
Chapter 67

"... I… it's quite busy today, indeed,"


The green-clad aristocrat was unable to enter the staff area of the soup kitchen this time due to the number of housewives and the sizable staff. Frustrated, they stood off to the side and muttered.


"Good morning, Lord Poputema,"


"Sir Pendragon. Good morning, indeed,"


With a smile, Satou manoeuvred behind the noble dressed in green and greeted him in case he was still willing to assist us.


"I'm on my way to investigate the scene of the fire. Would you like to come along, Lord Poputema?"


"Are you certain you should be leaving the soup kitchen, indeed?"


"Yes, with this much assistance, there's no need for a noble like me to help out,"


I watch Satou leave with Poputema and let out a sigh of relief. It was a lot easier to get rid of him than I expected. Still, even with him gone, the situation here barely changed. A few brave kids nervously stepped forward but most were still nervously watching from the sidelines while occasionally glancing in the direction that Satou and Poputema left in.


"Nana, Sara," I say after seeing they won't move. Some kids in the alleys are too afraid to come out. Can you bring some food to them?"


"Yes, Hero Kura," Nana's face seemed to light up despite her blank expression. "I will make sure no larvae staves, I vow."


"Nana, wait for me,"


Poor Sara could barely keep up with Nana as she took off so fast she kicked up a small dust cloud. At least she remembered to grab some food before she took off. But Nana seems like she is scaring the kids as they try to escape, only to be caught in her arms. I'm sure things will turn out okay with Sara with her.


"No cutting, sir,"


"Cutters don't get meat,"


Pochi and Tama seem to have things under control as they chase some shady-looking guy to the back of the line. But somehow, I have the feeling that Liza's glare has more to do with the guy's quick retreat than Pochi and Tama.


Everyone was happy when the soup kitchen served its last dish. We feed nearly ten times the number of people we had when the green-clad noble was present, and Sara and I treated plenty of injuries.


"All right, our work is done for the day. You're all free to use the rest of your time however you please," I said. The remaining tasks dwindled into insignificance after Miss Miteruna and her companions departed with the soup kitchen necessities. "Are you going exploring again today, Pochi and Tama?"




"I'm going to draw a map, too, this time, sir,"


Tama's competitive spirit flared as Pochi proudly presented a petite sketchbook adorned with a delicate paw print design, retrieved from her enchanting Fairy Pack.


"It might be hard to draw with that. You should take a little bored with you, too,"


Utilising the supplies in Storage, I procured two drawing boards crafted by Satou. Each board was equipped with a paper clamp and attached strings, allowing Pochi and Tama to conveniently wear them around their necks.




"Thank you, sir!"




Tama and Pochi did a little dance for joy.


"It's a contest, sir!"


"I won't looooose?"


Swiftly, the duo darted away, clutching the boards tightly in their hands. Their spirited expressions and shared determination hinted at an impending map-making contest between them.


"If you run into any trouble, just yell for help!" I called after them.




"Yes, sir!"


Casting furtive glances over their shoulders, Tama and Pochi flashed a hasty goodbye with frantic waves as they propelled themselves into the distance.


"I'm going back to the mansion to give Rosie and Annie cooking lessons,"


"Mm, concert,"


Mia must be heading back to that pond to put on another show for the elderly.


"And you, Liza? More market research?"


"No, I would hate to squander Master Satou's…"


"It's not squandering. Finding out what products are sold in Labyrinth City is very important to a merchant like Satou,"


I handed her a satchel of silver coins. While an allowance of gold coins was within my means, I discerned a reluctance within her to utilise such precious coins. Thus, I opted for silver coins.


"Hero Kura, I would like candy, I request," Surprised by Nana's unanticipated request, I nonetheless obliged, reaching for my pocket and extending a piece of candy toward her outstretched hand. "Not just one. I would like a lot of candy, I request."


"A lot?"


"Arisa has informed me that sweets are the best way to entice children to be fawned over, I report,"


My gaze drifted towards Arisa, whose hands had silently clasped together, forming an unspoken apology. She probably just accidentally blurted it out or was joking, and Nana took her seriously. Considering her perceived remorse, it would likely be unnecessary for me to relay the details of her mishap to Satou.




"Thank you, Hero Kura,"


Nana's eyes sparkled with delight as I handed her a small bag brimming with a treasure trove of delectable candies, numbering approximately a hundred. With a childish glee, she skipped merrily towards the guild, her footsteps a cheerful rhythm against the cobblestone streets.


"You sure? Isn't that candy expensive?"


"It's fine. I've still got plenty of both ingredients,"


Through the repeated use of the Return spell, I could seamlessly revisit Lalagi and effortlessly acquire substantial quantities of sugar. This abundant supply eliminated the need for frugality. As the source of my procurement, Lalagi offered prices significantly lower than those encountered in the Shiga Kingdom, resulting in savings of approximately tenfold.


"I take it you two will be with the kids again," I ask, turning to face the last two members of our group.


"Yes," Sara nodded. "Some of the kids are starting to get the hang of reading and writing."


"And some of the older ones are almost ready for training," Pearl added.


Those two have been spending much time with the kids we found. Teaching them various things such as reading and writing, sewing and basic cook with Lulu's help. Nana is there most of the time, too, but she seems more interested in finding and aiding other children still sleeping on the street.


"I'm going to find my darling master and try to get some lovey-dovey time with him," Finally, Arisa chimed in as our group dispersed.


As for me, I've got some errands to run.


<0 >


"Lelillil, are our guests doing well?"


I returned to the Ivy Manor to find Lelillil hard at work keeping the place clean. But despite the peacefulness, it seems quiet for the number of people living here.


"Well, they are healthy, but…" Lelillil blushed for a moment. "They seem upset about what happened last night."


"Ah, I see,"


Last night, Satou summoned Tifaleeza. According to him, she showed up thinking he was about to request night services from her, but Satou did not intend to do that.


"Master was too cruel," Lelillil continued. "That girl looked so happy when she thought she was going to… you know…"


"Yes… I do… so where are they now?"


