
Chapter 105

The Jedi High Council which has been on Lehon for the past 2 years has found themselves a planet to establish themselves on and to also discuss the future.

The planet in question was Ahch-To. Ahch-To, known by many names in ancient legends, was a planet mostly covered in water, with numerous rocky islands blanketed with green trees located in the Unknown Regions. It was the birthplace of the Jedi Order and held the ancient Jedi texts.

While the location of the planet was lost from Galactic records for centuries, the Exploration fleet that Alexander had exploring the Unknown region's of the Galaxy had found the location of Ahch-To about 2 years ago.

Cortana had already looked through all the Republic records that she had gotten access to before the collapse of the republic.

So once they found the planet she had matched the data that she found from the records with the planet and had confirmed that it was indeed the ancient jedi world of Ahch-To.

Once this was confirmed, Alexander had contacted Master Yoda and informed him of a potential place for the Jedi to make their new homebase. And once Alexander showed Master Yoda the planet, Master Yoda was very eager to see it for himself.

So Master Yoda and the other Master Jedi were taken to Ahch-To where they found the ancient Jedi texts and ancient abandoned temples.

To them this place held a strong historical value to the Jedi and it would be a good place to start rebuilding the Jedi Order after it's fall to the Sith on Coruscant.

And so all the Jedi on Lehon was transported to Ahch-To where the Jedi High council had payed Alexander using Republic currency to rebuild the Temple into a grand Jedi Palace.

Alexander accepted and the construction of a new Jedi Palace was taking place on Ahch-To using Republic credits. Now why did Alexander accept the payment in Republic credits, well that's because he has not banned the use of Republic credits in the Systems controlled by him because of the people who flee from the Empire will still use Republic credits.

Of course they can exchange the credits for Terran Currency at any Bank so there was nothing wrong and it benefitted those fleeing from the Empire. 

Meanwhile the Galactic Empire has replaced Republic currency with their own Imperial Credits which will be used on all world of the Galactic Empire while use of Republic credits were banned throughout the Empire.

In short the Jedi High Council payed Alexander to construct a new Jedi Palace which would have all types of facilities for everyday needs for the Jedi. 

Also around this time there was a rising resistance movement in the Galactic Empire. These groups were all independent of one another but fought for the same purpose which was to bring freedom and democracy back to the people of the Galaxy.

Various powerful senator's and other governmental officials had secretly supported these movements.

Once such person was Senator Mon Mothma a prominent member of the Senate both before the Formation of the Galactic Empire and now. She is friends with Padme Amidala, and Bail Prestor Organa.

Mon Mothma has been trying to get a group of senators on her side to stop the Emperor with his expansion of powers but she has not been very successful. Meanwhile the Empire continues to rule with fear.

Mon Mothma openly defied the Emperor, unlike Bail Organa and other senators who only secretly backed the Rebellion. Her forthright views against the Empire brought her under closer investigation by ISB or the Imperial Security Bureau and even Emperor Palpatine himself, thus preventing her from dabbling in more effective covert efforts to undermine Imperial rule.

She continued to use her official channels, senatorial privilege and political contacts to effect change, maintaining the belief that a system of the government, no matter how broken, still has some degree of effectiveness.

Butt her efforts are only making the situation worse since once she is found guilty of being a traitor and supported the Resistance groups in the Galaxy she will be arrested. But for now she was safe.

Alexander has been keeping an eye on her because of her similar views to Padme. He eventually wanted to meet with her since she was a very important figure for the future but he didn't want to risk her safety by doing that.

So for now he would just sit and wait for something interesting to happen until he get's that chance.

Meanwhile on the way towards Lehon was a transport ship carrying a diplomat from the Hutt clan. The person chosen to go was none other than the person who proposed the plan Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo. And with him was his escort of Mercenaries hired to protect him on his trip.

But first they must get past the Hyper Lane Gate and into Terran space.

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