
Chapter 04: Everything goes exactly as expected 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

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Betad by morde24

The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire

Chapter 04: Everything goes exactly as expected

Seeing through the eyes of my familiar is an interesting feeling, and an incredibly useful feature. As my snowy white owl flies through the forest, I can only be in awe at just how nimble it actually is, flying between trees and branches without a care.

Tracking the goblins wasn't particularly difficult after I found the spot where Faendal was attacked using Alvor's information to find the signs of battle, arrows stuck in trees and an abandoned goblin corpse they left out for the crows.

After that all I had to do was follow the trodden path into the hills and towards a particular cave, and as my owl lands on a tree near the opening, I watch through its eyes as it stares down at two goblins lingering outside the cave.

They're pretty well hidden, covered by foliage as they hide in some bushes, watching for anyone approaching most likely, but my owl has no trouble spotting them.

Breaking the connection, I silently move through the forest as I head towards the cave myself, and it isn't long before I can smell the goblins.

They might be good at hiding, but that's against people who don't have senses as strong as mine, and I don't think some of these have ever even been in water. The strong, pungent smell making me scowl as I pause my approach, sniffing the air as I look away from the opening, because I can smell that scent coming from two directions.

Heading towards the second source, it takes me a couple of minutes to find the second entrance to their cave, much smaller with a wooden door built into it that is covered by some bushes that have obviously been uprooted and placed to camouflage it.

The door is locked, but it's a very simple lock compared to the modern locks that I am used to, so it should be easy to pick. Pulling out one of the lockpicks I looted from the bandit cave, I to work.

Before long a strong satisfying click can be heard and, I smile as I give the door a gentle push to open it, proud that my skills haven't deteriorated from my stint in the asylum.

They learnt very quickly to not let me keep anything that could be used as a pick, before I decided to bide my time and play the good girl. It turns out when you get out of your cell three times in one week they increase security a lot, but I think they just enjoyed having a legitimate reason to strip search me several times a day.

You get caught with one knife and suddenly you're a threat to everyone, including yourself. It's ridiculous, I'd never kill myself.

Other people, sure. Myself? Never.

I don't give up, I'd have bided my time in that tiny cell for decades if I had to, because as long as you're alive, you still have a chance to turn things in your favour.

At least as long as you don't lose your temper and go on a killing spree the moment you get a weapon, that wasn't my finest hour, but in my defence it had been a long and arduous few years.

I've always had a bit of a temper, but normally I suppress it long enough to get my revenge in a more subtle manner, in the asylum I had no outlet and it all built up until it just… popped.

Shaking my head, I give my familiar a nod as it flies over and lands on a branch near the secret entrance. There isn't much room in here and she'll serve me better by watching my back and making sure nobody can sneak up on me.

Closing the entrance, I start making my way through a very tight passageway, my owl will send me a telepathic warning if anyone else uses this entrance which means I just need to focus on whatever is in front of me.

The smell just gets worse as I make my way through the passageway, moving slowly, careful to avoid giving my position away while I'm shuffling through this passageway that was clearly dug out for goblins, not humans.

At some parts I have to crawl on my hands and knees, the passage becoming so small that I have to struggle to push myself through it, a surprisingly intelligent defence on the goblins behalf.

Or it would be if they had anyone actually defending the tunnel, as I pull myself up and look around the empty cavern.

I can hear them talking, but I don't know the language they are speaking, it's a harsh guttural chattering which I can only assume is goblin.

I can also hear the sounds of violence, and the smell of blood makes my mouth water. From the cheering and jeering, even if I don't understand the language, I'd say it's infighting of some kind, the blood smells different than the blood I'm already growing used to, goblin blood? I can also smell something strong, stronger than the mead the Nords had at any rate, and I know the scent of good booze when I smell it, even over the smell of burning meat.

They're celebrating.

I can also hear the sounds of a woman sobbing, and flesh slapping against flesh.

There are jeers in that guttural language coming from that direction as well, and making my decision I head that way, as cautiously as possible.

There are less sounds coming from that way, and while the woman sounds too old to be Dorthe, there seem to be less goblins and it's probably my best chance to find Dorthe anyway.