"They should still be eating lunch right now. Do you want me to summon them?"


"No, I'll just go to them,"


I found the girls in the dining room, and as Lelillil said, they were eating lunch. Tifaleeza's eyes are red as if he has been crying while Neru tries to comfort her. I would have thought she would have been embarrassed about last night, not this upset over it. I hope Satou wasn't too hard on her when he turned down her advances.


"Miss Hero,"


It didn't take long for one of the girls to notice me; soon, they were all standing to attention. Even Tifaleeza stood up once Neru prompted her.


"Welcome back, Lady Kura," Tifaleeza said with a forced smile.


"You don't have to stand or stop eating for me," I told them as I started taking the items I had brought out of my storage. "I just came by to drop off the things you ladies requested."


Several piles of clothes, daily necessities and some things for entertainment appeared. The Ivy Manor was well stocked regarding food, potions and items for the sage's workshop, but it was lacking in other areas.


"Oh, you managed to find it!"


One of the ladies exclaimed picking up a book she requested. It wasn't easy to find. I had to travel outside the city to find it, but a quick trip back to the old capital was nothing to me now that I could use the 'Return' spell.


"Hey, Tifa, look," Neru said, picking up the chessboard I brought for the girls to entertain themselves. "You love chest. Let's play a game. I'm sure it will cheer you up."


Tifaleeza just nodded in response as Neru started to set the board. I doubt she played before considering that she is placing several pieces in the wrong place.


"Let Lelillil know if anything doesn't fit," I tell them before excusing myself… or that was what I planned.


"Wait… please…"


Tifaleeza was faster than I expected. Quieter too. I didn't expect her to suddenly grab my arm or even hear her approaching.


"Is there something else you need?"


"No… it's just that I was… I was wondering what… what Lord Kuro is… is looking for in a… in a woman…" Tifaleeza asked, her face burning a brighter shade of red with each word she spoke.


"Ah, well…"


I don't know how to answer her. From how everyone stares at me, I can tell it isn't just her wanting an answer. Well, Satou is in love with Aialize, but they probably shouldn't try to copy her cute, clumsy ways and I doubt they want to hear he is already head over heels for someone else. Nor should I mention the type of prostitutes Satou frequents. It will probably make Tifaleeza feel worse, considering she is lacking their… assists.


"Please… even if it is not much…"


"I'm sorry, but I don't really know much about his love life," I say, seeing the looks in everyone's eyes. "But I know he gets along with everyone. Just be yourself around him, and maybe he will notice."


"I see…"


I feel like I messed that up. It's not just Tifaleeza. Everyone looks disappointed with my answer. But I don't think there is a trick that could be used to steal Satou's heart.


<0 >


"Kura," Satou contacted me not long after I left the Ivy Manor. "We need to meet back at the house. Pochi found some more injured children, and it looked bad. I've already called everyone else back, so get here as soon as possible."


"I'm on my way," I reply, activating my 'Return' spell.


Upon reaching the residence, I encountered Arisa engaged in conversation with Nana, who stood outside the residence with a cluster of young children visible through the front yard window. Simultaneously, Satou arrived with his own cohorts, Pochi and several additional children.


"You picked up some kids, too, Nana?"


"Larvae protection is of the utmost importance, I declare,"


The kids were huddled behind Nana, looking around nervously.


"We're back,"


"Welcome home, master. Are they the kids in question?" Arisa peered anxiously at the children Satou and Pochi were carrying. "We've got beds ready for them, so hurry and get them inside for some rest, please."


Arisa led everyone into the house, but there was a problem.


"It's him!"


"Yeah, I saw them together,"




As Nana's young charges rushed past, their faces blanched, I couldn't help but wonder what had transpired. However, knowing the impulsive nature of children, I dismissed it as a fleeting whim. Since the orphanage was not yet prepared, we had ample time to regroup them when the moment called for it.


"Hey, it's okay,"


But the kids stopped when they saw Sara. She smiled as the kids suddenly clung to her and she quickly calmed them kids down. They still seemed afraid for some reason to approach the house, but at least they looked a lot less fearful.


"Please help!"


"They are friends with Mr. Indeed,"


"I don't want another ouchy…"


"It's okay, that won't happen," Sara gently smiled, leaning down to the kid's level. "You will be safe here. This place is home to a brave hero who fights bad people, after all."


"Larvae…" Nana muttered as she went over to where the children were. I could swear I saw a hint of jealousy in her eyes.


It will be safe to let those two handle the kids. For now, we ushered Satou and Pochi's rescued children into the abode, gently placing them upon their designated beds.


"These are some nasty wounds..."


A deep crease formed between Arisa's eyebrows as her gaze fell upon the children's shattered bones and distended joints.


"Yeah. I'm going to do some healing that I can't really have other people seeing. Make sure nobody else comes in, okay?"


"Yes, of course,"


As the beastfolk girls vigilantly kept watch over the entrance, Satou employed delicate magical manipulations to mend the injuries of the young ones using the restorative incantation, 'Magic Heal.' I ended up learning the skill, and I wish I had sooner since it looks much less painful than what I had to do to the kids in the barn. The same kids who were our current maid staff. Now that I get a closer look… such grievous injuries were prevalent both then and now. The question remains: who inflicts such heinous violence upon these innocent children?


"Amazing! Was that a spell?" Arisa asked.


"No, it's the 'Magic Heal' skill,"


Lost in contemplation, I witnessed Satou's 'Magic Heal' mend broken limbs with effortless grace, restoring the children to their former wholeness.


"Huh, maybe I should pick that up, too... Geh!" Arisa's jaw dropped in astonishment. Regaining her composure, she informed me that the 'Magic Heal' skill demanded an exceptionally high number of skill points to acquire compared to standard magical abilities. "I don't think I've ever seen a single skill that costs so much. Master, if you keep picking up these specialised skills, you're going to regret it, you know."


"Thanks, I'll take that warning to heart,"


<0 >


"A man in green clothing?"


