, he isn't one to be easily defeated like that." I said.

Lily smiled and crossed her arms. "You're right. I'm just worried about the state Selum is in currently. Anything could've happened to him."

"I know how you feel, Lily. But you must keep faith in your husband even if things look grim." I said and gently rubbed her head.

Lily blushed a bit and closed her eyes. My touch soothed her and helped her to calm down. I walked off and stretched. The three watched me then I stopped and looked at them.

"How about we take a break?" I smiled.


We all sat in the living room. I was reading a book, Cecilia was filing her nails, Eirine was braiding Tsuhori's hair, Lily was trying to talk to Nebula, but couldn't seem to understand Nebula at all.

The Crest of Henosis shined on my hand. "Danger is approaching."

I grunted softly and everyone looked at me. "What is it?"

"Mercenaries." Henosis said.

"How many?" I asked.

"Twenty." Henosis said.

"What's going on?" Lily asked.

I stood up and set my book down. I closed my eyes and created a vast energy field around the area then began to sense how close the mercenaries were. I opened my eyes quickly.

"Everyone get down!" I bellowed.

The first gunshot was heard and all three women screamed and got down. I got down as well and heard rapid gunshots. I had a flashback and grunted then my heart thumped.

"We have your entire house surrounded! Come out with your hands up!" A mercenary yelled. "Princess Eirine, Princess Cecilia, Emperor Ryoma, and Lady Lily! You are under arrest!"

"What did we do?!" Lily screamed.

"You are under arrest for harboring fugitives!" The mercenary yelled. "We have direct orders to kill Ryoma and detain the rest of you!"

"How did they find us?" Cecilia asked.

I stood up and smirked then chuckled. "You all think you have what it takes to kill me?"

"Ryoma! Get down!" Cecilia yelled.

I walked toward the front door and dodged the bullets then walked out the door. I looked at the mercenaries. "Let's get started."

"Fuck..! Ryoma!" Cecilia got up and ran out the house.

"Celli!" Eirine got up as well and hurried out of the house.

"Stand down, Ryoma and make this easy!" The mercenary bellowed.

"Princess Cecilia and Eirine! Get on the ground now!" Another commanded.

"You don't get to command my wives." I said. "How about you get on the ground."

The mercenary grunted at my cold tone and my presence made him tremble and fall to his knees. I walked toward him and gripped his neck then had another flashback.

"If Daika wants to rule his kingdom like this...he is no better than a Tyrant. The only difference is I got my continent back in order. Daika can't seem to control his own kingdom. Sad." I said coldly and gripped the neck of the mercenary tightly.

He gasped for air then I threw him toward his allies. He crashed into them and fell down. They aimed their guns at me. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Go." I said.

Nebula dashed toward a mercenary and kicked him away then transformed into her Horse Form and neighed loudly. The Crest of Oblivion shined on her forehead. Tsuhori rushed outside and rapidly hurled fireballs at the mercenaries and struck them.

"Come on!" Cecilia roared and dashed into action.

"Right!" Eirine nodded and ran beside her sister.

The four took on the mercenaries alone and gave them all a run for their money. The same assassin who tried to kill Cecilia appeared behind Cecilia, going for the kill. Eirine bumped Cecilia out the way then groaned as she was slashed along her back then fell to the ground.

"Sis!" Cecilia bellowed.

The assassin laughed and pointed his dagger at Eirine. "Boys take her. I want to ravage her body before I dispose of her. Take the red hair bitch as well. She's got a nice body on her as well."

Cecilia grunted and covered herself, taking a step backwards. "Y-You won't! I won't let you!"

Eirine slowly got up then groaned as the Assassin stepped on her back, making her lay on the ground. She grunted and cried out as he dug his heel against her wound.

"Let her go!" Cecilia bellowed and ran toward the assassin then looked surprised as she was shot in her abdomen. She fell to the ground and coughed blood.

"There we go. A good woman would get on her knees for her Master." The assassin chuckled and looked at me. "And it's you again. Boys kill him."

They looked at me and were too scared to move toward me. I looked at them and smirked. They grew even more discouraged.

"What's the matter..? Where is your bravado? You were really tough within my presence before. What changed..?" I asked and walked toward them. I snapped my fingers and Cecilia and Eirine warped to me via the Crest of Henosis.

"Dammit! Must I do everything myself?!" The assassin bellowed and dashed toward me.

"The End." I said then summoned my sword then slashed twice in a cross motion then a bright red light shined then an explosion followed behind.

Cecilia and Eirine watched and noticed blood raining down and seeing every mercenary and the assassin dead on the ground. Manami's spirit appeared and healed both Cecilia and Eirine. She disappeared and the two stood up.

