
Get on their bad side, a race to the finish Part 3

Back at the base, Raf and the others were wondering why Jack was taking so long to get some sodas.

"What is taking Jack so long?" Bulkhead asked as Cliffjumper was confused as well.

"He sure has been gone for a while." Cliffjumper agreed since it usually doesn't take a human long to get their hydration as Bumblebee agreed.

"By the way, is it just me or was Smokescreen acting a little weird when he said he was going out?" Cliffjumper said as he was a little suspicious about how Smokescreen was acting earlier.

"Well, he seemed a little nervous." Bulkhead noted as Raf turned to Miko who was awfully quiet.

"Any idea of why Jack hasn't come back yet, Miko?" He asked as Miko was pretty nervous but tried to stay calm.

"Well, uh, maybe he hasn't decided on the flavour yet... Hehe..." She laughed nervously as they all just gave her a weird look. She was hiding something. They were sure of it.

"What?" She looked at them in confusion as Bulkhead gave her a look like a father would do to their kid.

"Alright, Miko, what's this all about?" Bulkhead finally asked as Miko tried to come up with an excuse.

"Nothing." She said as she averted her eyes.

"Young lady, I know you're hiding something and that you're gonna tell me what it is." Bulkhead started to use that same time when a parent is scolding their kid.

"I'm not hiding anything. Why would I try to hide something?" Miko said but her walls were cracking fast.

Bulkhead kept looking at Miko with a serious look and that was making her nervous by the second when suddenly she blew up in anxiety and told the truth to them.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Okay, okay I admit it. Jack didn't go to get some sodas. He went to the race and Smokescreen is with him!" Miko finally admitted as everyone stared at her in shock. Smokescreen and Jack are where?! They are so dead to Arcee and Emily.

"You mean Jack has gone to the race?! With Smokescreen?!" Raf exclaimed in shock as Bolty was in shock as well.

"Just this once." Miko just whined. They are so doomed.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Cliffjumper screamed at the same time. They are so, so dead! If Arcee finds out, they will be in so much trouble!

"Miko, how could you do such a thing?" Bulkhead asked her with slight disappointment in his voice as Miko slumped in her seat.

"I figured Jack could use a hand." She said meekly as Raf had a worried look.

"Miko, you know how dangerous street racing is. What if Jack had an accident?" Raf said as he was worried about Jack getting into an accident.

"With Smokescreen? Yeah like that will be happening." Miko said as she was confident that nothing bad would happen to Jack.

"We're in deep scrap." Bulkhead sighed at that.

"If Arcee finds out about this, she's gonna kill us." Cliffjumper agreed to that as Bumblebee whirred in agreement and that things could be a lot worse if Optimus finds out.

"Okay, you guys. Let's not get worked up over nothing. It's still early. Arcee is out on patrol. With any luck, the rookie and Jack will be back before her." Cliffjumper said as he was sure that the two will be back before Arcee does.

"Let's hope so." Bulkhead said as Miko looked relieved.

"Well, now that we settled this whole thing down, I think I'm gonna-" Miko started and was about to go off somewhere but Bulkhead stepped in front of her and blocked her path as he gave her a serious look.

"Not so fast, young lady. You'll be staying here when I can keep an eye on you." Bulkhead said sternly as Miko groaned in defeat.

"Fine." She said as she started her way back to the couch.

On her way to the couch Miko is mouthing, saying that she was just trying to help a friend. She then sits down with a mad look on her face and her arms crossed before Raf offers her the second controller and gives her a hopeful smile..

"Wanna play video games?" He asked as Miko didn't say anything for a moment but she sighed and accepted the offer.

"Sure." She said as she took the second controller from Raf and the two started playing.

Meanwhile back at Jasper, Jack and Smokescreen were almost at the circuit where the race was gonna be held.

"We're almost there. I think it's safe that you let me do the driving this time. Just until the race. We don't want people finding out that there's an alien that can turn into a car in their race." Jack said as Smokescreen didn't mind it.

"Okay. Just be careful." Smokescreen told him through the radio as Jack put his hands on the steering wheel.

"I will. Take the next left." Jack said before telling him to turn.

Smokescreen turns to the direction Jack told him and after that he let's Jack do the drive as they had finally arrived at the circuit. When they got there, they saw a bunch of teenage kids partying like crazy, there were a lot of amazing cars parked there. Everyone was dancing to the song from "Looking at your Rearview" from Cars. Jack was amazed at what he was seeing as a lot of the kids in that place went to the same school like him.