I left Satou to finish the kid's treatment and went to ask the young maids, some of whom we found in the barn, some questions. I approached the young female servants, whose legs were fractured upon our discovery. I inquired about the circumstances that led to their injuries.


"I was sleeping in the corner of an alley, and a weird, scary man stomped on me,"


Based on the information provided, it appears that the nobleman dressed in green, who is also referred to as Counselor Poputema, has been secretly mistreating homeless children.


"Green Man kicked me, too,"


"Mr. Indeed. I hate him..."


All the other young maidservants shared similar experiences. 'Green Man' and 'Mr. Indeed' appeared to be the children's nicknames for Poputema.


"Hero Kura, death to abusers!"


Nana's features remained impassive, concealing the tumult within her. Her hands balled into fists and trembled with unrestrained fury, a silent testament to the storm that raged beneath the surface.


"Bullying's baaad?"


"That's right, sir! You can't pick on little kids, sir!"


Tama and Pochi were seething with indignation from a profound sense of morality. Their reactions were not influenced by projecting their past experiences onto the situation.


"Master, is that man not a high-ranking noble? I am not sure it is wise to put yourself at risk in such a way, even for children..."


"Yeah. Pearl's is right," I was surprised Sara agreed with Pearl, but she has more experience dealing with high-ranking nobles than me. "But there are other things we can do."


"Hero Kura," Nana latched onto me pleadingly.


I wish she would stop pressing her breasts against me. It's a painful reminder of her overwhelming advantage over me.


"All right. I'll take care of it somehow,"


I was scheduled to attend the viceroy's wife's tea party the next afternoon, accompanied by Satou and Sara. This would provide an opportunity to confront the nobleman in green attire regarding the truth of the situation. If indeed he was responsible, I would ensure justice was served. As a lower-ranking noble, it would be challenging to persuade a high-ranking noble like him, so I would likely need to leverage the viceroy's wife's influence. However, this was precisely the purpose of having friends in high places.


"For now, let's just get the new kids settled,"


<0 >


"He did what?"


It turns out I didn't need to confront Counselor Poputema to learn the truth. Late at night, Satou returned after a nighttime stroll with the truth. Poputema really is the one behind the attacks on the children.


"I managed to protect most of the children, but he seems to have some sixth sense when it comes to finding them,"


Satou caught Poputema red-handed, stomping on some sleeping kid's leg. He's lucky I wasn't the one who caught him. According to Satou, Poputema showed no remorse and seemed to enjoy his vile actions.


"Are you sure he isn't possessed?"


I asked after listening to Satou's story. "Horror, hatred, the fear of the unknown… All quite delicious, indeed." Satou had heard him say those words, leading me to believe he was possessed or a demon in disguise that could avoid detection.


"If he was possessed, my AR would have told me,"


I didn't think someone like that would exist in this world. I have seen some evil people since I came to this world, but none of them have made me feel so much rage as Poputema. I need to deal with him quickly.


<0 >


"Lady Sara, Lady Kura, whatever brings you here? The tea party isn't until this afternoon,"


The viceroy's wife greeted us with a warm smile despite our conspicuous lack of an appointment. I apologised for our abrupt visit and recounted the events that Satou told me about the previous evening. To my surprise, her response...


"Poputema is quite a troublemaker, isn't he?"


...was far lighter than I had expected. To a noble, the suffering of destitute and parentless children held no significance. Their pleas went unheard, their circumstances deemed inconsequential. That appears to be what is happening.


"I know you both have a kind soul, so it pains me to tell you this, but a noble cannot be punished for harming commoners unless they bring their accusations forward. And since vagrant children have no citizenship, they unfortunately cannot make such accusations," The viceroy's wife told us. "Just for you two, I'll tell Poputema to stop his violence, but there's no guarantee that he will actually do so. No, I don't suppose he will," she added confidently. "If you wish, I can have him expelled from Labyrinth City?"


"No, that…"


"…wouldn't solve anything, would it?" she interrupted.


Her eyes watched me thoughtfully but we came prepared for such a situation.


"Yes, that is why we want approval to expand on the orphanage,"


"I see you already figured out what to do," The viceroy's wife smiled. "Feel free to make any adjustments you feel are needed to the original plan and I will see that they are approved."


<0 >


"Everyone, listen up!"


When Sara and I returned home, Satou had already gathered everyone up. Miss Miteruna, the maids, and the Saga Empire samurai pair who guarded our mansion. They all stand around him as he tells them all about his encounter with the green-clad noble and our desire to save the children.


"You do have a plan, don't you?"


"Of course." Satou nodded firmly at Arisa. "The green-clad noble tramples on the children because they're in the streets. Since they don't have citizenship, they don't have the right to submit accusations." I had already informed Satou of this on my way home. "So we simply need to ensure they're not sleeping in the streets. Then I, a noble, can become their guardian."


Reflecting, I realised the simplicity of our plan. We had already intended to bring all the homeless children of Labyrinth City into the orphanage, so this would merely expedite that process.


"Now, let's begin Operation: Assemble All Orphans!"


Our slogan was: "Until the number of abused children is zero!"


"Aye-aye, sir!"


"Roger, sir!"


"Understood. We will gather the children at once."


"Hero Kura, I shall accompany Liza and the others, I report."


The beastfolk girls and Nana were first to volunteer, rushing outside as soon as the operation began.


"Mia and I will help gather them up, too."


"Mm. Let's go."

"Miss Miteruna, Sara and I will start preparing food and clothing for the children, then."


Arisa, Mia, Sara, and Lulu all went into action next.


"Please let Sir Kajiro and me pick up the supplies."


"We're borrowing a cart. Ayaume, you drive."


The samurai pair headed out. Gazing through the window, Arisa's voice carried across the field, where a group of children eagerly awaited their tasks. Her authoritative tone hinted at her strategy: a decisive human wave assault.


Assisted by the young maids, Satou began erecting tents amidst the garden of the orphanage's construction site. While the accommodations may not have been significantly more comfortable than sleeping on the streets, by establishing their presence on his own land, Satou and I prevented Poputema from encroaching upon them under the pretence of unintentional trespass, as she had the previous day.