My dagger is grasped tightly in my hand as I move, ready to lash out at anything that sees me, but the cave is practically empty as I move towards what seems to be a primitive cell.

To my complete lack of surprise, there's a woman in the cell, her expensive looking clothes torn apart and scattered around the floor.

She's on her hands and knees, red welts and cuts covering her back and thighs, hands bound to a metal bar on the floor as a goblin takes her from behind.

There's also a puddle of cum beneath her, and semen staining her body. I can't see her face since they're both facing away from me but from the white streaks in her hair I'd say she's been in this position for a while.

I expected a goblin gangbang in true hentai fashion to be honest, but there's only a single goblin in the cell with her, and as it chatters in it's crude little language it thrusts forwards and groans, her entire body shuddering in disgust as it releases its load into her.

Seeing enough, I slip forwards and before the goblin even has a chance to realise it's in danger, I slit its throat and casually pull it off, and out, of her.

Looking down at her abused cunt, I raise an eyebrow slightly at the off-colour of the seed currently leaking out of her, it's not quite white but an almost yellowish colour.

Walking around her, she looks up at me with hope in her eyes, the same cum covering her face as she stares at me like I'm the avatar of Mara herself.

"I-is it over?" the unknown woman whimpers as I reach down and look at the manacles around her wrists.

"It will be soon, I don't suppose you've seen a young girl around here, have you?" I ask, before blinking as she collapses, her eyes closing and her body falling forwards, face first on the stained floor.

"Well that's just rude." I grumble, aren't these kinds of characters supposed to help you with your quest if you rescue them?

"Not as rude as killing poor… whatever his name was while he was enjoying his hard earned reward." a silky voice says, tinged with amusement as I turn around quickly, spotting a figure standing against the doorway I just came through.

I didn't hear his approach, I couldn't smell his scent… and yet now the almost flowery scent of the soap he must have used.

"Invisibility has its uses, along with a few other spells to help me go unnoticed, quite a useful skill is it not my sneaky friend… but I'm afraid you missed the Alarm spell I had cast on that doorway, and the Arcane Eye. Magic does add a few complications to sneaking around, doesn't it?" the man says as he steps forwards, a sly grin on a rather handsome face as a pair of gleaming red eyes stare me down.

That's not the most striking part of him though, that'd be the dark grey skin and long white hair, and immediately I realise that this is no Dunmer.

This is a Drow.

"Would saying sorry help?" I ask, giving him a smile as he chuckled darkly, my eyes flickering to the thick black leather tome attached to his waist and the wand hanging loosely in his hand.

A wizard?

"No." he says simply, and even though he doesn't seem to do anything I feel… something effect, my mind clouding for just an instance before it immediately clears, his eyes widening slightly before his smile grows.

"Well, that is interesting… I didn't want to take chances and I put a lot of magic into that spell, you should be joining our guest there in her slumber, an innate resistance to magic?" he says curiously. "Still, I don't need to tell you that fighting me is a bad idea, so why don't we keep things civilised? I'd love to know what brings you to my little home away from home." he says idly, the tip of his wand sparking with magic in preparation.

Wizards are a threat to me, magic is one of the things that can truly kill me and I'm deep in enemy territory.

This is not a goblin, I've been tricked, fooled and even bamboozled.

In hindsight, I got cocky. I rushed off to play hero thinking my enhanced strength and speed alone would carry me despite my lack of experience.

The only spells I know are utility spells, I have an iron dagger and I don't even have any real armour.

And once again, my arrogance gets the better of me. If I'd never gotten arrogant in my last life, I'd never have gotten caught, and I have clearly learnt nothing from my mistakes.

This guy could be powerful enough to kill me with a word, or he could be some low level Wizard with a few useful tricks up his sleeves, and I can't tell which.

If I charged him, maybe I'd tear him limb from limb and then slaughter my way through his goblins, or maybe he'd end me with a single wave of his wand.

"What did you have in mind?" I ask sweetly, making him chuckle again.

