
Rias vs Moka (Anime Only): Fight

In the realm of science, most would say that we humans have been Earth's dominant species for 200,000 years. However, human dominance is far more precarious and short-lived as far as the supernatural is concerned. From harmless Yokai that scurry from different worlds to biblical deities that influence us every day, monsters are very real indeed.

Yet, instead of taking the top of the food chain, these inhuman creatures live in harmony with us. Whether through culture apportion or osmosis, monsters adopted our ways and even decided to live with us in the modern-day through complex societies. Societies that are still working their magic today. For evidence, look no further than the prestigious private school Kuoh Academy.

On a relatively peacefully sunny Saturday afternoon, most of the Academy's students had left barring its most iconic members: The Occult Research Club. Instead, they were already hard at work introducing the academy to two new students from a unique "sister" school: Yokai Academy.

And who better to lead the charge than said club's president and red-headed princess of the demonic Gremory Clan, Rias Gremory? As the three figures were on their way to the Occult Club's main building, the blue-eyed bombshell explained their current location, with the young couple listening internally.

"And these are our school grounds. This is usually where we hang out on off hours but also hold our various sports festivals," Rias explained in a dignified manner.

The Yokai Academy members stared in awe at the sheer size of the lush area, gaining more feverish excitement.

"This is amazing Rias, I'm so jealous you get to experience this every day, in plain sight amongst other humans," a pink-haired, green-eyed girl said with a flashing Rosario.

"Yeah, this place, in general, could serve as a huge example of how Yokai can better interact with human life. This latest article may be just the thing the Yokai Gazette needs to explode in new members. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity Mrs.Gremory," a brown-haired young man said while bowing in an enthusiastic attitude.

"Please, Tsukune, call me Rias, and I really should be thanking you two for even coming. I know Yokai Academy's relations with humans have been strenuous. This is why I wanted to show that the Occult Research Club is more than happy to assist in deeper human-yokai relations. Plus, if it also means I get to meet the world-famous Moka Akashiya of the Shinso Vampires and her plus one," Rias said with a reassuring smile.

At that point, Moka's face started to turn beet red from both the sunlight and embarrassment. The young vampiress quickly started to get more flustered. But, unfortunately, Tsukune also began to turn red for entirely different reasons, which led to their anxious reactions.

"Please just call me Moka, Mrs. Grem- I mean Rias," Moka said nervously.

"I mean, I wouldn't call me a plus one. Moka and I are just close friends and all. Like really good friends, I'm sure she would just invite anyone you know like really good friends. So let's continue the tour now shall we" Tsukune said sporadically.

Rias' eyes flashed teasingly before softening and carrying on.

"Whatever you say, Tsukune, and I'll respect your wishes Moka," Rias said politely.

With that, the grand tour started to continue. First, however, Tsukune and Moka stopped listening to Rias instead going with the flow and absorbing the scenery. Eventually, their focus started to drift entirely on one another until it seemed like they were the only people in the world. Moka then started to wrap herself around Tsukune's left arm, her flashing Rosario prominent while whispering in his ear.

"You're more than just a plus one to me, Tsukune," Moka said affectionately.

Tsukune started to get even more overwhelmed, so much so that he didn't notice the stone that he promptly tripped on. From there, gravity managed to do the rest of the work, as Moka and Rias tried to rush in for him, causing an accidental pile up. The next time Tskune opened his eyes, he found himself in a position most men would dream of: face deep in Rias buxom chest.

The sight alone was enough to have Tsukune's brain completely buffer in sheer sexual shock as Rias remained completely unfazed. However, before she could reassure him of his okay, the air started to grow colder. At the same time, dozens of ethereal bat-like creatures began to encircle the area across a now shining Moka, making her form slightly more curvaceous.

The startling yet familiar transformation Tsukune's senses returned just enough to realize that along with accidentally grabbing Rias' chest, Tsukune also grabbed Moka's Rosario, the only thing that chained her dangerous vampiric power.

The realization caused him to grow far more fearful as Moka grew white hair, red eyes, long fingernails, and an alarming increase in spiritual power. When the transformation was done Inner Moka, angrily looked at the accidentally erotic scene, a hint of jealously that soon grew into a rage.


Immediately Tsukune tried to explain himself, leaping off of Rias while rubbing the blood pouring from his mouth. Noticing his distress, Rias tried to jump in.

"It's not what it looks like, Moka, I swear," Tsukune said in a panicky manner.

"Tsukune's right Moka. There's no need to be-."

Before Rias could finish, Inner Moka blurred past her and delivered a powerful low kick that leveled the area and sent Tsukune back. Tsukune tried to diffuse the situation in horror but got relieved upon seeing Rias blocking the barrier. However, inner Moka's rage soon turned to a cheeky grin.

"Ah, so it seems the Gremory Clan is more than just paltry talk and faux wealth. No matter, I'll teach you your place."

Tsukune tried to reason with Moka, but Rias interrupted and maintained her calm nature.

"It's okay, Tsukune. I understand what's happening. I'll deal with this myself, you just find her Rosario, and I'll be as gentle as possible," Rias commanded gently.

"I'd like to see you try," Moka said as she got more heated.

In an instant, Moka unleashed an axe kick, this time being powerful enough to send a prominent gust of force while cracking her barrier. Scarlet eyes scanned across the environment, trying to find her opponent only to sense an immense rise in demonic energy. The resulting collision of said auras drenched the academy in a moody red skyline.

