
12 Mythical

Atreus puts the last crate on the boat then looks up to see where everyone else is at and sees that they are all gathered and making their way on to the boat. Atreus then finds a seat to help row until they can catch the wind, after everyone has found their place they start to row the ship along the coast toward the village they trade with, one man next to atreus asks " I 've seen how you hunt with out a weapon , how do you do that no normal man could do that" atreus answers with a lie " Well I was born stronger then most men like when I was a boy I pulled the cart to the town where we traded our extra supplies" the man is impressed but asks " But you have grown taller and your hair has changed from black to this sandy orange colour how would you explain that" atreus thinks for a bit then says " It probably has to do with this environment it a lot tougher here then where I'm from" smiling slightly st the man across from him who now is silent probably thinking about what atreus just said.

2 Hours later

The captain yells " Raiders off the starboard side" as he grabs his weapon, atreus looks towards where the captain is looking and sees two boats coming towards them quite quickly, looking for a weapon he spys a hammer on the bottom of the boat that's just the right size for his hand so grabbing it he looks back to the steadily approaching raiders the rest of the crew also ready them selfs to defend their cargo. As the raiders are within stone throwing distance the sky starts to blacken with rumbles off in the distance, the three boats meet and 15 raiders jump to the single boat player to slaughter them , as the sound a yells and cries break out atreus is attacked by a man with axe in his left hand and shield in his right the man swings for atreus's neck who leans back getting slightly nicked on his neck surprised by this because he usually doesn't get damaged by weapons but he pushed the thought back as he swings his hammer down on the the man's shield that explodes with splinters and blood , the man crys in pain looking down at his mangled arm he takes on a frenzied look as he starts to swing wildly with his axe while yelling trying to kill the man in front of him atreus is just trying not to get hit but with his limited room he gets hit a few times leading him to become anoyyed he reachs out and grabs the flayling man then crushes his throat tossing his body over board as lightning strike the water. Atreus stomps towards the other boats swatting any raider that gets in his way while the man watch in awe as the simple hunter has turned in to a god of war , arriving at the boat atreus holds his hammer high as lightning collects in the clouds till it bursts through and smashes into the boats turning them into smouldering splinters , and as the last raider is killed the storm seems to fade and atreus seems to break from his trance and looks around confused.

After that fight the captain asks atreus" what the was that with lightning and thrown grown men like children" Atreus says " I don't know I was fighting this one guy and when I broke his shield I zoned out and then there we burning boats" while looking around at the slightly scared men on his boat.After the fight everyone sits in silence for the rest of the trip.

The boat arrives back home where the men get off with a few telling stories of what atreus did with the lightning and killing raiders left and right like he was a cutting grass. Atreus feels bad for losing it like that but he couldn't stop the now circulating stories that made him seem like a monster so he decided to just leave it at that a go on with his life.

Long house

One of the old warrior's rushes in a tells the chief about the story's about atreus " I heard he controlled the storm and was thrown fully grown men like they weighted nothing at all" with a concerned tone. The chief thinks a bit a says" Just keep an eye on him for now we can't do anything at the moment because winter is nearly here so we'll have to wait till spring".


I'm gonna call Atreus Andor now cause he's been here long enough but he will remember his name even if he changes it.

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