"Follow me, and you're welcome to try and attack me, my Lady does love deceit and betrayal." he says idly, making me hesitate before I obey and follow behind him, playing along and biding my time.

"Would that Lady be Mephala, the Webspinner?" I ask, making him turn back with a wider smile.

"Indeed." he says simply, a strange look in his eyes.

Mephala, the Daedric Prince of Lies. Sex, Murder and Secrets. Ordinarily I'd say she's my kind of girl, but I had hoped to avoid Daedric attention, perhaps it had been a vain hope.

Following him through the tunnels, we pass through the room I was hearing sounds from before, a small ring surrounded by dozens of goblins cheering and jeering as two goblins fight in the centre.

The fight is clearly to the death from the bodies scattered around the ring, and as one of the goblins tries to back away it steps on the leg of one of the corpses, stumbling backwards. It's opponent wastes no time taking advantage of the opening as it leaps on top of it and savagely slices at it with the rusty sword it's holding.

Turning and spotting us, it becomes clear that they fear him as they look between us, the hunger in their eyes held back by their obvious apprehension, one of the braver ones speaks again, the wizard replying in the same language, the goblins obviously disappointed at his answer.

Chuckling, he turns back to me.

"Ahh, you don't speak goblin? I don't blame you, it's a truly crude language. They wanted to know if you were the next prize. Goblins are simple creatures, they think of nothing but feasting and fucking, and these ones are very well fed." he chuckles.

"Add drinking and you just described half of the men in Skyrim." I tease, making him laugh.

"Indeed, the surface dwellers aren't exactly… sophisticated, are they?" he chuckles as he continues moving, with me quickly following behind as he heads into a side cavern, a shimmering barrier in the entryway.

Hesitating, I head through it as well and breathe a sigh of relief as the pungent smells vanish immediately.

As he takes a seat on a surprisingly opulent couch, he smiles again. The small cavern is tastefully decorated with actual furniture, a bookshelf next to a wooden desk, a double bed with purple sheets, and a couch and an armchair with a small table between them.

Oh, and there's a naked man chained to the wall.

"Don't mind my little ward, the smell from those savages got a little too much for me." he says simply, pouring himself a glass of wine. "Would you like a drink?" he offers.

"If you don't mind." I reply, no reason to be rude.

"Excellent, wine or blood? Oh don't look so surprised, it took me a while to notice, but once I realised you weren't breathing it became rather apparent what you are, though… you aren't one of Molag Bal's ilk, are you? Frankly I'm not entirely sure what you are exactly." he said casually, looking rather proud of himself. "But we see many of your kind in the Underdark."

"I'm one of a kind." I reply with a light smirk, making him laugh.

"That I believe, help yourself to the fool, I've gotten all I can out of him." he says, gesturing at the chained prisoner.

"Who is he?" I ask, watching the prisoners' eyes widen in horror.

"Some travelling noble, on his way to a wedding. You've already met his wife. I had hoped to use him to get more information on Skyrim and the surrounding areas, but he was useless for that. He didn't know anything I didn't already know." he says as I approach the chained up prisoner. "My people aren't quite… up to date on modern affairs, we rarely come above ground, the sun is no more my ally than it is yours."

"I might be able to help out with that, I know a decent amount but even my own information is spotty at best." I admit as I remove the man's gag, looking down at him.

"Please- you can't do this! My family is very influential in Cyrodiil, surely even you've heard the name Carvain? My family have ruled Bruma for-"

"He's a nobody, the disappointing third son of an influential family, coming all this way to try and weasel his way into the good graces of the Emperor's cousin at her wedding. He talks a lot, especially when screaming is his alternative." my new Drow 'friend' remarks drolly.

"P-please, you can keep Salonia, just let me go. I can get you-" the man starts as I regag him, rolling my eyes.

Grabbing his head, I yank it back and kneel down, my fangs finding his throat.

There's no point denying it when he's already worked it out, and I won't say no to a free meal.

The man tried to struggle as I drain his sweet lifeblood, but it's no use and as his flailing stops, something else triggers in my mind.

Trance, the power to place my targets into a deep trance where I can feed on them without worrying about them fighting back.

