
Dear Adam : Today is because of you

At a painting exhibition, Sera looks very happy. She began to meet the figure of Dahlia who was considered her own brother. Then she saw Dahlia who was staring at a painting. Then she started screaming.


Sera shouted while waving her right hand towards Dahlia then she looked from who turned. Then Dahlia approached Sera in her wheelchair as well as Sera until they met in the middle.

"Wow! This is absolutely amazing!" said Sera full of happy expression while looking at Dahlia's face. While Dahlia just smiled when Sera praised her.

Then Dahlia showed Sera her favorite painting. Then he explained about the contents of the painting. A painting that has a deep wound meaning to the father figure in his life. She was indeed a child who was never wanted to be born in this world.

Actually there is a big secret that has been kept by Dahlia and her mother. The secret where she is the cousin of the real Sera. Because Sera's Uncle had impregnated her mother.

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