Lily walked outside and noticed the scene then looked at me. "Ryoma.."

I calmed down and held my hand out then the Crest of Ixia shined. "Ixia."

"My darling~ What can I do for you?~" Ixia asked.

"Send a Beast to my location to protect this town. I have business to finish." I said.

"On it~" Ixia smiled and opened a portal then a fairy flew out of the portal. "I sent Fray to you. She's proficient in Defense Magic. She should be strong enough to defend an entire city."

I nodded and smiled. "Thanks."

Ixia giggled then the portal closed and her Crest disappeared. I spoke to Fray and she looked at me then smiled and nodded. She chanted then raised her arms and an invisible barrier appeared around the town.

Lily looked around and felt strong magical energy around the town. "What are you planning..?"

"It's time we head back to the city and finish this. Selum has no order and they send mercenaries to towns like this to kill me. I will kill Daika and dethrone him." I said.

"Whoa whoa! If you kill him-" Cecilia started.

"No. This is needed." Eirine said then looked down. "After what he's done to us, he holds no love for us. He doesn't care about us. He needs to go."

"Well I was going to say if you kill him, our brothers would only take the throne. We need to get rid of all of them!" Cecilia said. "We need to take back what was rightfully ours!"

I nodded and whistled then Nebula hurried toward me. Tsuhori transformed into her Fox Form and I mounted on Tsuhori. Cecilia climbed onto Nebula's back and helped Eirine.

"If Roy is still alive, we'll return him back here to you, Lily. If not, we will avenge him." I said.

"Be careful!" Lily said.

I nodded and clicked my teeth and Tsuhori and Nebula hurried back to the city.


"King Daika, the mercenaries you sent are all dead! We lost an entire squad! What are we to do?!" A knight panicked.

"The Selum Tournament might be the only way we can actually get to them." Soren said. "Fighting them in the city is too dangerous for our people."

"So be it. If our heroes show up...We shall dispose of them in the tournament. All Nobles! Prepare yourselves! We must not let Emperor Ryoma win! Let the tournaments begin!" Daika declared.

The Nobles roared out and hurried off to prepare for the tournament. Moroto, Klaus, and Soren hurried off as well. Daika stood up and looked at his Crest of Ares. The Crest shined and he chuckled. He walked off to the prison to check on Roy.


We made it to the city and I got off Tsuhori and noticed the civilians looking at us. They were surprised to see we had came back. I walked forward and transformed into my Emperor's Form.

"You all disgust me. If we must play the villain for there to be Order and Peace restored then so be it! People of Selum! Heed my words! Cecilia and Eirine will be your new Rulers, like it or not! There will be no objections!" I declared.

"And who let you decide that?" A voice said from behind me.

Eirine noticed who it was. "Klaus!"

I looked back and noticed Klaus. He had long navy blue hair, hazel eyes, and carried a katana with him. He wore a set of black martial arts clothing and even had a black belt around his waist.

"Princess Cecilia, Princess Eirine. I am willing to let you think about your actions and give up this foolishness. If you come with me peacefully, I can get Daika to reduce his punishment." Klaus said.

"Allow me to stop you, Selum Scum." I said and my eyes shined.

Klaus's eye twitched as he heard me. "What..?"

"Cecilia and Eirine...They are my future wives. In this case I wouldn't stop them from choosing family. I would've chosen my own family over my significant other as well, but in this instance...you four are nothing less than the dirt I walk on." I said then took a step closer.

"Oh really? Will you be saying this in the Tournament?!" Klaus bellowed.

"You bet your ass I will keep this same energy. I have never ran away from a challenge before. I won't start now." I said then chuckled coldly.

"My Emperor is so scary like this.." Eirine said and slightly trembled.

"That's because we are in the presence of The Tyrant. He's really going all out for us. We should do the same!" Cecilia said.

"When does this tournament start?" I asked.

"A week. You all have a week to train! If you lose even once, you will be executed." Klaus said.

"If if you lose...you shall be executed as well." I said.

"Alright. That's fair. As for you traitors, your punishment will be brought to the extreme! Better be prepared to lay down your lives! You could never defeat us before, you still can't." Klaus said then walked away.

I watched him walk off then smirked. I looked back at Cecilia and Eirine. "Don't worry, my beautiful fiances... I'll make sure you're both as prepared as possible."

Cecilia and Eirine nodded at me and smiled. We decided to go to the downtown area to stay since the capital was still hot from what transpired between Soren and I. Although the heat was on us and all eyes were on us, Cecilia and Eirine kept faith in me and my teachings. We mustn't lose no matter what.

To Be Continued....

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