
Was he singing?

Amelia Forbes

I woke up to the soft cry of my baby girl. We'd moved her from Nana's room to the room that used to belong to my parents.

Careful not to wake anyone up, I tiptoed to the room and received a startle when I saw Jason cradling her in his arms.

My first thought was to go in and snatch her away from him.

If he hurt her, I swear.

But I waited. And I watched.

I watched her stop crying as soon as he picked her up. I watched him coo her, kiss her cheek and began to hum a tune.

Was he singing? I wondered, my mouth agape.

What had happened to the Jason Davenport from high school? And who was this softie? Was this all an act? To gain my forgiveness?

But he knew everyone was asleep. So why would he act when there wasn't an audience.

I don't know how long I stood there for. But i watched them, a wide smile permanently plastered on my face. He knew just how to hold her. How to rock her back and forth so she would fall asleep.


What changed?

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