
Isaac's War (3)

''Time for the 19th match!'' Heimdall shouted, surrounded by the glowing light.

After the fight between Underlord, and Night, the several matches after that were high-level, but didn't have the same amount of impact. Still, the audience, and denizens of Four Seasons enjoyed the tournament.

However, there was a heavy atmosphere among the Gods, and Goddesses. After Hades' angry outburst, they discussed about Underlord, and what they should do.

There were several who thought that they couldn't leave him alone. The second-coming of Erebus wasn't far off. However, there were also those who thought that they should leave him alone. Thus, they didn't come to a conclusion.

In the Four Seasons.

''Oww...'' Luna rubbed her cheek as she woke up. She noticed a far-away ceiling, and mistook it for the sky. After the foggy vision cleared up, she noticed the pinkish walls of her room.

''My cheek... it hurts.'' She said aloud while rubbing her cheek. It felt like she got punched, very hard.

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