🎶🎵Song: Mi Mi Mi My....

Chrome doesn't have a mind

To know what it's showing you

Zoom! Comin' from behind

Bet what I'm gonna do?

Jet black window down

Rolling the rhythm out

Drum! Where's it coming from?

All you be thinkin' bout

Boom! Comin' from the bass

Breakin' the bar to bits

Bam! Music in your face

Trippin' the hypocrites

Flash from my chariot

Pumped up and bumpin' it

Psych! Spinners in the wind

Ain't no comprehending it

Flame never be the same

Once I get next to you

Game over in the lane

Hear the exit calling you

Fear View

Looking in Your Rear view

But the thing that scared you

Was bigger 'n it appeared to you

Fear View

Looking in Your Rear view

But the thing that scared you

Was bigger 'n it appeared to you.🎵🎶

"Whoa this is amazing. Forget Velocitron. This place is a true blast." Smokescreen said in awe and amazement.

"It sure is. A lot of those kids go to my school." Jack said while he was a bit overwhelmed as some kids noticed him and Smokescreen disguised as a car.

"I bet they're asking themselves how were you able to afford a car like me." Smokescreen guessed cockily.

"I'll just say I'm doing a favour to a friend." Jack told him with a sheepish smile as Smokescreen noticed some guys walking towards them.

"Heads up. Someone's coming." Smokescreen said as Jack saw the guys too as he lowered the driver seat window.

"Hey, kid. The gas station is on the next street." One of them who looked like who was the starter mocked him as his gang started laughing at Jack who wasn't the least bit amused.

"And what about the place where there's going to be a race? Any tips on how to get there?" Jack remarked back as this caused the starter guy and his men to look at him in surprise and shock.

"You're here for the race?" He asked as Jack gave a polite smile.

"Sure am." He nodded as the starter guy and his men looked at each before smiling.

"Okay then. You're in the right place. You'll be in the front." He said as Jack looked confused. This was his first race. Why would he be at the front?

"Why? This is my first race." He said as the starter guy just grinned at him.

"We all heard the rumors, kiddo. You beat one of our members. Which means that you can be at the front." He said.

"Cool, so where do I go?" Jack said before asking as the starter guy pointed just ahead of them.

"Just go up front. That's where the race will be starting. Good luck, Indy 500." He said as he gave Jack a nickname since Smokescreen did look like an Indy 500 race car.

"Thanks, I guess." Jack thanked him before he drove there as Smokescreen started talking again once they were sure they wouldn't hear the two.

"So what's the plan, kid?" Smokescreen asked.

"We're racing mean but clean." Jack saidm

"Mean but clean. Got it. Well let's go win a race." Smokescreen said as Jack decided to drive for the race but he still had his hand on the steering wheel to keep up the act that he was driving.

When he got to the starting line, he surprised Vince who gawked at Smokescreen's car mode as the guy couldn't believe that Jack had an amazing car.

"Bike's in the shop." Jack said but he knew that Arcee was only out on a patrol.

"Glad you could make it, Darby. With style. Nice wheels." Vince said with an impressed tone in his voice but he still had a mocking look.

"I figured a four wheel could help me win this race." Jack said with his eyes narrowed.

"Keep dreaming. Let's see how you do out here with big boys." Vince scoffed at him.

"I think I'll do just fine. Oh, by the way, here. You dropped these." Jack said before taking out the nail he was holding onto that he found on the way and threw it at Vince who looked surprised and saw that his little trick was discovered.

"How did you-" He started but was cut off with a small glare from Jack as that took him by surprise.

"Found out? I got lucky. Just be sure you don't cheat this time." Jack said as he narrowed his eyes more at Vince who recovered from his shock.

"Fine then. You want a clean race? I'll give you a clean race. Just don't expect me to go easy on you." Vince said as Smokescreen rolled up the window on the driver seat.

"I wasn't." He said as both of the two are getting to race.

"Are you ready?" Smokescreen asked him as Jack looked at him through the radio.

"Haven't you heard? I was born ready." Jack said confidently as Smokescreen grinned at that.

"Alright then. Here we go. This will be a night to remember. After this race, everything will be different." Smokescreen said but that made Jack make him think about some stuff and what Emily said.