Imperials had the racial ability to calm people in game, so I suppose it's fitting.

Pulling back, I lick my lips clean and turn back to my host.

"His crying was getting old, I was going to feed him to the goblins but they'll make do with slightly less fresh food." he drawls, patting the couch next to him and smiling as I sit down, handing me a glass of wine. "Now then, onto the matter at hand. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Zyn, a Drow Wizard formerly of House Do'viir, and you my dear, are an enigma." Zyn says with a smile, looking over me with curiosity.

"My name is Raven, and like I said, I'm one of a kind." I reply teasingly, making him chuckle as he takes a sip.

"And like I said, I believe it. You are a Vampire, but you aren't like those of Harkon's court, and yet your mind is clearly at least partially fey… but as a follower of Mephala, I know a succubus when I see one, I've summoned enough of them over the years, but then you aren't quite a succubus either. If you were merely the child of a succubus turned into a vampire you'd be a Cambion or a Tiefling, and it wouldn't explain your fey nature." Zyn says, more to himself than to me as he examines me with interest.

"Well, aren't you a smart one~" I reply, not giving him an explanation as I start wondering if I could kill him before he could cast anything.

He knows I'm a vampire, and yet he's letting me sit right next to him, within arms reach.

"Fey minds are intrinsically different from Daedra or the races of Tamriel, and the moment my sleep spell simply slid off your mind, I knew why. Do you know why I didn't attack you?" Zyn asks, making me smile.

"Because you saw potential in me, because you want to use me for whatever scheme has you spending your time in a cave filled with goblins… or perhaps you just wanted to use me in a more direct way~" I flirt, making him chuckle slightly.

"I can't say it didn't cross my mind, my dear." Zyn says, his hand reaching up and stroking my chin, his thumb brushing against my lips. "But I'm not foolish enough to force a succubus into my bed, you'd drain me until I had nothing left, and I'm not arrogant enough to think I can resist your charm once it takes root." Zyn chuckles, making me smile again.

"What if I promise to be really good~" I tease, enjoying the dark lust in his red gaze.

"Succubi are the creation of Lady Mephala, Mistress of Sex… and Lies. You aren't a true succubi, I'm sure of that much, but I won't take that chance." Zyn says simply, making me giggle. "But you aren't wrong, a living embodiment of Lady Mephala's power simply strolling into my base, how could I not see it as a sign? At first I feared you were sent by my Drow brethren to slay me or drag me back in chains, but I'm certain that isn't it. You came for the girl, didn't you?"

"I did, I'm playing Adventurer and accepted a quest from her parents to slay the goblins, and either rescue Dorthe or bring news of her fate." I admit, making him chuckle.

"A coincidence, or Lady Mephala spinning her web? I suppose it's not for us lesser beings to know. I care not for the girl, she was an easy target and the ritual I had in mind simply requires the defilement of a pure maiden, something that's harder to find in Skyrim than you'd think." Zyn chuckles, making me smile.

"Then what do you want?" I ask, my hand on his thigh, gently rubbing over his robe as he gives me a dark look, amusement and temptation in his eyes.

"I had hoped to use these savages to cause a distraction large enough for me to claim something from the city of Whiterun, but it's become apparent that it simply isn't viable in the timeframe I have. I could grab more women for them to reproduce, but it turns out these Nords are foolish, if too many women disappear then the local lords will send a group called the Companions to slaughter the Goblin nest before it becomes too large to deal with. These warriors send terror through the goblins, they even have one who does nothing but slaughter goblins and goblinoids. They fear the Companions more than they fear me, and they'll turn on me if I try and make them assault their very home." Zyn admits, making me pause.

"You want the Ebony Blade." I say calmly, his eyes widening in true shock for the first time before he stops and smiles.

The Ebony Blade, one of Mephala's Daedric Artifacts alongside the Ring of Khajiit. The Blade that's sitting in a sealed room in Whiterun.

"Well, well, as smart as you are seductive. You're right of course, I tried to steal it before, but I underestimated their court Wizard, and I lack the power to break past the defences he has placed around it, and my failed attempt has only caused their security to tighten even further. I had hoped to lure Farengar from the city, but he's wily, and rarely leaves Dragonsreach, let alone Whiterun." Zyn admits, a frustrated scowl passing his face.