Rias unfurled her black devil wings from a nearby rooftop while holding a small ball of dark red energy, her blue eyes fully ready for a fight on her hands. Inner Moka promptly answered her call with a simple wave of her hand. That was all the two ladies needed to get the fight started.

Kuoh Academy's school grounds became a warzone decorated in black and red projectiles in seconds. Moka dodged them all with ease using her senses to gauge her power internally at superhuman speeds.

"She's strong, It's not wise to get hit by any one of those projectiles, and I'm already a sitting duck here. So I need to close the distance."

The powerful vampire noticed an old schoolhouse nearby out of the corner of her eye. She almost reflexively closed in, using two swift kicks to turn it into a massive projectile. Alarmed, a now airborne Rias condensed her barrage into a concentrated orb that annihilated the structure in a flashy fireworks show. The resulting explosion left Rias open for an acrobatic vertical roundhouse kick.

Rias, this time, set a series of closely layered barriers to both her front and back. The act saved her life by blocking the attack and slowing her fall into the school gymnasium. It also gave the princess of ruin just enough time to counterattack with a sharp bolt of arcane energy. Vampiric instinct guided the Inner Moka as she narrowly dodged the blast. Unfortunately, she was still caught in the resulting explosion, throwing her to the ground so hard it cracked.

Closing in, Rias morphed her projectile into a drake-like avatar descended. Unfortunately, Mako didn't come out unscathed this time, as her entire right arm got covered in first-degree burns. At that moment, Rias' scarlet aura flared as she became more demanding.

"Please stop this now, Moka. I can't guarantee I can be gentle if you keep resisting like this. There's nothing between Tsukune and me; my heart belongs to another."

At that moment, the Outer Moka started to appear in front of her in a ghostly image only she could see.

"Rias is telling the truth. She was just trying to help Tsukune like we do every day. So please let's end this. I don't want to worry him," she pleaded.

However, Inner Moka made headstrong walking past the ghost while openly explaining.

"Regardless of the context, I still need to protect Tsukune. I know the power of you Gremory's rivals my family. But I also know you bring greater dangers, so prove to me right here and now, Rias. That you're powerful enough to ensure his safety from threats more dangerous than a mere accident," she said firmly.

The princess of destruction carefully weighed the vampire's offer. Her diplomatic side urged her to reconsider, but her pride as a demon compelled her just like Moka. So instead of responding, she let her actions speak for her, cloaking the gymnasium in her red aura. Answering in kind Moka's arm regenerated enough to ball her fist. A pressing silence took place over the gymnasium before erupting into the final act.

One primal stomp from Moka was all she needed to create a wave of rock, stone, and wood straight to the hellish heiress. Rias immediately countered by firing a vast wave of destructive energy. Once the dust settled, though, Rias directly aimed for her blind spot, unleashing another small orb of power to guard her back from a Yoki enchanted kick!

The two attacks managed to cancel each other out in a small shockwave. Realizing this, both combatants instantly adapted, unleashing a CQC barrage of blows that started to erode the building. While it was even at first, Moka's superior physical abilities gave her the advantage slightly. A hardy left spin kick was all she needed to leave Rias wide open for her most powerful attack yet.

She miscalculated the Gremory's resolve though she forewent all defense in a split second and countered with a blast of equal power. The resulting explosion annihilated the gymnasium and sent them both flying. Unfortunately, Moka got the worst of it as she promptly crashed right into Kuoh Academy's pool so hard it immediately got emptied.

While the Shinso vampires are some of the world's most fearsome creatures, water still proved to be one of their most pressing weaknesses. Its holy properties reacted violently with Moka's vampiric energy causing her body to spark violently while quickly losing power. In an instant, the grand mistress of Yokai became a weakling, and in that realm between consciousness and unconsciousness, the Inner and Outer Moka responded.

"Damn it; I guess I was the weak one all along," Inner Moka vehemently said in a defeated pose.

Before she could stew in misery, the Outer Moka gave her other half a big hug, along with some words of encouragement.

"Your far from weak. I wish I could be half as strong as you. But being strong doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself, you know that. Rias is only trying to help. Besides, if you ever think that you're not strong enough, then you know that-."

Outer Moka quickly got interrupted as soon enough, the Inner Moka's eyes awoke to see a concerned Tsukune with blood-red eyes. Bit by bit, more of her senses started to come through until she wordlessly clasped Tsukune's hand and gave him a reassuring smile. A couple of minutes passed before eventually a bloodied Rias descended from above, hurt but still very much alive. Tsukune lost all of his cool composure, still unsure of what had happened.

"I thought you weren't going to hurt her Rias, Moka can't be around water. It's like poison to her. That little stunt could've killed her!" he said violently.

Rias tried to defend herself, but her current injuries made communication hard. Tsukune's concern, fear, and anger started to boil over until a pillar of green thunder descended from on high. Said pillar soon dispersed to reveal a teenage boy with brown eyes and spiky brown hair, armed with a mighty red gauntlet on his left arm.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Issei Hyoudou, the great red dragon, growled to Tsukune.

"You tell me, Rias nearly killed Moka."

"Are you sure about that? Because I just got a wave of energy from your hot vampiric girlfriend over there," Issei said aggressively.

From there, the two started to get into a heated argument. Rias and Mako tried to stop them too, but they were too tired to step in. Which meant all they could do was give a big sigh and smile at each other, realizing why they both ended up falling in love with their respective other halves. From there, Inner Moka's worries were over, learning that she may like it here with her new demonic friend.

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