"Alright, circuit drivers, are you ready?" The starter guy asked loudly for everyone to hear.

Jack soon forgets what he was thinking when he saw that Sierra was in front of the racers and was about to give the start as she waved at him and he couldn't help but waved back.

"Keep your eyes on the track, kid." Smokescreen said as Jack snapped out of it. Smokescreen got to admit that Jack was right. Sierra is pretty in human perspective and he would do anything to find a femme just as beautiful as Sierra.

"You all know the rules. Make it mean but keep it clean. Start your engines." The starter guy said as all the racers all ignited their engines, making a huge amount of noise but the loudest of the bunch was Smokescreen as Vince couldn't believe that Jack's power had a lot of horsepower than everyone else's.

"What's wrong, Vinnie? Cat got your tongue?" Jack teased him over the noise and Vince just glowered at him as both rivals were ready to settle things. Wheels vs wheels.

"Get ready to fire them up at 5..." The starter guy started counting down.

The racers are all getting for the race to start as the other teens all watch from the sidelines.


Smokescreen revved up his engine more and Vince does the same to his.

"3... 2..." Sierra raised both of her hands and without anyone noticing that a last car had joined the race but it just screamed danger.

"1...!" The starter guy yelled as Sierra brought her hands down to give the signal and racers were off.

Vince was at first and Jack was at second as Smokescreen was trying really hard to catch up to the ginger haired teen and not knowing of the danger that was lurking behind them.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here? It's the Autobot rookie. I wonder what he's doing here." Knock Out wondered curiously but this intrigued him only for him to get pushed far behind by a car.

"Well, that was rude." He said with annoyance and decided to put more speed to it.

Smokescreen is trying to pass Vince but he's not making things easy for the rookie and Jack as he keeps blocking their paths.

"Come on, Darby. Is that all you got?" Vince taunted as he sped up ahead.

"Man, that guy is good. I can't pass him." Smokescreen said through as he caught up but this was his first earth street race and it made him a little nervous.

"There's something you gotta do." Jack said as he didn't want both of them to lose the race.

"I'm trying man." Smokescreen said as he tried to pass Vince from the left side but wasn't able to.

"I knew it. You didn't have what it takes to run with the big boys." Vince mocked him as he accelerated with a mocking laugh.

"So long, Darby. See ya wouldn't wanna be ya." He left the two behind as Jack turned to Smokescreen at the radio.

"You've gotta go faster." He told him as Smokescreen looked at Jack through the rearview mirror.

"I can't race this guy but you can." Smokescreen said before letting Jack do the driving much to his surprise as he accidentally turned to the left.

But he regains control and starts driving and he's able to catch up to Vince. When he's behind him, he tries to pass him with no success and showing how good he was at driving and racing.

"Man, that guy is good." He said.

"Think of something. Maybe there's a way you can pass him and win this race." Smokescreen said as Jack starts to think of something that will help.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind. He could speed in behind Vince and use the impulse to drive to the side and pass right at him should work.

"Smokescreen, I got an idea. Are you ready?" Jack said as he wanted to make sure that the rookie was in it.

"I was born ready. Do it." Smokescreen told him as he nodded as Jack drove up behind Vince and waited for an opening as Vince glanced at him through the rearview mirror in confusion.

"What are you doing, Darby?" He asked himself.

Jack starts drafting behind as Vince tries not to let him pass. When the next turn appeared, Jack accelerated and turned to the right but Vince was still blocking him but he lost control and Jack was able to pass him and take first place.

"Whoo-hoo, you did it!" Smokescreen cheered.

Yeah, I did it! Let's run to the finish line. So long, Vinnie." Jack said as he waved bye to Vince and accelerated and let him behind.

"You're gonna pay for this, Darby." Vince gritted his teeth at that and tried to catch up.

Right behind the two rivals, the others were having trouble since Knock Out was pushing them out of the way. When he accelerated, he pushed Vince off and took second place for himself. Jack then looked at his rearview mirror and saw what was happening as he glanced back in shock and surprise.

"We've got trouble. Crazy driver right behind us." Jack said as Smokescreen saw it too.

"I'll handle this. Hold tight." He told him as the rookie accelerated to get away.

Jack then looked at the rearview again and was able to recognize Knock Out's alt mode much to his shock.

"Wait a minute. I know that car. It's Knock Out." Jack told Smokescreen in slight panic as Smokescreen got worried for Jack's safety.

