
Theed 3

Back to Acedia

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Captain Panaka, and the little blue droid stand before

Queen Amidala and her handmaidens.

Capt. Panaka: "...An extremely well-put-together little droid. Without a

doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives."

Amidala: "It is to be commended...what is its number?"

The little blue droid lets out a series of bleeps. Captain Panaka leans over

and scrapes some dirt off of the side of the droid and reads the number

Capt. Panaka: "R2-D2, your highness."

Amidala: "Thank you, Artoo detoo. You have proven to be very loyal...Padme! Clean this droid up the best you can. It deserves our

gratitude...(to panaka) continue, captain."

Captain Panaka looks nervously at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon: "Your highness, we are heading for a remote planet called Tatooine. It is a system far beyond the reach of the trade federation. There we will be able to make needed repairs, then travel on to Coruscant."

Captain Panaka: "Your highness, Tatooine is very dangerous. It's controlled by an alliance of gangs called the Hutts. I do not agree with the Jedi on this".

Qui-Gon: "You must trust my judgment, your highness."

Amidala and Padme exchange looks. Padme moves next to the droid in the Main Area, to clean R2-D2, the brave little Astro Droid.

Then suddenly Jar-Jar pops out of an open door.

Jar-Jar: Hidoe!

Both Padme and R2 jump and let out a little scream. The Gungan is

embarrassed that he frightened them.

Jar-Jar: "Sorry, nomeanen to scare yousa."

Padme: "That's all right."

Jar-Jar: "I scovered oily back dare. Needen it?"

Padme: "Thank you. This little guy is quite a mess."

Jar-Jar hands Padme the oil can.

Jar-Jar : Mesa Ja Ja Binksss... PADME: I'm Padme, I attend Her Highness, You're a Gungan, aren't you? (Jar Jar nods) How did you end up here with us?

JAR JAR: "Me no know...mesa day starten pitty okeyday witda brisky morningmunchen. Den boom....getten berry skeered, un grabbed dat Jedi, and before mesa knowen it...pow! Mesa here. (he shrugs)...getten berry berry skeered."

After Jar-Jar said that he stood up and left.

ARTOO BEEPS a sympathetic beep.

Then Acedia entered with a Vanilla milkshake in his hand and sat yawning down near Padme.

Acedia: "Hello there...mind if I sit here?"

Padme: "No...."

Nobody said anything for a minute...Padme resumed cleaning R2 and Acedia was sitting with his eyes closes taking a slurp from his milkshake from time to time. Acedia actually enjoyed the silence. Yep, that's our sin of sloth right here.

Joke time:

Someone called me lazy today.

I almost replied

The silence though didn't hold long, because Padme was bored and wanted to talk and Acedia didn't really mind it.

Padme: "So... what's your name? Mine is Padme."

Acedia: "Hi Padme. I am Acedia nice to meet ya. *yawn*"

Padme: "Seems like you had a hard day, you look pretty exhausted."

Acedia: "Yeah...but you must be more exhausted princess/Queen. After all your home planet got conquered by the trade federation."

Padme was shocked: "What did you say?"

Acedia: "I said: After all your home planet got conquered by the trade federation."

Padme: "No the part before that!"

Acedia: Ahhh you mean: Yeah...but you must be more exhausted princess/Queen"

Padme: "How did you know that I'm the queen?"

Acedia: "Come on, it wasn't that hard to notice. The "Queen" always asks for your opinion and stuff you know. Anyway, you had a hard day today."

Acedia stood up, stretched, and said: "Wanna see a magic trick?" and before Padme could answer he made a frenchy appear in one of his hands.

Acedia: "Here it's made with 1.5 ounce Pear Vodka, 3-ounce Pineapple Juice, 1-ounce Cranberry Juice...OMG, WHAT THAT BEHIND YOU!!!

Padme immediately turned around and faced the wall, when she turned to Acedia again, he was gone and the drink was placed where he stood the moment before.

Of course, Acedia teleported away....walking is for noobs.

That's how the chapter ends, hope you had fun reading it. Give me feedback in the comments. Bye and 2 Powerstones mean 2 chapters.

All of you have not a good day, have a great day. Bye

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