
4 Wild Beast

2483 B.C

Atreus is now 17 and is still helping his ageing mother and father around their property and taking dish to market , the animal attacks his father spoke years ago had stopped before they reached home but atreus hasn't stopped his training and has learned to control his ability to not miss his mark even when he throws in the other direction so he has been using it more and more when he goes hunting. While practicing his mother calls him to come help with dinner. As he is setting everything up he hears a yell from outside fearing the worst atreus runs outside to find his father being attacked by a man who has thrown his dad like a sack towards the house , as his father smashes against the wall passing out he trys to grabs the sword by the door but before he can move the man has shoved him back inside the house smashing the table and bowls. His mother screams at the sight of her son being thrown a looks up to red eyes staring down at her and before she can even scream he has ripped her throat out to drink her blood, atreus sees this and runs at the man trying to tackle him but gets swated away towards the door knocking more things over. In the chaos he see the sword and grabs it in his shaking hands as he hears a dule thud and looks up to see his mum dead and dropped like rubbish and he loses all reasoning as he charges and thrusts the sword at the man's chest for it to make a crisp chime as it snaps in half making him drop it from recoil. The man now focussing fully on him now reachs for atreus, panicking atreus grabs the broke blade in his hand as the man bites him on his throat , as a last resort atreus stabs at the man's eye and finally manages to damage the man as he screams dropping atreus and thrashing around while pulling out the broken blade and hissing while kicking atreus hard in the chest and fleeing. As atreus lays there trying to breath though broken ribs and bleeding neck trying to drag him self to his mother begging that she is ok , but doesn't want to think about it as he get to her he breaks down crying and begging her to come back but no matter how much he shakes her she lays still, after crying for what seems like hours he starts to feel a burning pain from his neck. He reachs up to touch it but as he lifts his arm the pain increase 10 fold and he crumples into a shaking heep of pain having no idea what's happening as he remembers his father's at the front door , through the pain he crawls to him and finds that he has died as well from being thrown in to the wall seeing this he gives up fighting the pain and passes out.

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