"Knock Out? What's that con doing here?" He asked as he was so looking forward to getting to the finish line and getting them both back to the safety of the base.

"I don't know but I don't wanna find out." Jack said nervously just as Knock Out switched out his gun at the two.

"Look out!" Smokescreen said as he quickly went the other way.

"Whoa!" Jack exclaimed in surprise and shock as Smokescreen turned hard left to avoid Knock Out shooting at them.

"You think you can escape him?!" Jack asked in a panic as Smokescreen was in a panic as well.

"I hope because I really don't wanna call the base for help." Smokescreen said as he really didn't want to call base for back up since the two of them will be in so much trouble.

Smokescreen was starting to have a hard time avoiding Knock Out's shooting and Jack knew that they had no choice but to call base for backup and quick.

"I think we have no choice, Smokescreen. We need help." Jack told him and Smokescreen just groaned but Jack was right.

Back at the base Miko and Raf were playing video games unaware that two of their friends were getting chased by a con as the others were walking around nervously as they couldn't help but feel that something bad was happening.

"I hope the kid is okay." Bulkhead said as he was getting worried.

"Relax, Bulkhead. The rookie can take care of himself." Cliffjumper said but he was also worried.

"I was talking about Jack. It's been almost an hour since both he and Smokescreen left and they still haven't come back yet." Bulkhead said as he was really concerned and worried as Bumblebee agreed with that.

"Well good thing Arcee hasn't come back yet." Cliffjumper said but he just jinxed all of them as Arcee drove up from the entrance way of the base and transformed as she walked to them.

"Everything good here?" She asked as she eyed them.

"Yep. Everything's normal." Bulkhead said as he was seriously gonna get Cliffjumper for jinxing them all.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." Cliffjumper agreed with Bulkhead as he was so scrap to him for jinxing them.

Bumblebee whirred and beeps, saying nothing is going on as she raised an optic ridge at the three mech. She was sure that they were hiding something but what is a mystery.

"Okay?" She said with confusion before checking around and found it weird that Smokescreen wasn't present but got even more worried when she didn't see Jack anywhere at the base.

"Anyone seen Jack?" She asked them all as the three mech shifted nervously and made her narrow her optics. She was sensing something and that something wasn't good since Emily wasn't present which meant that Optimus called for base to help count the energons.

Miko and Raf both look at each other before they come up with an excuse to try and not make Arcee worry too much.

"Not since the last time." Miko said.

"Yeah that time he went to get us some sodas." Raf agreed but that didn't convince Arcee and eased up her worries.

Not convinced that their excuses were true, Arcee decided to ask the kids another question that was sure to get some answers.

"And what about Smokescreen?" She asked as she noticed that all five of the team all became nervous.

"He got out to get some fresh air." Raf said but he got nervous as Arcee was looking at them sternly.

"It's so hot in here." Miko said but that didn't fool Arcee.

Arcee soon realizes that it was a lie so she can also guess that both Jack and Smokescreen are racing.

"They're racing." She stated as she put her servos on her hips while giving them an angry look as they all became nervous.

"Yeah but just this once." Raf finally admitted as Arcee turned to the three mechs that were present.

"You guys knew about this?!" She asked them as Bumblebee quickly hid behind Bulkhead. Arcee is scary when angered.

"No." Bulkhead tried to deny it.

"Maybe." Cliffjumper said as they knew that the jig was up as Bumblebee whirred perhaps.

"Okay, yes, we did. But it was Miko's fault." Bulkhead finally admitted as Arcee turned her stern optics at all of them.

"Bulkhead. You're ratting me out. Not cool." Miko groaned.

"I don't care whose fault it is. Because of all of you, Jack might be in danger." Arcee said as she was going to give both Jack and Smokescreen an ear/audio full once they got back.

Only to make the matter worse, the comm-links started beeping and it was Smokescreen calling the base for help.

"Hey, guys, I need help." He said and that sent red flags. Uh oh, what's happening?

"What is it, Smokescreen?" Bulkhead asked as he could hear shooting in the background.

"Got a con shooting at me. It's Knock Out." He informed them as this made the others more alarmed. What was that Decepticon doing in Jasper Nevada?

"Knock Out?" Raf asked in shock.

"Here in Jasper?" Miko asked in shock as she got worried.

"I need your help, guys. I don't know how much I can take." Smokescreen said as he sounded like he made a turn to avoid getting hit.