"I'll be heading out too then,"


Everyone has already left by now, but I still say it anyway. Unlike the others, though, I was not looking for children. Instead, I would visit the nearby farms we order from, explaining what we are doing and expanding our orders to provide enough food for everyone.


<0 >




Unexpectedly, the group we had assembled was not as large as I had anticipated. It was nearly midday, yet we only had around thirty children present. Even with the additional kids that Arisa and her associates had recruited, the total number was still only around fifty.


"Lulu, I'll leave you in charge here. I'm going out to invite more kids."


"Master, let me come with you, please."


"All right, then. Let's go."


Lulu and Satou walked into town on foot, leaving me in charge.


"Hero Kura, the larvae are avoiding me, I report," Nana seemed despondent, despite her emotionless face, as she arrived shortly after Satou left with only a handful of kids. "Is there something strange about me, I inquire?"


"No, not at all," I assured her.


Something isn't right here… I can't shake the feeling that someone is doing everything possible to ensure the children stay far away from the orphanage.


"I'm going out for a bit,"


I had a feeling that there was some outside reason for this, and I was going to get to the bottom of this. Leaving Miss Miteruna in charge, I went in search of information. It didn't take me long to figure out what was happening.


It sounds like someone's been spreading lies among the children. "The young nobles are friendly with Mr Indeed." "They are creeps who like torturing kids, just like the green man." and "The young noble is only giving out food to get stupid kids to like him." Those were just some of the rumours I heard. All completely untrue, of course.


It will be a pain to counter those rumours while they are so widely spread. I can't exactly confront the people spreading the rumours, not when they are the same kids we are trying to help. And forcing them to come to the the orphanage will only worsen those rumours.


"Hey, Miss Noble, what seems to be the trouble?"


Upon hearing the unsettling call, I whirled around, my gaze meeting the familiar punkish visage of Skopi. He, the renowned man-about-town and member of the Mud Scorpions, had crossed my path during the recent fire-quenching endeavour.


"It's Skopi, right?"


"Heh, glad you remember." The man ducked his head and grinned crookedly. "I've got some information for ya." Despite my attempts to offer him money financial assistance, he declined with a resolute shake of his head. "Nah, this one's a freebie. Consider it my thanks for the other day."


So, he wanted to repay his debt.


"All right. So what's this information?"


"I dunno why, but some guys from the Street Rats and the Gutter Frogs have been spreading nasty rumours about ya with the kids."


The rumours Skopi described matched up with the ones I had already heard.


"Why would they do that?"


"I told ya, I dunno why. Knowin' them, someone's probably payin' 'em off with chump change, but I couldn't track down who hired 'em."


As the green-robed nobleman emerged from the recesses of my memory, I found myself devoid of alternative suspects. With Sokell now removed from consideration, my suspicions converged upon this enigmatic figure as the potential source of those rumours.


"Skopi, I have a request for you. Do you mind"


"Course. I still owe ya one."


I provided Skopi with funds, instructing him to compensate the Street Rats and Gutter Frogs in exchange for ceasing the dissemination of those rumours. Simultaneously, I tasked him with recruiting these groups, along with others, to propagate the notion that my association with the green-clad noble was a misconception. My intention was to safeguard children from the green-clad noble through my orphanage, utilising the noble's negative reputation to my advantage.


<0 >


"Now, that's a pretty big crowd."


By that evening, the homeless children of Labyrinth City had largely gathered at the soon-to-be orphanage. Skopi's efforts evidently bore fruit, as the influx of children swelled exponentially as the sun dipped below the horizon. Even the hesitant children lingering nearby were drawn in by the alluring scent of the dinner Lulu, Sara and the maids were preparing.


Due to the influx of orphans, the garden space proved inadequate. We expanded into the vacant lot nearby, constructing a makeshift protective wall with the aid of bored earth mages from the Western Explorers' Guild. Their magic conjured a formidable barrier, safeguarding the orphans within.


Despite its initial fragile appearance, Satou had discreetly bolstered the structure with his Earth Magic after the mages' departure. The result was an unyielding edifice that could withstand even artillery bombardments. This fortification aimed to deter the green-clad noble's unauthorised intrusions during his frequent 'strolls' within the vicinity.


"Whew, that was tough,"


Arisa slumped on Satou's lap rubbing her head against his chest and starting rambling about all her hard work.


"Arisa, can you please stop? The children are starting to stare,"


"C'mon! What's the big deal? I gotta stock up on a little masterium once in a while."


Nothing seemed like it would get Arisa to stop, not Satou's complaint or the children's stares. But Statou doesn't look like he is bothered, nor is he putting much effort into stopping.


"So what was so tough about today?"


"Well, some of the kids were insisting that they wouldn't stay with a friend of Mr. Indeed."


"A friend?"


"Well, he did hang around at the soup kitchen that one time, and then the next day, you walked downtown with him to keep him away from the plaza, remember?"


"Lots of kids saw him in the plaza, so there were quite a few who were convinced that you guys are friends."


Despite Skopi's efforts to disseminate information, the children who had witnessed the events firsthand remained adamantly opposed to joining the orphanage. Their stubbornness stemmed from the profound impact the experience had on them.


"I'm impressed you were able to get those kids to come here, then."


"I didn't. It was all them," Arisa inclined her head towards the cheerful young maids who were engaged in lively conversation with the orphanage children. "They explained that you gave them expensive medicine to save their lives and even hired them as maids afterwards. I think that's what finally won them over."


"I'll have to reward them, too, then."


"Oh, then you should make hamburg steaks for them!"


"Hamburg steaks?"


"Yeah, they've been wanting to try it since Tama and Pochi told them all about it."


"Sure, I'd be more than happy to."


I'm sure they will like that too. We could make it for all the kids to celebrate the orphanage's opening. Most of them probably still have weak stomachs, so it won't be right away.




