
[64.1] Cyrus POV: The Beginning of the End

[Author's note: This chapter is from Cyrus's perspective.]

Reika walked down the halls humming to herself. She entered the locker room, pausing to look at her friend's locker in confusion when she noticed the locker was empty. Reika mumbled to herself, "Is she sick today?"

She pulled out her phone and tapped it with her fingers. She waited for a moment for a reply, before shrugging and placing her items in her locker.

When she left to start her job, her boss suddenly waved her down, "Reika. Did you hear? Hanabae fell into the Han River and drowned."

Reika froze with wide eyes. As her blood chilled, the colors in her memory slowly started to turn blue.

She slowly turned to the boss, "...What?"

"The police are still investigating, but they say it was an accidental drowning… She couldn't swim after all…"

Reika almost fell to the ground as her world began to spin uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry… I know you two were really good friends."

Reika held the wall gasping for air, "I… I can't believe it… I won't…"

"The funeral will be this Friday. We are closing the museum down for the day to honor her-"

In the blink of an eye, I was standing outside. Rain poured down, but it didn't drench me. I glanced to the side and saw Reika staring ahead with dull eyes.

Tears mixed with rain as she stood staring at a casket…

But she never dared get near it.

I watched her as she turned her head as if something caught her attention. I could see her body tremble as a kitten staring down a murderous wolf. I followed her gaze only to see…


Her ex-boyfriend stood in the distance, watching the funeral in secrecy. A shadow covered his face, giving off a sinister aura. Seeing Reika stare at him, he mouthed the words, "You're next."

Reika's eyes widened, "N-No… It can't be…"

Fear completely overtook her. She sprinted away, panting hysterically, but she didn't turn back in fear she would see the very man who killed her friend and tormented her for years. She continued to run through the rain until she arrived at the police station.

She appeared in front of the desk and shouted, "I NEED TO REPORT A MURDER!"

An officer groaned and came out to her, "Come with me."

As they walked, Reika was clearly in distress as her head jerked around anxiously.

I followed after them only to hear an officer comment, "Another crazy? Must be a full moon."

I shot the man a glare, but there was nothing I could do as it was just a memory.

He led her to a chair and motioned for her to sit. Then he sat down in front of her and pulled out a notebook, "What's this about?"

He clicked his pen.



Reika's eyes were drawn to the pen, "Like I said, I need to report a murder. My friend recently died and the police said it was an accidental drowning. But it wasn't! It was a murder and the murderer is-"

"Hold on, hold on. Your friend recently died?"



"Y-Yes. I was at her funeral today when the murderer showed up-"

He suddenly put his notebook down, "You were at a funeral earlier."

"Yes! But the murderer showed up and he-"

He leaned back in the chair in a carefree manner, still clicking his pen in boredom, "Who is the murderer?"

"My ex-boyfriend. He-"



Reika tried to gather her thoughts, "He mouthed something to me-"



"-My ex-boyfriend was threatening me- and, and-"



Reika slammed her fists on the table, "STOP CLICKING YOUR PEN!"

The officer's face was devoid of sympathy as he slowly lowered his pen. His voice carried a threatening tone, "Ma'am. Do you understand how serious it is to falsely report a crime? I could throw you in a prison cell right now."

Reika was taken aback by his sudden threat, "...What?"

"Let me guess, your ex-boyfriend got a new girlfriend and you are jealous? Am I right?"

Reika was shocked, "How DARE you! My ex-boyfriend abused me for years! I only recently got free from him-"

"-Listen, Lady. We always get cases like yours. Women are always accusing their exes of abuse and assault just to have them in jail for a night. But I don't put up with it. I'm not going to sit here and allow you to accuse an innocent man."

"Innocent?!" Reika slumped back in her chair in disbelief, "I can't believe this… You don't believe me."

"Usually, I would charge you with false reporting, but seeing as though you were just at a funeral, I'm going to let it pass this time."

"But I'm not lying!"

He glared at her, "I can always call the hospital to have you held for mental instability. Do you need that?"

Reika was shocked by his attitude and looked around the room for anyone to believe her. However, the room was filled with men who stared at her as if mocking her. It was obvious that not only did they not believe her, but they were treating her as if she was putting on an exciting show.

Reika had no energy left to fight once she realized no one would listen to her. She stood up, clutching her purse, and walked out of the building and into the rain. Her eyes glazed over as her footsteps slowed to a shuffle. Outside of the police station, she stood with a blank expression on her face.

Her funeral outfit slowly became drenched with rain, making her look as if she just crawled out of a lake.

"Ma'am. Can you move already? You are in the way."

Reika slowly turned to see an officer with an impatient look on his face. She turned away and forced her feet to move. As she walked, the noise in the memory sounded hollow.

Just as if she were underwater.

Hello! I am back (only a few days late)...

I've had the worst luck lately, but I hope you enjoy the conclusion of Reika's backstory~

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