"Smokescreen, you need to get out there." Arcee finally spoke up as this made Smokescreen nervous.

"Arcee? Hey... I didn't know you were there." Smokescreen said nervously as Arcee crossed her arms.

"Yeah I see that." She said sarcastically and Smokescreen knew that he's in big trouble.

"So I guess there's no use making excuses then huh?" He stated as Arcee narrowed her optics sternly through the comm-links.

"You and I are going to talk about this, rookie. In the meantime, keeping Jack safe is your top priority. Until I get my hands on him." Arcee said as she walked to the driveway to help Smokescreen.

"I'm glad it's not me." Cliffjumper said in relief as Arcee turned to the three mechs.

"Come on, you guys. We're leaving now." Arcee told them before they all transformed and left the base to help their friend as the two humans watched them leave.

"Jack is in big trouble." Miko said.

"You think we're in big trouble too?" Raf asked nervously.

"I hope not." Miko said as she hoped that they wouldn't get in trouble.

"Maybe we should keep an eye on the comm-link. Just in case they call." Raf suggested as Miko nodded.

"Good idea." She said as they both walked to the computers to keep an eye on the comm-links just in case.

Meanwhile in the circuit, Smokescreen was still having a hard time escaping from Knock Out as the rookie knew that he had to keep Jack out of harm's way.

"You can't run forever, Autobot." Knock Out taunted as Jack was trying to come up with a way for them to get away safely.

"There must be a way to get rid of him." Jack said as Smokescreen had an idea.

"On it." Smokescreen said before he started to leave a trail of oil behind.

Knock Out unfortunately drives in the oil covered road and starts sliding much to his annoyance since his finish almost got stained.

"Why, you sneaky, Autobot! Just wait until I get you. You're gonna pay for trying to ruin my finish." Knock Out sneered in annoyance as he slid out of control and allowed both Smokescreen and Jack to get away.

"Slick. Well played." Jack commented when he looked back with a smirk.

"We're home free." Smokescreen said in relief.

"Good. Let's find a good place to hide. There's a bridge up ahead, we can hide under it." Jack said as he pointed somewhere and Smokescreen agreed to that. Better wait for the others to arrive.

"Good idea." Smokescreen said as he made a u-turn and headed for the bridge to hide under it from Knock Out as he turned his headlights off.

When the Decepticon got to the bridge after getting away from his slippery situation as both Smokescreen and Jack held their breath. When he didn't see any sign of Smokescreen anywhere, he left. When he was far enough, Jack and Smokescreen started to relax as they both released a sigh of relief. Too close.

"Ah, he's gone." Smokescreen said in relief.

"We lost him. What a relief. But when we get back to base, we're gonna be in so much trouble." Jack said but he knew that they were in so much trouble later when they got back. Smokescreen saw a pair of headlights coming towards them.

"Someone's coming." Smokescreen said tensely as Jack tensed up in fear.

"Knock Out?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Dunno." Smokescreen said as he lowered his voice as the car stopped in front of them and the person coming out of the car was the least of their problems. It was Vince.

"Oh no. You gotta be kidding me." Jack groaned.

"Not good." Smokescreen said quietly as Vince got out of his car angrily and approached the two.

"Darby!" He yelled.

Not far from the bridge, Knock Out heard Vince's voice so he stopped and turned back again.

"Do you want me to scare him away?" Smokescreen said quietly as he didn't want Jack to get in trouble.

"Don't even think about it. Now be quiet and whatever you do, stay in your vehicle mode. I'll handle this. Vince, you have to get out of here. You win the race, okay? Congratulations." Jack hissed at quietly before speaking normally for Vince to hear as he needed to get Vince to leave before the others or Knock Out can be seen by him.

But Vince didn't leave as he then slammed his hands in Smokescreen's hood and made the rookie grunt silently at impact. That hurts a little.

"Oh no, no. You will start the engine back now. You and I are finishing this race." Vince said heatedly as Jack was internally panicking. Can Vince just leave already before things get worse than before?!

"This is not a good time. You have to leave." Jack said urgently but Vince mistook that as fear as he decided to mock him.

"I see you're being a big scaredy cat huh, Darby? You don't wanna take this to the finish line? Fine by me. We got something to settle right here, right now." Vince said but didn't get the chance when a servo grabbed him and threw Vince in the air as Knock Out transformed to his vehicle mode.

