
Chapter 217 : Gold

For the first time in over a hundred years, Ervelon was filled with beings from all races. There were nosferatu, lycans, elves, dwarves and even a few humans, all gathered to witness the union of not just four individuals, but two races, the elves and the nosferatu.

The grand wedding was to take place outside in the lush flowery meadows near the marble palace. There were intricate tables and chairs placed in the flowery grass, strings of flowers crisscrosse the sky above, and little fairies and pixies dusted the terrain with golden dust. The entire place looked like something out of a fairytale.

Gareth, Finwe, and the queen had just finished welcoming the visitors to the very important event. Nobility from all the races were in attendance all dressed in golden clothing, the color that represented prosperity and good fortune in elven culture.

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