
ditching old jack

Once the carriage had made its way in front of Nortan beginners academy, I jumped off the roof. With little trouble I was able to free my knapsack from the back of the carriage. Slowly I made my way down an alley. You could hear the Pitter patter of my tiny feet as I made my way across the pavement. one tiny jade green paw in front of another. A skip, a step, and a jump over a fence found me a secluded place away from prying eyes.

In front of me was a broken Mirror where I saw the most adorable green fluffy furball. jade green hair that shimmered in the mid day sun. a cute pink button nose and tiny pointed teeth screaming fierce and the most gorgeous pair of eyes completely differentiated me from the common house cat.

After admiring myself for a while, I slowly undid the transformation. This however Reminded me that clothes do not transform with you. I was standing stalkers with my tooshy on full display. I thank whatever God was out there, because transforming back in the middle of the street would not have been a good idea. A pair of pants and a shirt later allowed me to make my way out of the secluded alleyway.

A quick look around the market Allowed me to Basque In the admiration of all the pedestrians who could appreciate my beauty. As I was passing by a clothing shop I saw my reflection in the window and I knew that I had to change. The plain clothes that had been common in our village were just not gonna cut it. My heavenly appearance deserves fitting clothes.

I slowly made my way inside the wooden door. The shop itself was pretty plain, But the clothes were of high quality. I made my way from rack to rack Slowly taking in the collection they had to offer. There were so many clothes that complimented either my eyes or my hair or both that I had difficulty choosing.

A quick kido later and my backpack had all the space needed for storing my selections. in memory of my predecessors I wanted to wear mostly traditional Japanese attire. a couple of kimono tops and some hakamas with some sandles resembling those the soul reapers wore and I was all set. I picked out a jade green kimono top with black embroidery along the edges with a black obi done with a big bow tie at the back. a pair of white socks and soul reaper sandles with black hakamas and I was all set to go. my selection was hugged my frame perfectly and allowed everyone to see my perfection on full display. the sleeve of the kimono were narrow all along the arm and then flared out near my hands reaching down to my finger tips. this would allow me to hide any hidden weapons when im in the middle of battle so as not to allow my enemy a chance to react. the pants really filled me out quite nicely. all together I looked amazing.

once I had my selections put away a quick genjutsu and the shop keeper was happy to par with them for free. sigh what a pervert a quick genjutsu of tsunade having her top rip in front of him was enough for him to offer countless articles of clothing. men really do end up with misfortune once a woman sets their eyes on them. a little cleavage and they have loyal servants for life.

after making my way around the market and liberating a couple of pouches filled with money from some snobbish nobles and I was all set to make a life for myself.

I made my way towards Nortan academy. no I was not going to be joining the academy with tang san. I was making my way there to see old jack. disappearing without a word or a letter to put his mind at ease would be unfair to the man who spent years feeding and housing me. while I was not overly attached to the crazy mad man I was rather fond of him and his antics. a slight upturn of my lips at the memories of our short time together really brought to light how much I owed this man. he really was like a crazy uncle I just couldn't help but admire.

he took me in without reservations of whether I was blood or not and took it upon himself to provide for me what he could. while the house and food were not grand they were filled with that feeling that can only come into play when someone truly loves you. I was going to miss old Jack but I had to set out on my training trip or I would never feel safe considering that in a little over 11 years all hell would break loose.

a short trip latter and I found myself coming across the scene of old jack parting ways with tang san at the front of the dorm rooms. once tang san made it indoors and old jack made his way over toward the direction of the carriage I stepped out. the look of suprise on his face at seeing me here dressed in fine cloths was enough to prompt me into speaking up.

"suprise" with a quick upturn of my lips and twirl of my hair though my fingertips all hell broke loose.

" you brat how did you get here? were did those clothes come from? are you really little jin or is someone pulling a prank on me? I will warn you now I don't have any money on me."

a sweat drop quickly formed at the back of my head but the smile never left my face.

"old Jack its really me" with a smirk plastered on my face I quickly went about crafting my story.

" I snuk onto the carriage because I could not pass up the chance to come to the big city to make a name for myself. since I don't have any spirit essence to cultivate I had to find work doing something else or else I would end up muching off you for the rest of your life."

a tick mark quickly formed on his head before he bellowed at me. "what do you mean you snuck onto the carriage? and what work are you qualified to do other than laze about cloud watching?"

now I was a little ticked off. humph my majestic self has no need to work when my beauty can open doors for me in the form of worshipers. sigh he has lived with me for so long that he should have been able to grasp my royal aura by now.

as if reading my thoughts old Jack let loose a derisive snort.

" as for my clothes, they were a gift from my master. I have taken up the an apprenticeship from a traveling merchant who claimed that my angelic face was enough to sell the clothes from his traveling cart."

with another snort he said "obviously he hasn't heard you open that big mouth of yours."

a tick mark formed on my head because wow did he really just say that to my fave. I am perfection personified and he has the audacity to claim that my regal form of speech would impede my beautiful Visage.

" good luck kid" with a reassuring head pat and misty eyes he headed toward the carriage ready to set off.

" bye dad" with an upturn of my lips I made my way back to the market to pick up supplies for the journey ahead.

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