
Aang vs Korra (ATLA): Info

Avatar Aang

Aang was a male Air Nomad born in 12 BG and the Avatar during the Hundred Year War, succeeding Avatar Roku and preceding Avatar Korra. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts: airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending.

He was also one of a select few Avatars and one of the first in many cycles to learn the ancient art of energybending and the first Avatar known to have actively used the technique. Shortly before the beginning of the Hundred Year War, Aang was frozen in an iceberg for a hundred years; he later emerged, still biologically twelve years old, into a world engulfed by war. During his absence, the Fire Nation had waged war upon the other nations and managed to completely wipe out the pacifistic Air Nomads.

It fell to Aang, the Avatar and the last airbender, to end the War by mastering the other three elements and defeating Fire Lord Ozai. He remained a kind and goofy kid at heart throughout his year-long struggle, despite the overwhelming loss of his people and the heavy burdens he was forced to bear. After his victory over the Phoenix King, Aang began a romantic relationship with his close friend, Katara. The couple eventually married and raised a family of three children: Bumi, the oldest, a nonbender who became an airbender later in life; Kya, a waterbender; and the youngest, Tenzin, an airbender.

Avatar Korra

Korra is the current incarnation of the Avatar and immediate successor of Avatar Aang. Born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe, where she mastered waterbending, earthbending, and firebending, she later relocated to Republic City to attain a similar proficiency with airbending under the tutelage and guidance of Tenzin, as well as to help her overcome her aversion to the spiritual aspects of the bending arts. With the assistance of Aang's spirit, Korra gained the ability to energy bend and, after connecting with her past lives, she gained the capacity to enter the Avatar State at will, marking her transition into a fully realized Avatar.

However, due to her temporary separation from Raava during the Harmonic Convergence of 171 AG, she no longer has a connection to her past lives. Following her battle with Zaheer and the Red Lotus, she spent three years recovering from trauma. Later, after defeating Kuvira and bringing an end to the Earth Empire, Korra started a romantic relationship with her best friend, Asami Sato.

AVATAR AANG (The Last Airbender)

Powers and Abilities

Bending: As a reincarnation of the entity known as the Avatar, Aang possessed the power to bend all four elements, making him the most powerful bender of his time. Though Avatar Roku said mastering the elements could take many years, Aang was able to learn all four with considerable skill in a year, though technically, he did not completely master all four as stated by Zuko and Toph.

As a result of his unconventional training, Aang never demonstrated most of the special subsets of the bending arts. However, he did display the abilities of lightning redirection and seismic sense, making him the first Avatar known to have learned these abilities.

Airbending: By the time of the Air Nomad Genocide, Aang was already an airbending master, the youngest in history at that time. Aang achieved his mastery tattoos when he mastered thirty-five of the thirty-six tiers of airbending and invented a new airbending technique, the "air scooter", becoming the youngest known airbending master of his time at only twelve years old.

The element of air was the one he utilized the most in battle. As a master, Aang's skill with airbending was exceptional; he was able to fight on-par with strong and powerful masters or against large numbers of opponents, despite not finishing his airbending training. He was shown creating tornadoes and currents of air strong enough to lift heavy objects.

Waterbending: Although Aang was originally better at waterbending than his fourteen-year-old friend Katara, his lack of focus allowed Katara to surpass him as she was later deemed a waterbending master after rapidly developing her skills while training under Master Pakku.

In the early stages of his training, Aang showed prodigious skill in waterbending, being able to easily create a huge wave on his first try. Although he had great skill with waterbending, it was one of his least used elements in battle, instead favoring other readily-available elements such as earth or air.

Earthbending: Because earthbending contrasted Aang's personality and his native element, air, he had great difficulty learning the bending art. Airbenders relied on indirect methods of combat, while earthbending required a head-on approach. When Aang was forced to protect Sokka from a saber-tooth moose lion, he stood his ground rather than avoiding conflict, showing an earthbender's attitude; he was able to earthbend soon thereafter.

His earthbending improved greatly, allowing him to utilize air, water, and earthbending in combat together effectively. Earthbending even became Aang's second most used fighting style behind airbending due to its general availability and defensive capabilities.

Firebending: While normally, the Avatar must learn the four elements in the proper cycle, Aang was given the opportunity to learn firebending early from Master Jeong Jeong, instead of first mastering water and earth, in addition to his mastery of air. While training, Aang's impatience to learn the basics of firebending resulted in him harming Katara, an accident that caused him great shame. He swore from that point onward never to firebend again, out of fear of losing control.

It was not until after the invasion plan failed that Aang sought to learn firebending again. After accepting Prince Zuko as his teacher and discovering the true meaning of firebending from the dragons Ran and Shaw, Aang no longer feared firebending and began his training in the bending art. He was shown to be quite skilled yet initially reluctant to show the aggressive attitude required for firebending.

Energybending: After being endowed with the knowledge from a lion turtle, Aang was able to use an ancient form of bending that precedes all other bending called energybending, which he used to strip Ozai of his natural firebending abilities, leaving the Fire Lord permanently drained and in a weakened state. Aang enters the Avatar State to use it.

According to the lion turtle, before the Avatar existed, people did not bend the four elements, but the life force energy within themselves. However, in order to bend another person's life force energy, the energy bender's own life energy must be unbendable, or they could become corrupted or even destroyed. Energybending allows the bender to both strip and restore a person's bending abilities and transfer knowledge from one person to another.

Avatar Spirit: As the Avatar, Aang was able to contact his past lives to seek advice and guidance. Being the immediate predecessor of Aang, Roku most often came to the young airbender's aid. For example, it was Roku who warned Aang about the impending return of Sozin's Comet and manifested through the young Air Nomad in order to defeat a group of firebenders awaiting the Avatar's appearance.

