
I'm tired, man

Amelia Forbes

I was determined to make everything go right today. Maybe not perfect. But just right.

Hopefully, good enough to not get into trouble with anyone; Kimberly or Jason.

I didn't think I could take any insults or bullying right now. I was weak; physically, mentally, emotionally. You name it. I needed a break from it all.

Which was why I'd rounded up the remainder of the project over the weekend. All that was left to do now was fill out Jason's project manual, as I had filled out mine already, and give him a summary of everything I'd done in case we were required to present it in class.

As I walked through the hallway with the homework from last week-we were asked to write an essay-I searched for Jason to hand his to him.

Easiest way to stay safe from trouble with Jason? Find him before he found you.

If he asked me for it first, it'd only be another opportunity to pick on me. And that's exactly what I was trying to prevent.

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