

in a white space where nothing can be seen beside a teen boy and two old men, the boy was standing on his feet, running around, occasionally stumbling in his steps but not hitting the ground like he used to.

"that's quite unexpected, we thought it would take a year and a half at minimum to somewhat adjust to this place, but here you are, look at you, running around like you have no care in the world," said the old man named bang

"well not really bang sensei, I still find it hard to run, I even have some difficulties walking, but it's indeed amazing what I achieved in only 5 months, it's all thanks to you both"

"no!" said the other old man named bomb, "it's all thanks to your drive and determination to grow stronger that you got here, that and cutting hours from your sleep to push more training in your schedule"

"w-wait how di-"

izuku was cut off

"kid, it's only the three of us here, if anything happens here, we can easily find out"

"oh yeaaaaaah, but still the senzu beans make it so that I don't need that much sleep"

"kid you don't sleep to restore your energy, it's for your mental health, honestly we thought about stopping you, but seeing you not affected much we thought that you could keep at it for a little bit, and now with these results, you can slow down a little bit and return to your normal schedule that you started with," said bomb

"b-but I need to grow stronger don't I?"

"not really, we thought that it would take you a lot of time to get used to this place, so that's why we made 2 years for it, but now that you are almost getting the hang of it, we are gonna teach you our martial arts when you do," said bang

he added "also you would naturally get stronger do to the nature of this place, and our training regimen"

"ok I get it, so all I have to do is continue doing this until I get used to this place and then we start the actual training"

"yes, but I am warning you, it's gonna be even more painful than what you went through this past few months"

"yes sir!"

they then continued watching the young man training his body in the white void

his daily routine consisted of waking up, taking a shower, and brushing his teeth (mister poo provided them with most essentials), and then he goes to eat his breakfast while chatting with his senseis, after finishing it he will try getting as farther away as he can in the chamber, endure the heat and gravity while doing all kinds of exercises (push-ups, sit-ups...etc), get back and eat lunch, repeat the morning exercises, and when it starts getting cold in the afternoon he would meditate while enduring the cold and gravity, get back and eat dinner, repeat the exercises of the afternoon, and get back at 11 pm, he would get a shower and brush his teeth, and then sleep.

but izuku did more than that he would cut 4 hours from his sleep and would meditate more in the training area, and also exercises since it becomes hot at some point when he is meditating, which makes him usually come back at 3 am.




----after one month----

"it seems you are now ready to start the real thing," said bang as he looked at the young man, when he first saw the kid, he was a weak little boy with next to no training and with bones so weak he got crushed the moment he stepped in this space, but now he had nicely outlined muscles and a well-defined face, but still retaining that friendly look and his face, quite good features for a future hero, bang was sure he would make a perfect hero when he goes back to his world, with his ideals and newfound strength he should be able to pick himself up in a world full of people that want to knock him down.

"We made a new plan thanks to your fast development, instead of taking two years each, we will take two and a half years in both our martial arts, the last six months will be training something else"

yes, in the past month something unexpected happened while izuku was meditating in the cold of the night he tapped into something, his KI, he was able to release in a burst causing a fierce green aura to engulf him, making him feel a heat spread throughout his body followed by an incredible increase in strength and speed at the cost of his stamina, this made it so that instead of teaching izuku the joint techniques of bang and bomb, he would still train in them but also to control his KI.

"the last six months will be spent training your KI to have better control over it, while both me and bang can't use our KI in the same way we can still train you in it, since the last time you used it you kept releasing it from your body because you didn't know how to stop it, and we are also going to teach how to use the joint techniques between our styles since we spent some time making them usable by one person"

"ok, so when do we start, and with who first"

izuku then got punched in the face so hard he flew a few tens of meters back, it was bang who punched.

"you will start your training now, and it will be with me obviously"




----after two and a half years----

izuku was sparing with both bang and bomb, while only using water stream rock smashing fist, while the other two were using their martial arts, izuku was holding his ground albeit with some difficulty, while the two old men were easily keeping pace with him, it didn't take a genius to figure out that they were holding back, the spar was mostly izuku and bang fighting by mostly redirecting each other attacks while bomb occasionally tries to catch izuku off guard and then trying to push him down.

after some time the old men decided to get serious and knocked izuku down.

"not bad kid, you already memorized all the techniques and you're using them efficiently, you also got significantly stronger that I can easily call you my second best disciple" said bang and he wasn't joking izuku was quite scary quick learner being able to easily analyse and copy all of bangs techniques in such a short time, and thanks to sparing with his senseis his strength shot through the roof, he was quite the scary disciple, but bang and bomb knew he won't become something like garou, because even with the situation he is in, with his childhood that he told them about in their spare time and his life, he never once changed his ideals and give up, yes he didn't work physically for his dream, but he was mentally prepared to be a hero, and their time here showed just that, not changing much since he got here, thenonly thing changing about him is his appearance not only has his muscles grown sharper and more refined, his face even more defined, with a sharper gaze, yet like always retaining that friendly look that he had from day one, they were sure they struck gold with him, well they didn't really struck gold more than it being handed to them on a silver spoon, whish they were thankful for.

but now with the training on bang martial arts done he would move on to learn from bomb, this next two years he would be learning whirlwind iron cutting fist, while water stream rock smashing fist was focused on deflecting attacks and redirecting it at its sender, the whirlwind iron cutting first revolves around manipulating the air. This martial art style involves a powerful hand movement technique to create a razor-sharp whirlwind pressure that chops the opponent into many tiny pieces. The martial art then pushes the opponent back with various degrees of force depending on the proximity towards the eye of the whirlwind. The cutting pressure is also used in the martial art kicks or palm strikes and is sharp enough to cut through stone.