Medium: As the carrier of the Avatar Spirit, Aang also had the capacity to act as a medium, a bridge between the mortal world and the Spirit World. Even while still a young child, Aang demonstrated a natural affinity to the spiritual arts. Through meditation, Aang could separate from his body and travel to the Spirit World and, with the help of a spirit, his astral form could also visit the physical world's astral plane.

Chi Sensing: Using his chakra with the roots around him, Aang eventually became deeply connected to other individuals and located them. He used this ability to find Appa and Momo in the Foggy Swamp.

Agility: Aang was extremely agile and quick even without bending, proven while forced to hide his bending abilities when masquerading as a Fire Nation student. He was able to defend himself without needing to resort to bending by simply dodging and avoiding attacks.

This fighting style was overall similar to the martial art Baguazhang, which consists of an intricate set of foot and palm movements to dodge, walk circles around the enemy, and strike unexpectedly as well as defend from all angles; this art emphasized the pursuit of harmony in conflict situations, rather than destroying or defeating the opponent – all principles that Aang used often.

Avatar State: Aang taps into the cycle of reincarnation, and gains the accumulated knowledge, skill and experience of countless previous lifetimes. In addition, it dramatically augments the power of his bending, allowing him to perform feats of power that would require multiple master level benders to replicate. However, if he's killed in this state, the cycle of reincarnation is permanently broken.


Evades high waves on Appa before getting overwhelmed, entering the Avatar State and enclosing everyone in a sphere that flies them to safety. Merges with the Ocean Spirit to become a kaiju, tanking giant fireballs, swatting away battleships, and destroying huge structures.

Should be comparable to other adult Avatars such as Kyoshi, Roku and his successor, Korra, who was able to redirect the energy of the Spirit Energy Cannon, which vaporized a large portion of a mountain. Also comparable to Avatar Kuruk, who can throw large land masses around.

AVATAR KORRA (The Legend Of Korra)

Powers and Abilities

Bending: As the Avatar, Korra has the unique ability to use all four elements and has the potential to become the most powerful bender in the world. Furthermore, since she was a child, Korra has always had a remarkable affinity for the physical aspect of bending.

Waterbending: Korra has demonstrated a high level of skill in waterbending - She is capable of creating large walls of ice, powerful water whips, and water waves strong enough to push back opponents of enormous size.

She can also launch herself high into the air and maintain the height on a gigantic waterspout easily, fight off several aerial attacks with various water attacks, and propel herself plus another person through the water at high-speeds to avoid attacks. While she was taught both Northern and Southern waterbending, Korra also picked up the ability to bend like Republic City's waterbenders, using a more direct approach with her attacks.

Spiritbending: Korra is capable of pacifying dark spirits and sending them back to the spirit world by using this rare waterbending technique.

Earthbending: Korra has also achieved great mastery in earthbending, regularly using traditional earthbending in combat, while also utilizing pro-style earthbending, attacking more akin to a firebender with light footwork and quick jabs.

Her prowess is great enough to easily take control of earth targets levitated by other earthbenders, launching enemies many feet into the air and throwing large boulders at her opponents. She can also synchronize her earthbending with another person to increase the versatility and control of her bending.

Metalbending: Being the first known Avatar to be capable of metalbending, Korra is quite talented at its use. She can effectively manipulate metal to a point where she can rip through obstacles made of metal and both deflect and redirect incoming metalbending attacks.

Firebending: Fire is one of Korra's most used elements. Due to the fact that she relies on offensive maneuvers when under pressure, Korra uses fire more than any other element. She has learned various advanced techniques such as the breath of fire and continuous fire streams.

Against other firebenders, she can easily deflect and disperse the enemies' attack. She can produce daggers made out of fire in each hand for close-range combat and is able to propel herself through the air with firebending in short bursts, and use these bursts to run along walls.

Airbending: Unlike with the other three elements, Korra had great difficulties learning how to airbend, only unlocking it after previously having had her other elements blocked temporarily. However, in the following years, she became proficient in the art.

She has shown great power in her offensive use of airbending, although her style of airbending varies dramatically from other airbenders, employing straightforward offensive movements similar to firebending while lacking the more characteristic circular and spiraling movements. Korra is able to effectively glide with an airbender staff and can use more advanced techniques, such as the air scooter.

Healing: Korra can use water to treat injuries and certain diseases, a special ability possessed by some waterbenders taught to her by Katara. However, this ability has not been shown to be applied during combat.

Hand to Hand Combat: Korra possesses impressive body strength and is adept at martial arts, being able to lift and throw even heavy people and objects. She is also very agile and can easily dodge incoming attacks by leaping out of their way. Her punches and kicks are strong enough to directly knock out close-range attackers.

Avatar State: Similar to the other Avatars, Korra can enter the avatar state, which vastly enhances her bending abilities and range. Although not being able to access the power of her previous incarnations any more, Korra still possesses great power while utilizing it and can enter it at will, although it may also get triggered as a self defense mechanism or as a response to extreme emotional reactions.

If the Avatar dies while in the avatar state, the Avatar cycle ends with no new Avatar being born. Korra also possesses the ability to bend large amounts of spirit energy while in the avatar state and restore people's bending, after theirs was taken away by a bloodbender.


She learned Unalaq's signature Waterbending technique, which can purify, cleanse and destroy spirits. Using Spiritbending, she cleansed and killed Unalaq merged with Vaatu. Able to manipulate another person's life energy, remove one's bending completely, or restore one's bending.

Easily far above regular benders and should be comparable if not superior to kid Katara and Toph, could fight Amon with her Airbending. Redirected the energy of the Spirit Energy Cannon, which was able to vaporize a portion of a mountain.

LOCATION: Spirit World (The Legend Of Korra)

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