"And you want to use me to get it for you." I say, making him smile slightly.

"Not quite. Tell me, what do you know of my people?" Zyn asks, making me pause.

"Very little, to be honest." I admit reluctantly, I can't count on my spotty DnD knowledge for an entire race that's ended up in another world.

"Unsurprising, we very rarely leave the Underdark, as while daylight does not burn us, it hinders us considerably. A fitting punishment for abandoning Auri-El when my people accepted Mephala's offer and became the Drow. To shorten centuries of history, we are a matriarchal society where men are lucky to be servants, because it's a step above being a slave, which is the fate of most men. I was one such servant, and I was mostly content with my station, but my situation changed and I wasn't willing to remain so and escaped to the surface." Zyn admits freely.

"What changed, if you don't mind?" I ask, making him chuckle darkly.

"My mother died, assassinated. It's unsurprising as our society values schemes such as that, but with her death my sister rose to the head of the family. I won't go into details, but know only that dying above the surface seemed preferable to remaining as one of her servants. Once free, I put my mind to work and started to plan. While very few men ever rise higher than favoured servants or concubines, if I can return home with the infamous Daedric artifact of Mephala herself and present it to our Queen, I can be one of those few men and take my sister's place. It took me years to track it down, all while evading the attempts my sister has made to capture me, but as much as it hurts my pride, I cannot retrieve it myself." Zyn says calmly, making me narrow my eyes.

"And you think I'll be able to do so?" I ask, making him chuckle.

"I believe Lady Mephala pulled the strings that led you to me, but even if I'm wrong about that… tell me, why are you playing hero?" Zyn asks, making me chuckle.

"Heroes get away with so much more than random wandering wizards." I say simply. "And having people in my debt is always nice."

"A hero could ingratiate herself to the Jarl of Whiterun, a hero would have free reign to wander his keep. Brute force will not get us into the vault, neither will magical prowess, so perhaps subterfuge will succeed where all else has failed." Zyn says simply, making me giggle slightly. "To be blunt, my skills lie in the magical arts, and in research. I lack the silver tongue that many of my kind possess, and they've already seen me in my failed attempt."

"But they haven't seen me, so I suppose the only real questions left are what's in it for me… and how can I trust someone who worships a Prince of lies?" I ask, making him smile again.

"You can't, no more than I can trust a succubus whose entire race was made by that same Prince. We will have to put our faith in the mutual benefits keeping us from turning on each other, as for what you have to gain…" he drawls. "As a succubus, even a strange one like you, you could walk into the Underdark today and Queen Alyris would grant you a position of power in her court, or she'd take you as one of her consorts, but if we return with the Ebony Blade in hand and we'll both be able to live the high life. Beyond that, as I said my speciality is research and magic, and from your inability to spot my spells you're clearly new to spellcasting." Zyn teases back, making me shrug playfully.

"I found my spellbook in a bandit cave, the owner didn't need it anymore." I admit making him chuckle. "But it only had some basic utility spells in it, Find Familiar, Unseen Servant and Mage Hand."

"Ahh, the spell-list of every lazy Wizard, not the spell-list of an up and coming hero." Zyn says as he rises, moving over to his desk and pulling two scrolls out of it as he walks back. "Let's add some variety to that spell book of yours, Magic Missile is a classic choice for a beginner damage spell, and Mage Armour is a must have for any Wizard who wants to survive outside the various institutes of magic."

Holding his hand out, I pause before complying, and reluctantly pulling out my spell book and handing it over, making him chuckle as he waves his hand and a glowing purple quill appears in his grasp as he opens my spellbook up, shaking his head at the tiny spell list.

His own spellbook, formerly attached to his belt, floats out of its holster and hovers in front of him, opening up and flipping through the pages, each filled with spells.

Seeing me staring at his own book, he chuckles again.