"I hope you will try to learn this seriously just as you did with my brother"

"of course, I would, I didn't agree to this training to half-ass it" izuku wasn't a person to curse much but his time in this white chamber with these two old men changed him a little bit, but izuku made a mental note to try and fix this when he returned home because it would be very weird if his attitude suddenly changes after just 3 days for other people.

right after izuku thought about that he remembered his mother and how she didn't know where he is, meaning that when he gets back he would have been away from home for three days, and It would seem like he was kidnapped, but he quickly removed these thoughts from his and made mental notes of them to remember when he gets back, not because he doesn't care about his mom or anything, but because he really can't do anything about it, and maybe mr. popo did something in that regard to help him.

----on super kami Dende's lookout----

a black genie was watering what seems like pot, he then looked up to the sky and talked to himself

"huh, I forgot about that maggots mother and I didn't make an excuse for him, well doesn't matter, imma just continue to water my pots"




----back in the chamber after 2 and a half years----

izuku was sparing with bang and bomb, but this time he was not only using the water stream smashing fist but was also the whirlwind iron cutting fist, and unlike when he was sparing with them 2 years before, now he is putting up an actual fight and they are taking him seriously.

after izuku fully learned bang's techniques his strength and precision and analysis skills all were developing at an alarming rate that he got to Garou's level quite quickly, but they still didn't fear that he would become like Garou because even after more years passed here he still didn't change, yes some behavior like cussing and shit-talking did develop in him, but that was caused from spending most his time with two rowdy brothers and him growing up.

after finishing the sparring session, no side being able to put the other down, the two brothers looked at izuku he was currently almost 20 years old and his physical development didn't end, his muscles like always were getting bigger and but it seems they conveniently got caped in size so that normal baggy clothing can hide them, his face became more sharp and handsome the freckles on his face somehow disappeared, and his gaze only grew sharper, yet despite all of that despite all those years enduring this hellish training, his friendly look never disappeared.

"it seems that the closer we get to the deadline, the faster time goes by," said bang feeling a little sad that after six months he would have to I'd goodbye to his best disciple yet, and the same could be said for bomb who didn't say anything in response.

izuku sensing the awkward atmosphere around them tried to break the ice around them.

"come on we still have 6 months, and even when we separate I will still remember you two as my two and only senseis, the people that helped get on my feet and try to realize my dream"

after the old men looked at each other, they wondered why they are getting gloomy, maybe the prospect of not seeing such a precious disciple ever again after personally training him for years felt sad but they shouldn't show that for their pride as his masters.

"it's ok, but now with all of that done, you have mastered both our martial arts perfectly, and now we will be spending the rest of our time, trying to master your KI control, and you know the rest"

"yes! I am ready to face whatever you throw at me masters" (fuck it, I hate that I have to keep writing the word senseis it feels weird, so I'm gonna make use of master for bang and bomb and sensei for his teachers as a way to show respect to them maybe).




6 months passed by quickly, in them no noticeable change happened to izuku, he became stronger, faster and sharper but his appearance stayed the same, his control over KI has reached a master level, being able to control his KI burst and he became able to shot KI strong blasts with high destructive power, and the ability to fly but he didn't like using it much, maybe because this place is a white void and he would feel much better flying under the normal blue sky, but he thinks it will hardly make a difference.

izuku also was able to learn from bang and bomb the combination between their techniques which had high destructive capabilities but at the cost of his stamina.

"It seems our time together has come to an end," said bang with a bittersweet smile "we may not be able to meet again, but you will always be one of my best disciples"

"come on, master bang don't say cringy lines like this," said izuku who was doing the most cringy act of crying because of this, but how couldn't he these two are the people who trained him from a weak quirckless nobody to the great martial artist he became now.

"wipe the tears kid, it's not like we are dying, we are just gonna get separated, but now that this is happening make sure you do one thing," said bomb to izuku "make all those who looked down on you for all these years know who's boss, and I don't mean to beat them up but to show them that you can be a better hero than them"

as soon as he heard that izuku wiped the tears from his eyes just when he was about to say something.


they all suddenly vanish fr that white space.

izuku's eyes were closed for some reason and when he opened them, just like when he got surprised many times when he got to the hyperbolic time chamber he again for the first time in 6 years got surprised by what he witnessed.





ok, I finely got time to finish this, but it's 4 am so I'm not sure about the quality, anyway I hope you like this and the next chapter will come most likely in 2 or 3 days.

don't forget to do what I tell you to do every other chapter.

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