Vince landed inside Knock Out who used his seat belt to restrain him as Vince was scared and confused since he didn't know what was going on.

"What's going on?! What are you-" Vince asked in fear before Knock Out put him to sleep by some sort of sleeping shock and drove away.

Jack quickly got out of Smokescreen and saw what happened. He starts running but stops as saw how Knock Out was getting away with a human hostage. The stress started to invade his mind as he put his hands on his head. Even though Vince is a bully and a jerk, he was still innocent.

On his way, Knock Out started calling Breakdown to inform him of what he has.

"Breakdown, you'll never believe what I'm packing here with me. Smokescreen's human partner." Knock Out informed his partner on the other side and he almost laughed when he heard that Breakdown spit something out. Looks like he contacted him while he was drinking energon.

"What, really?" He asked in shock and surprise.

"Yes. And when the Autobots try to stage a rescue." Knock Out said as Breakdown knew what that would mean.

"They'll have a breakdown. Hahaha." His partner laughed evilly at this as Knock Out accelerated.

Meanwhile Jack couldn't help but feel guilty and stressed about this whole mess. He should have stayed back at base like Arcee and Emily told him so! Now Vince is in danger because of his stupidity.

"Oh no, no, no!" Jack panicked as he grabbed his hair in panic as Smokescreen drove up behind him as he was concerned as well.

"Do we go after him?" He asked as Jack turned to him and Smokescreen could see the panic in his eyes.

"Yes... No... I don't know!" Jack exclaimed in panic.

"Calm down, Jack." Smokescreen said as Jack fixed a frustrated look at him.

"How can you tell me to calm down? You saw what happened! Vince is about to get crushed by Decepticons. Or worse." Jack said as he groaned in dismay. He shouldn't have went to this stupid race.

"Then what are we waiting around here for? Let's go get him." Smokescreen said as Jack sighed.

"We can't go. If Vince gets hurt, it will not go well. We need back up." Jack said before a horn beeping was heard and he turned around.

"You said you needed back up?" To his relief it was Arcee and the others.

Arcee and the others had arrived as They all transformed to their bipedal forms and even Smokescreen as Arcee knelt down and looked Jack in the eye.

"You and I are gonna have a little chat about this, young man. And just so you know, you're in a lot of trouble." Arcee told him sternly as Jack knew that this would happen but right now they have a human to rescue from a Decepticon.

"Yeah that will have to wait. Right now, we have bigger problems. Vince got snatched by Knock Out." Jack told them as this alarmed them.

"Why would Knock Out want a random human? It doesn't make sense." Arcee said as this concerned her.

"Maybe he mistook Vince for Smokescreen's human friend. I'm not even Smokescreen's human friend. I don't know, It doesn't matter, he took him. Vince is in trouble and we gotta help him before they take him forever." Jack said as he was seriously going to have a serious talk from both Arcee and Emily later.

"Ah, well tough luck for Vince." Bulkhead just scoffed at that.

"You can say that again." Smokescreen agreed.

"Jasper won't be missing him." Cliffjumper shrugged as Bumblebee agreed.

"Guys!" Jack snapped at the four mechs as they looked at him.

"What? I heard that the guy is a jerk." Bulkhead said.

"Not to mention a bully." Cliffjumper added.

"And worst of all a creep." Smokescreen said as Jack knew they were right but Vince is still a human.

"Okay I agree. He's the worst but he's innocent and doesn't deserve to be crushed by Decepticons. Even if he is a jerk. Either, it's not our decision to make whether he lives or not. Our mission is to protect every human." Jack said as he doesn't want Vince to get hurt.

"Yeah but there's nothing about being obliged to save the jerks like him." Bulkhead said but Jack just crossed his arms.

"Unless you can prove the contrary that Vince is a human." Jack said and he almost smiled when that got them.

"I hate to admit this but the kid has a point there." Cliffjumper said since he knew from protocol that every Autobots must protect the human kind.

"Ah, bolts. Let's just go save the guy and forget this ever happened." Bulkhead finally gave in as Arcee transformed and revved up her engine.

"Hop on." She said as Jack turned to her in surprise.

"Really?" He asked as she looked at him and he could feel a smirk.

"Yes." She said as he hurriedly went to her side and hopped on before putting his helmet on.

The others all transform and start driving to save Vince from Knock Out but unaware to them that an enemy from Bumblebee's past is about to make his appearance.

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