"I'm an Order of Scribes Wizard, my spellbook is as alive as you or me." Zyn says easily, his quill dancing across the page as he writes down the two new spells, before pausing and gesturing at his spellbook, flipping through the spellbook again as he writes down another one. "That will suffice for now, I'm not naive enough to give you everything immediately." Zyn says as he hands me back my spellbook. "I added Mending as well, it's a fairly useful little spell for people who spend their time crawling around goblin caves." he teases.

"Thank you, I'd give you a more personal thanks but I don't think you'd accept~" I flirt, my hand rubbing his thigh again, moving up enough to brush against the slight bulge in his robes.

"Perhaps when I'm certain you won't drain me and leave me a desiccated corpse." Zyn deadpans, not moving my hand away.

"It's almost like you don't trust me." I say playfully as I pout cutely at him, making him chuckle.

"Perhaps one day, but for now I think I trust you exactly as much as you trust me." Zyn retorts.

"Well, if we won't be having any pleasure, I suppose we'll have to be all business. So, what happens now?" I ask, making him smile.

"Two things, I want to cast a spell that will create a bond between us, I will know where you are at all times, and you will know where I am, and more importantly we'll be able to message each other telepathically." Zyn explains as I narrow my eyes.

"I'm not sure I want you reading my mind, a girl has to have some privacy." I say calmly, making him chuckle.

"I won't be able to read your mind, simply project my thoughts to you, and vice versa. It was created by a Wizard to be cast on his wife so they could stay in touch while he travelled to another province." Zyn explains making my frown grow into another teasing smile. "It can be broken by either party."

"How bold of you, we've only just met and you already want my hand in marriage~" I reply immediately, making him roll his eyes. "Fine, cast your spell."

I don't trust him, and he doesn't trust me but he's right about one thing, we both have a lot to gain from this alliance.

"Thank you, this will only take a moment." Zyn says, grasping my forearm as I do the same, a muttered spell under his breath.

It's hard to explain the feeling I get from it, a link forming between our minds as he closes his eyes.

"I intend to leave this Hold for a while, and I'll make sure some of the Whiterun guards see me leaving." Zyn's voice says inside my head. "Hopefully I can cause their guard to lower once more, and I believe you came here to kill goblins? I have no more use for these fools."

"How treacherous of you, Mephala would be proud." I reply, sending my words through the link as he smiles darkly.

"Good, it's working. The girl is safe, untouched even, I left my familiar watching over her after the first time I had to kill one of the goblins that thought it could sneak into her cell." Zyn says as he stands up, offering me a hand up.

Leading me out of the room, he takes me to a small room right next to his own room and opens up the iron cell door, stepping aside as I spot the naked teenage girl, a spider sitting on her shoulder which immediately skitters away from her and climbs up his robe.

"She's under a sleep spell, but it shouldn't be hard to shake her awake. I am going to gather my things, with the timing it should seem like I fled because of you, a good start to your legend." Zyn says with a sly smile.

"In that case, I believe I'm going to go and introduce myself to your goblin friends." I say with a growing smile.

"Ahh, allow me to assist with that." he says, touching my cheek as he whispers something else. "Can you understand me?"

"I can." I confirm, making him smile.

"Good, because I'm speaking Goblin. Tongues will help you understand them, and allow them to understand you. Have fun, my dear." Zyn says as he heads back into his room.

He's so sweet.

Heading back towards the arena, I immediately attract the hordes' attention as I strut into the room, walking through them as I walk right into the center of the makeshift ring as they stare at me in confusion.

"Hello, boys~ you don't mind if I join the games, do you?" I ask, giving them a sultry smile as the look around in confusion.

"You wants a go with the prisoner?" one of them asks, their voice nasally and high pitched as I smirk, pushing the cloak off my shoulders and letting it pool around my feet before I idly kick it over to the side. The vest goes next as their confusion turns to lust, my leather vest tossed over to join my cloak.

"Not quite, I want someone to keep me company tonight~ and I've decided to find a worthy partner. So let's play a new game, whoever can beat me, gets to claim me." I say, slowly unbuttoning my shirt as they watch in shock and awe, my perfect breasts revealed as I slowly part my shirt, letting it fall to the floor.