Oh, it looks like Mia, Pochi and Tama are getting along well with the children. But poor Mia looks like she is drowning in a sea of children that swarmed around her. I can't blame them. The tune Mia was playing was certainly beautiful. Pochi and Tama were trying to help her, but even they were powerless against so many children. Ultimately, I had to pick Mia out of the crowd as she started looking overwhelmed by the attention.


When I turn back to Satou and Arisa, it looks like Satou has finally managed to free himself from Arisa's hold. He has even started to work on nameplates that look tougher than normal plates. Each has the child's name, the mark of the Orphanage, and three runes engraved on the back: Lucky Charm, Health, and Safety. There were a lot of kids, but it looks like Satou will finish the nameplates by the next morning.


As Mia played a lullaby to help the children sleep, I spent the night on lookout duty with Satou. Just in case some troublesome visitors tried to approach.


<Title Acquired: Guardian.>

<Title Acquired: Protector of Children.>


But the next morning, I watched the steam rise from my coffee into the dawn sky. I had remained awake throughout the night, vigilantly watching for any signs of violence from the green-garbed noble or his associates. However, in a cruel jest of my diligence, the night passed by in complete tranquillity and silence. At least I and Satou, who stayed up with me, can go for several days without sleep so the wakeful night won't affect us.


"All's right with the world."


Satou muttered, sipping his drink. Lulu, who'd brewed this coffee for us, was preparing food for the soup kitchen and breakfast for the kids we'd taken in at the orphanage alongside Sara. Unfortunately, our current kitchen was too small to fit many people so Satou and I can't be of much help. In the end, Satou teleported to the Ivy Manor to use their kitchen. At the same time, I started packing up the prepped food into my storage while giving a taste test here and there… it got a little out of hand when Pochi and Tama joined in.


<0 >


"Mmmm, I haven't had cornflakes in ages..."


"So crunchyyy?"


"It goes super, super well with milk, sir!"


"Mm. New texture."


It turned out Satou went to the Ivy Manor to make cornflakes. Upon presenting cornflakes for breakfast, our group, particularly the younger members, erupted in delight.


"They have a really interesting mouthfeel. Sort of like deep-fried gyoza but different... I bet you could use them in lots of dishes."


"They're good with milk, but you can put them in parfaits and stuff, too!"


Lulu meticulously examined the cereal's prospects while Arisa proactively provided insightful recommendations.


"Perhaps one could add bits of jerky before cooking the batter?"


"Good ideeea?"


"That would definitely be super, super good, sir!"


Liza, an avowed carnivore, proposed her meaty suggestion, eliciting cheers from her fellow meat enthusiasts, Tama and Pochi.


"Master Satou! The larvae were satisfied as well, I report."


"Did you make sure to eat, too, Nana?"


"Yes, Hero Kura! And I executed the 'Say aah' exchange with the larvae, I declare."


Nana's expression remained unaltered, yet there was an unmistakable radiance of happiness emanating from her. But I had to turn to Sara and ask…


"Did she cause any trouble?"


"Only when I told her it was time to leave,"


Sara nodded towards Pearl, who looked like she was about to collapse. Nana must have put up one hell of a fight to stay to make her look so tired.


"...Young miss, you have mail."


As we concluded our meal, Miss Miteruna approached, presenting me with a handful of letters and a paper knife. I carefully slit open the envelopes and perused the contents within.


"What's up?"


"They're from the viceroy's wife and the guild."


The former letter expressed concern for my circumstances. It indicated the government's intention to send a representative to assist in formalising the children's residency at the orphanage. As for the latter...


"The reward for capturing the plunderers is ready,"


During our previous venture into the labyrinth, we managed to apprehend some plunderers while rescuing Princess Meetia and the others. My focus on thwarting Sokell's efforts to incriminate me led me to allow the knights to escort the plunderers to the guild. It was probably thanks to those knights and the noble kids that the guild knew we caught the plunderers.


"That Plunderer King Ludaman had a pretty high bounty on his head, so I bet you're gonna rake it in."


"The wanted poster said one hundred gold coins, I report."


"Whoa, that's awesome!"


Arisa's eyes sparkled with avarice, her mouth gaping slightly in awe. With every second glance, her fists clenched tighter, the rhythm of her heart pounding in sync with the promise of untold riches.


"Why, is there anything you want?"


I was fairly confident that she possessed all the necessary items. Yet, there was a possibility she was withholding certain things due to her desire to avoid excessive expenditures.


"Me? No, not really. But you could buy the girls in the orphanage some nice ribbons or something. For the boys, uh...food would probably be fine, right?"


"Ribbons are a good idea. They probably haven't had the chance to wear accessories much."


Regarding gift ideas for the boys, accessories such as stylish scarves or belts came to mind. However, to ensure suitability and avoid any potential issues, I opted to consult with the orphanage's director before making any purchases.


"Hmm? There's another letter here, no?"


Arisa pointed to the third letter I was holding.


"Well, this one is for all of us,"


"Oh-hooo? A rookie explorers' class?" Scanning it quickly, she tilted her head. "It says they happen once a month, and they want us to participate."


She handed the letter to Satou after she'd summarised it aloud.


"This month's class is five days from now, so I guess we'll wait to resume our labyrinth exploitation until after that."


I later learned that you were normally expected to take the class after receiving your bronze badge.


"Oh, all right. I guess we'll be busy with the orphanage for a while anyway."


"Sorry about that."


"It's fine; it's fine!" Arisa grinned gallantly.


"Of cooourse?"


"Pochi always works hard, sir!"


"Mm. Diligent."


Tama, Pochi, and Mia seemed determined to help as well. Hopefully, this will give them a chance to play with the kids.


<0 >


"Lulu, are you giving Rosie and Annie cooking lessons again today?"


Following the morning's food distribution, Lulu navigated our carriage toward the western guild.


"Yes, as well as some others who wanted to learn to make potato-and-bean dumplings."


"Oh, the ones from earlier?"


