
Chapter 91: I'm just testing the goods

  "I knew this would happen!" Eric's face turned green.

  As the Magneto of the alternate universe, he knew all too well what his counterpart was thinking. What was Magneto's greatest power in the Marvel Universe? Magnetic control? No! It's the ability to make babies ...

  Lorna the Polaris, Wanda the Scarlet Witch, Pietro the QuickSilver, and little Anya, Magnus...

   The actual number of children is not even known to Magneto himself.

  So when Magneto saw Eric, he felt his familiar bloodline, his familiar aura, his familiar powers, and he didn't think otherwise!

  Even if he were in the same position and had no knowledge of the other man, he would have thought the same thing.

  But this is just too much!!.

  "I am your father!" He threw his sword at Magneto.

  Magneto knew that he had misunderstood and smiled disdainfully as he looked at the metal knife flying towards him.

  Magneto frowned a little, as his whole body mobilized his magnetic energy, used it again against the knife, but it was still useless!

  Magneto's face finally changed as he saw himself being stabbed to death with an iron knife. What an ironic end to Magneto's death!

  The blade was still a foot away from hitting him, when Apocalypse made a slight movement of his fingers, a cloud of sand solidified in front of Magneto's body, blocking the blade.

  "Soldier to soldier, general to general!" A purple light shield covered him and his figure faded quickly, disappearing soon afterwards.

  Eric felt the power of space where he had disappeared, and raised his hand and a space door was opened.

  With the bigwigs gone, the remaining eight men looked at each other face to face, all looking like they are ready for war.

  Juggernaut, the silly kid with no strings in his head, remembered Eric's words, that he's opponent was Magneto.

  With a roar, he began to run like a mad bull, ramming into Magneto's camp.

  "Get out of the way!" Magneto, as the former boss of Juggernaut, knew him well enough to know that nothing could stop him, so he reached out and took hold of the Mystique and took off. The little storm girl was the slowest, seeing Juggernaut was about to hit her, she panicked and controlled a gust of wind to blow herself up.


  On the other hand, Erik emerged from the space door, forcing himself to remain calm, secretly calming his discomfort because of the transmission while his magnetic field senses spread out and his eyes surveyed his surroundings warily.

  "Sahara desert, land of origin." Not far away, Apocalypse faced the sun, his arms open as if embracing the sun, "I was abandoned here and adopted here, this is where I belong and where I began."

  Eric didn't care about his speech as the tiny metal particles mixed with the sand were extracted and turned into balls of iron that swirled up his arms and danced above his head.

  When he saw that Eric was ignoring him, he glanced at him and shook his head, reaching out with his hand, several clouds of sand suddenly rose from the ground, quickly coalescing into foot-long stone spikes that shot towards Eric.

  The ball of iron that had just formed shattered the spikes with a lightning bolt, and shot back towards Apocalypse.

  Apocalypse waved his hand, a huge black monolith rose up from the ground, and the electromagnetic cannon shot at it, but only created a cloud of smoke, leaving no white mark.

  "monument to life and time!" Eric's pupils shrank sharply as he looked at the inscription on the monument, but in a flash they were clear again, "No, no! This isn't the real monument, it's just created by his own power, but whatever it is, it is strong enough that not even an electromagnetic cannon can harm it.

  The monolith flew up and crashed down on Eric like a titan.

  Erik was so cautious that he extracted a wisp of space gem energy from his pocket dimension, overlaid it with a massive magnetic field, wrapped it in a lightning ball disguise and threw it at the monolith.

  The ball of lightning struck the monolith and dissipated into a haze of lightning, but the space energy in it was like a snake that burrowed into the interior of the monolith, and with a flick of his hand, Eric opened a space door inside the monolith.

  In a matter of seconds, apart from some debris on the ground, there was no trace of the tablet.

  Apocalypse waved his hand as the desert behind him suddenly boiled over with an earthquake-like rumble, and a bulge quickly rose, and in the blink of an eye, a one-person tall scorpion emerged.

   These scorpions were all made of sand and gravel, but they were like real objects. The cold light of the double claws flickered, and the tails were needle-shaped like barbs. They moved their six thick stone legs and rushed towards Eric.

   Erik shook his head disdainfully at the incoming scorpions, raising his hands, and a dark metallic powder continued to rise from the ground.

  The metal powder coalesced around him and turned into a huge iron ball, rolling towards the scorpion army.

  It rolled all the way down! None of the scorpions could withstand the rolling of the iron ball, and were all crushed, as the ball continued to roll towards Apocalypse.

  Apocalypse waved his hand, a cloud of sand rose from beneath each iron ball, wrapping it around and then twisting and compressing it, turning it into a few stone balls that were no longer under Eric's control.

  The balls were thrown far away and then a purple glow lit up in his hands, and with a glance at Eric, a purple beam of energy shot out from his palms and struck Eric.

  The beam of energy came out of his palm and struck Erik. Erik waved his hand and opened a space door in front of him, but the other side of the space door opened behind Apocalypse.

The energy came at the speed of light, entered through the space door, and came out from the other one, slamming on Apocalypse back accurately.

  Unfortunately, this blow did not cause any damage to Apocalypse. He waved his hand to flick the dust off the corner of his clothes and grinned at Eric.

  "Come up with something more powerful." Apocalypse waved at Eric, gesturing for him to continue.

  But Eric was no fool, he could see it, Apocalypse was testing him!

  "No, it's not a test, I just want to test the goods!"


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