I have to say, I do like how rare underwear seems to be in this land, bras are uncomfortable and I've never needed the support they provide.

None of them dare look away or speak as I reach down and undo my trousers, slowly bending over as I push them down my long pale legs.

Stepping out of my boots, I stand in the middle of the goblin horde in nothing but my birthday suit.

I've seen hentais that started like this, but hopefully it won't end the same way.

"So, boys~ who wants to go first?" I ask, looking around at the lustful goblins as I pick up my dagger.

The first goblin rushes me without any fanfare, probably hoping to catch me by surprise as it attempts to clobber me with an iron club, but sidestepping the sloppy attack I slash out with my dagger and smile as the goblin falls, clutching its gushing throat.


The next dozen don't do any better, but I deliberately hide my enhanced strength and speed, I don't want to scare them off as I let the occasional hit land, moaning in pain and panting slightly as I fake exhaustion, it's helped by the fact that I'm the outside I just look like a particularly beautiful human woman, as well fed as I am my fangs have retracted for now, even with all the blood that's being spilt.

It encourages the survivors, surely if they just bide their time I'll be too tired to fight and they'll be the one to beat me, to reap the rewards.

Really I'm just thinning the horde, with every goblin that falls my job becomes a little easier, and as they drag the corpses of the losers away, they push on and try again.

As a particularly burly goblin swings his mace up at me, I decide to take this hit as it smashes into my chin and fall back with a pained groan, a cheer going through the cavern as I finally fall to the ground, landing on my back as I look up at the four foot tall goblin who leers down at me as he pulls his loincloth aside, a surprisingly large green cock already dripping with pre-cum.

It's not large by human standards, but for his body size it's pretty impressive.

As he walks towards me, another goblin rushes behind him and repeatedly shanks him, his eyes widening in disbelief as his prize is snatched away from him.

Rising to my feet, I look at the smaller goblin standing over the corpse of the would-be victor and give him a sultry smile.

"I suppose that makes you the champion then, doesn't it?" I say as I approach the smaller goblin and drop to my knees, still at eye level as I reach down and pull his loincloth aside, wrapping my fingers around the throbbing green length.

Then it gets shot in the back with an arrow.

"Oops~ so who is the champion now?" I ask as I look over toward the bow wielding goblin, triumph crossing its face before it pauses, noticing the way that the others are looking at it.

It barely has a chance to reach for its dagger as three separate blades skewer it and the room devolves into pure chaos.


The whims of fate could be cruel one moment, and generous in the next.

Raven was a gift from Mephala that had fallen into his hands, but she was a beautiful flower with poisonous thorns and he knew better than to let her prick him.

Hearing the sounds of violence coming from down the hall, he briefly looked through his familiars eyes as it watched the chaos from a safe place on the ceiling, and chuckled to himself.

He expected to see her tearing her way through the goblins with her vampiric strength, instead she simply stood in the centre of the mayhem, watching the goblins tear each other apart.

How she had driven them to slaughter each other was obvious, her naked body on display, blood and dirt covering her otherwise flawless white skin.

This was the main problem with goblins, they reproduced quickly if you had a few women for them to use for breeding, and they grew to full size even quicker, but the fools were more likely to slaughter each other then they were to fight their enemies. At least they would if they lacked a Goblin Shaman or one of the stronger and smarter goblinoids to lead them, and while they obeyed him they saw him as an outsider.

A part of him whispered that he could have that perfect body under him, how good it would feel to have her on her knees, but the logical part of him knew that he couldn't take that chance.

Succubi could have sex without draining their target completely, but Succubi were also utterly ruled by their emotions and sometimes would kill their partner without even meaning to, he needed more information on her before he'd be willing to bed her.

As tempting as it was.

That was a problem with his people, they were entirely hedonistic even to the detriment of themselves, and he was no different.

He truly meant what he said to Raven, but he had left a few details out. It wasn't Farengar alone who had stopped him from trying to claim the Ebony Blade, but the Blade itself.

Every piece of research he had uncovered confirmed his suspicions, aside from the Champion of Mephala, of which there hadn't been one since the Oblivion Crisis, nobody else could safely wield Lady Mephala's blade, as it would drive them to insanity, and he valued his mind too much to risk it.