At the morning soup kitchen, a group of sombre young and middle-aged men arrived, pleading to be instructed on the art of dumpling making. Instead of paying, they would dedicate their time to volunteering at the soup kitchen for a full month. Satou had no objections, stating he didn't want to keep the recipe a secret and was in favour of spreading delicious food across the kingdom. And a few extra hands helping out wouldn't hurt either.


Our intention was to rotate the primary meal every month, with the aim of establishing a consistent group of chefs. The majority of the tasks were managed by part-time housewives, so with the inclusion of these men, the soup kitchen might be able to operate independently without our direct involvement from this point forward.


"Should I really be teaching professional chefs how to cook anything?"


"It's no different from teaching Rosie and Annie," I reassured Lulu when suddenly Satou tensed up and looked around like he was expecting trouble. "What is it?"


Initially, I dismissed the notion of an abrupt, monstrous appearance in the town's heart. However, the possibility of a demonic presence lingered in my mind, casting a shadow of doubt over my previous assumption.


"No, it's nothing," Satou replied, looking relaxed once again. "I just forgot to update my enemy search and picked up on the already captured plunderers."


Finally, the carriage arrived in front of the guild's main gate.


"I'll wait in the parking area,"


"Okay, we'll try to make it quick."


Once I turned away from Lulu, I spotted Satou's stiff expression. It didn't take long for me to find out way.


"Oh? Sir Pendragon, you have business at the guild as well, indeed?"


"Yes, we have a quick errand."


"And Miss Hero, it's a pleasure to see you again, indeed. It seems as though you cleaned the garbage from my path yesterday, indeed. You're a hard worker indeed, Lady Kura."


"It's just part of my soup kitchen volunteer work."


Poputema swiftly hinted at my decision to shelter the destitute children, but I deftly sidestepped the topic. As the soup kitchen had received the blessing of the viceroy's wife, his superior, he couldn't disparage it. His smile remained fixed on his face, resembling a mask.


"Lord Poputema, is it official business that brings you to the guild?"


"My night walks have become less stimulating. As a result, I'm here to torture-that is, interrogate -the plunderers, indeed."


With a sinister glint in his eyes, Poputema's smirk became more pronounced. He swiftly withdrew a menacing whip from an unseen sheath beneath his lush green robes. He sent a deafening crack reverberating through the air.


"Interrogate the plunderers?"


"Are you interested, indeed?" I nodded slowly. "Curiosity is a fine trait, indeed."


The noble, dressed in green, let out a cackle before elaborating. He had suspicions that a prominent noble from the royal capital was implicated in Sokell's illicit trade of demonic potions. Consequently, he had been conducting his own private investigation.


"Curious lass that you are, Miss Hero, do you not wish to know that noble's name, indeed?"


The grin on the green-robed aristocrat's countenance bore the resemblance of a demon meticulously laying a trap.


"No, not particularly."


I sought to avoid becoming entangled in the internal power struggles and conflicts among the nobility within the royal capital.


"A boring answer, indeed."


With a dejected expression, Poputema waved as if he had lost interest and then casually walked into the building, seemingly uninterested in continuing the conversation.


<0 >


"A parade?"


As we were escorted to the venerable guildmaster's chamber, a startling offer awaited us. Satou's hushed words echoed through the room, expressing his astonishment at the unexpected proposition.


"That's right. Your group captured Ludaman and his men after all the trouble they've given explorers and the labyrinth army. Before we publicly execute them, we want to make your great accomplishments known to the whole of the city!"


"I appreciate it, but no, thank you,"


"I'll pass as well,"


Both Satou and I were quick to turn down the offer. I was confident that Arisa and a few other girls would be ecstatic, yet I didn't wish to partake in such a festive event. The parade itself isn't so bad since I have been part of several of them by now. In this situation, however, it seemed as though I would be compelled to witness the execution from the very front row as a consequence.


"I know you're modest and all, but this is ridiculous!" The guildmaster stood up, glowering at me like I was a disappointing child. "If you want to make a name for yourself, you've got to show off these kinds of accomplishments like there's no tomorrow!"


I'll say I am pretty famous already. And that fame is more annoying than helpful. When I tell that to the guildmaster she shook her head and turned to Satou.


"The same applies to you. If you want to be promoted from honorary to permanent noble,"


"I'm not particularly interested in becoming a permanent noble, though."


The guildmaster heaved a sigh.


"What a strange young man you are. If you became a permanent noble, you'd get to eat and drink your fill of as much delicious food and alcohol as you like and pick out a few pretty wives from some lesser nobility or travelling merchants, you know?"


She really doesn't know Satou. If she did, then the guildmaster would already know Satou can make delicious food any time he wants and is already love-sick for a clumsy little high elf.


"Very well, then. There's no point if you wouldn't like it" The guildmaster shrugged and sat back down. I'll save you front-row seats for the ex… eh, you don't want that, either?"


"No, thank you."


"It's not often you get to see a thing like this!" She looked incredulous.


"I'm terribly sorry, but..."


In the old capital, I attempted to disregard it. Still, it became evident that within this fantasy realm, where entertainment options were limited, the public execution of criminals was regarded as a lively spectacle. In the Shiga Kingdom, murderers were typically compelled to serve as criminal slaves, making public executions a rather uncommon occurrence.


"Honestly. How bizarre can you get? You'll at least take the reward money, won't you?"


"Yes, please. Though, if you don't mind, I'd like half of the reward for Ludaman's capture to be given to Lady Ravna of the Nolork Kingdom."


I can't argue with Satou's request to split the money. Engraved in my memory is the unyielding silhouette of the lady knight. Though I had seized Ludaman's fate, she had engaged in a valorous duel with the Plunderer King that preceded my triumph.


"As it happens, Lady Ravna has already said Miss Hero here should get all the money because she saved her life."


"I see," I nodded. "I'll give it to her myself next time I see her, then."


Recognising the knight's austere nature, I anticipated she would decline a monetary gift. Instead, I sought Satou's assistance in crafting a replacement blade. A Magic Sword held excessive value, while an iron sword hindered the casting of the 'Spellblade' skill. Therefore, bronze or components sourced from monsters might prove suitable for the weapon's construction. As I pondered these thoughts, a delicate knocking sound entered my auditory perception.