Raven's unusual mind and Succubi heritage might allow her to resist the whispers, or perhaps she'd even be found worthy as she clearly employed the practises that Mephala embodied; sex, seduction, lies, manipulation and of course… murder.

But if she couldn't, he'd be able to track her down and slay her once he had found a way to get the blade back to the Underdark safely, or Blackreach as the Nords called it. Once it was back, he'd pass it off to Queen Alyris and then it was her problem, not his.

Once it was in her hands, he'd claim the long standing bounty she had placed on it and opened to either men or women, remove his sister from her position of power and claim it for himself.

Then he'd return every insult, pain and shame his sister had inflicted onto him a dozenfold.

It wasn't the most noble of goals, but he wasn't the most noble of Drow.

Gathering everything in his bag of holdings, he decided to slip away out of his own secret exit, he wasn't running from Raven since she'd be able to find him as easily as he could find her, but the sight of her naked body covered in the blood of her foes was entirely too tempting.

Heading in the direction of Whiterun, he planned out his next action. He'd heard tales of weapons named the arms of the betrayers that had Daedra sealed within them, Daedra that whispered into the minds of the wielder and attempted to drive them to various forms of insanity.

One was even said to be created by Mephala herself, but as with the Ring of Khajiit and the Ebony Blade, the Silken Spite had been missing for years.

It would serve as a good test for if Raven would be able to resist the Ebony Blade, but only if he could find one of them first.

As for the prisoners, Raven could have them. He'd be able to find another maiden to replace the girl.

The ritual would be completed, just at a later date.


As the final goblin smashes his opponent's head in with a jagged rock, I watch in amusement and slight arousal.

I've had people kill for me before, but I've never had an entire group of people slaughter each other for my favour, and it's a nice feeling.

Letting out a triumphant cry, the goblin tosses its rock aside and turns to me, lust in its eyes as it rushes towards me.

"Slow down, my champion… there's no need to rush." I whisper, my succubus powers imbued in my words as it pauses. "Let us move somewhere more comfortable to celebrate your victory, goblin lord." I say with a bow towards the smaller creature, watching it perk up as I turn and head back towards Zyn's bedroom.

I felt him leave earlier, and a check through our bond shows him moving through the night at impressive speeds, no doubt aided by magic.

Which means he won't be needing his bed, and as I enter the room the goblin hesitates to follow me.

"Don't worry, my lord, he has left and he won't be returning." I say coaxing him in, moving to the bed as he finally gathers his nerves and enters the room.

Moving to the bed, I guide him onto it and kneel over him, staring down at him.

"Are you ready for your reward~"

As it starts to nod, my smile becomes just a bit more… fanged, and the little creature barely has time to scream before I lean down and start to drink.

What, I thought he wanted to be inside me?

Elsewhere, Mephala giggled at the goblins' shocked and horrified expression. There was nothing funnier than easing someone's hopes only to cut them down at the last second.

What an interesting little… whatever she was.

Bonus Scene - Dorthe

As she was gently shaken awake, her eyes shot open as she batted the hands away, expecting her jailor to be leering down at her.

"Dorthe, it's okay! They're gone now, you're safe." A soft feminine voice said, making her open her eyes and stare up at a woman around the age of Camilla, a concerned look on her face. "You're safe now, the goblins are gone and their leader has fled, your parents sent me to rescue you." The woman said soothingly as she stared up at her in disbelief and growing hope.

She wasn't chained up anymore, the shackles undone and an iron key sitting on the floor next to them.

Bursting into tears, she latched onto the woman and sobbed into her leather vest, the woman gently hugging her back.

"It's okay, let's get you home sweetie, you've had a lot of people worried about you."

Author's Note: I’m gonna do one more chapter of this to put it at 5, which I have arbitrarily decided is a good number, before I move back to my other Fics.

It’s like the volume on the tv, it had to be set to a multiple of five or you’re a sociopath and deserve the death sentence, right alongside light mode users.  

You know who you are.

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts
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