"Come in."


From the entrance emerged the guild master's secretary, Miss Ushana, accompanied by a young schoolgirl draped in a cloak. As the girl unhooded herself, sunlight illuminated her short, silky turquoise hair.


"Ugh. Sebelkeya."


"How rude, Lilian."


"Don't call me that name!"


The guildmaster's name was surprisingly adorable and feminine. Still, I chose to hold off on teasing her until our next social gathering. Instead, I turned my attention to the girl she had referred to as Sebelkeya. Her hair colour and slightly elongated ears indicated a single truth: She was an elf, just like Mia. Nevertheless, she appeared to be a member of the scholarly Bulainan clan, not Mia's Bolenan clan, which was known for its warrior prowess.


Despite the numerous epic stories of Sebelkeya's courage that the guildmaster had recounted to me in the tavern, the actual individual turned out to be significantly more endearing than I had initially envisioned.


"The Silent Bell of Bolenan?" Upon noticing the bell at my waist, the girl's gasp showed her surprise. Her gaze quickly shifted to my face, her lips forming an inaudible murmur as her eyes lingered on my hair, sparking curiosity within her. "<A pleasure to meet you, he of the black hair. I am Sebelkeya, maiden Bulainan Forest, daughter Moberitoya and Keshilsea.>"


"<The pleasure is all mine. I am Kura Suou, a knight of the Seiryuu County and hero Shiga Kingdom.>"


In a formal manner, I engaged in introductions with Sebelkeya, communicating in the Elvish language.


"<...Satou? >" She tilted her head at my name, then whispered, "<The tenth Holytree...? That gentleman beside wouldn't happen to be Satou the ninth Holytree, would he?>"


That was the title the high elves had given me and Satou after we saved the World Trees. But I didn't know anyone other than the high elves knew Satou was involved. Maybe she was making an educated guess.


"<Indeed he is,>" I nod, and Satou steps forward.


"<I am Satou Pen- dragon, hereditary knight and vassal of the Muno Barony Shiga Kingdom.>" Satou says in elvish too. "<It is a pleasure to meet you.>"


"<No, no, the pleasure is all mine,>"


"What in the world, you two? You can speak Elvish?"


"Yes, happen to be travelling with an elf and picked it up during our journey,"


Mainly so I could read the books recovered from the Cradle, but I still could speak the language and read and write in elvish.


"Huh. It's unusual for Sebelkeya to introduce herself first, though. What, have you fallen for Satou at first sight or something? Or the young hero, maybe?"


"No, I was just showing respect for the Silent Bell she wears."


Sebelkeya and the guildmaster shared an undeniable bond, their interactions characterised by a palpable intimacy and unspoken understanding.


"Well, you can tell me all about your trip home later. For now, where's my souvenir?"


"You're such a boozehound, Lilian."


"I told you to cut that out! I want to show off Bulainan fairy wine to our guests, too,"


"To Lady Kura and Lord Satou? Why?"


"...Lord… Lady…?" The guildmaster raised her eyebrows.


"Sebelkeya, did you eat something that disagreed with you or what?"


"Don't be impolite, Lilian. I'm acting perfectly normal."


"No, in all the many years I've known you, I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever heard you call someone 'Lord,' and you only call me lady when you are drunk and…"


Miss Ushana interrupted the pair's banter.


"Lady Sebelkeya, I'm terribly sorry to disrupt your conversation, but might I make a brief report to the guildmaster?" I was thinking I should leave but Miss Ushana turned to me. "This concerns you as well. Please stay and listen."


<0 >


"This place stinks, as usual."


The guildmaster pinched her nostrils. We had descended into the dungeon beneath the guild. Ludaman, the self-proclaimed Plunderer King, claimed to possess secrets that he would only share with the guildmaster, but on the condition that she brought me along. Meanwhile, Satou returned to the manor with Lulu after the guildmaster dismissed him.


"This way, please."


Miss Ushana led the way. Ludaman found himself imprisoned in a heavily fortified cell located deep within the dungeon. The confines of his quarters were reinforced by robust iron bars, and he was further restrained by substantial chains. The chains themselves were magical in nature and far stronger than you would think. His body bore signs of recent torment: fresh lacerations crisscrossed his skin. At the same time, fading bruises hinted at older injuries inflicted with relentless brutality.


"Heh, now, that was fast." As Ludaman observed our arrival, he lifted his gaze. The right side of his visage, previously concealed beneath a mask, bore a grotesque resemblance to that of an ogre. "Hunh? What, ye never seen a man's face warped by demonic potion before?"


Ludaman's gaze bore into me, his disfigured visage a testament to the demonic concoction he had consumed.


"So, Ludaman. You want to give us information all of a sudden? What's with the change of heart?"


Ignoring Ludaman's condition, the guildmaster interrogated him curtly. His distorted face appeared unperturbed, even haughty, as if he didn't experience any discomfort.


"You're gonna spare my life, that's what."


"Don't be ridiculous. You're to be publicly executed, you know."


The guildmaster abruptly terminated their plea negotiations before the supplicant could even divulge the substance of their intended disclosure.


"S'pose that's fair enough. But I'll be damned if my death's gonna be a show for rotten nobles and filthy peasants. Can't ye send me to Violet?"


"Think about your crimes, will you?"


I couldn't identify a certain term, so I softly inquired about it from Ushana.


"What is Violet?"


"A nickname for a unit of the army made up of criminal slaves."


She elucidated that they were renowned for their low survival rate, primarily focusing on combating formidable monsters or serving as decoys. Disregarding our hushed dialogue, Ludaman and the guildmaster persisted in their verbal altercation.


"I'll have you know that you'll be executed at the west gate in front of a splendid crowd."


"Ugh, I knew it'd be no good talking to ye, hag," Ludaman scowled, then turned to me instead. "What say ye, lady? Ye'll help me out, won't ye?" His assumption puzzled me. I saw no merit in complying with his request. "Ye made a point of arrestin' us plunderers instead o' killin' us on the spot. Ye must not like lettin' people die, eh?"


That explained why he had insisted I accompany the guildmaster: He sought to exploit my reluctance to take lives. But how had he been aware of my presence at the guild in the first place?


"It's true that I don't like killing, but I don't intend to protest a villain being executed."


I shut down his request as well.


"I've got some information that might be of interest to ye, though."


Information, huh? I would give it a hard pass if it related to the noble drama the green-clad noble was talking about. Come to think of it, he'd said he would interrogate the plunderers, but I didn't see him here. Had he tortured them that quickly? Or did Miss Ushana or Miss Sebelkeya chase him off, maybe?


"If it's about the man behind Sokell, I don't care to hear it."




The intensity of Ludaman's frown increased upon hearing my words. It seemed that was the piece of information he had intended to use as a bargaining chip. He could discuss that with the noble dressed in green.


"Guess it's the other one, then." This time, Ludaman continued with a smirk of confidence. "We've got some girls trapped in the labyrinth, cultivating ruination weeds and destruction stalks for us."


Terrible images ran through my mind. I took some deep breaths to stop myself from striking him. While I may feel a sense of righteous anger toward those who have wronged these girls, it is their prerogative, not mine, to seek justice for the harm they have endured.


"Just so ye know, we never laid a hand on them, got it?"


"Hmph. As if you lawless wretches would spare a young woman your atrocities!" the guildmaster barked.


I didn't especially believe him, either.


"It's true. Play with a woman even a little, and they break just like that," The need to punch him is a powerful feeling I can bearly contain. "I can't have me any fun unless it's a fella on demonic potion or a powerful woman like that lady knight I fought before."


Hearing his derogatory remarks about Ravna ignited a surge of anger within me. However, the initial portion of his statement tempered my rage slightly. If his claims held true, it raised the possibility that the women had escaped the horrific ordeal unscathed. Regardless, I resolved to act swiftly upon the conclusion of our conversation and embark on a mission to secure their freedom.


"Besides, what was it...? These girls will be your labourers and the fertiliser for your fields." Ludaman seemed to be repeating someone else's words.


"And what is that supposed to mean?"


"That's what the yellow-robed mage who taught us how to cultivate the ruination weeds and destruction stalks said."


A yellow-robed mage… something about that sounds familiar…


"Cultivating? You said that before, too," The guildmaster had taken an interest in a different phrase than I did. "If you just find a field of wild plants and claim it for your own, that's not called cultivating."


"Damn, I know that much, woman. Yellow Robes told us that the girls' fear and despair would make the ruination weeds and destruction stalks grow, see?"


Assuming the veracity of Ludaman's claims, it is plausible that the ruination weeds and destruction stalks derive their sustenance from miasma. These noxious emanations permeate the environment.




"I know."


Miss Ushana and the guildmaster exchanged glances and then nodded.


"Do you know what you're saying right now, Plunderer?"


"Course. I'll tell ye where the girls are, and in exchange..."


"We won't have you publicly executed."


At that, Ludaman sneered triumphantly.


"Then ye'll send me to Violet-"


"I'll burn you to death myself. Sit here and repent till I get permission from the royal capital."


The guildmaster's cold words send Ludaman's hopes plummeting to hell.


"...Wh-what?! One of those girls is a noble's daughter, I'll have ye know! Hey, noble brat! Stop the old hag! I swear to ye, it's a royal capital noble's daughter-"


Ludaman kept shouting, but the guildmaster left the dungeon without looking back.


"Ushana, don't let anyone into the dungeon. And have those plunderers' throats crushed so they can't talk anymore."


"Yes, ma'am."


The guildmaster's expression, a bitter display, and his harsh tone left no room for debate. Was the information he provided about cultivation truly that grim?


"Shall I send a letter to the old capital?"


"No, no letter. We can't let this information leak to anyone. Tell the viceroy to use the City Core to convey this information directly."








"I'm sorry?"


The guildmaster grabbed me by the back of the neck. "Swear."


"What would you like me to swear?"


Loosening her grip, the guildmaster explained. "Swear that you will never tell another soul that the ingredients for demonic potions can be produced artificially and that you will never share the conditions for cultivating them that you just heard."

"Understood. I swear on the name of the ancestral king Yamato that I will never tell a soul."


Initially, the significance of the situation eluded me, and I had no intention of sharing it with others. I anticipated that she would make Ushana swear next. Still, given that Ushana was a commoner, she would be subject to the 'Contract' skill's binding power later on.


"Guildmaster, about the women the plunderers captured…"


"Forget them," the guildmaster said shortly.


"You're just going to abandon them?"


The words I spoke emerged with a severity I hadn't intended, causing the guildmaster to spin around and glower at me with a piercing gaze.


"You think I'm abandoning them because I want to?"


"Then why…?"


"The plunderers' hideout is somewhere deep in the labyrinth, in one of the most dangerous areas, in order to keep out the labyrinth army. To rescue a few captives who may or may not even be safe, it would likely cost us dozens of lives. How am I supposed to justify that?"


It would be a breeze for me to accomplish this task using my Return spell. Yet, I surmise it would pose a significant challenge for any typical rescue squad.


"Besides..." The guildmaster paused.


"It's about the cultivation."


"The demonic potion ingredients?"


"That's right. If they don't know what they've been growing, that's one thing. But if they do, then the Shiga Kingdom will want to silence them, too."


The information Ludaman shared with us seemed more hazardous than I initially perceived. The guildmaster's agonised lip-chewing clearly indicated her desire to save the captives. We then ascended to the surface in a heavy, oppressive silence. The dungeon's stairway was sealed off with Practical Magic, and a high-level employee was posted as a guard.


Upon collecting the reward for capturing Ludaman and his fellow plunderers, I ventured into the radiant expanse of the outdoors. The sunlight and breeze felt so nice after being in that underground dungeon for so long. I stretched, then started walking briskly.


"Satou," I quickly contact Satou remotely. "There's some people we need to save."

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