
meridian (4)

The old man stroked his beard with a thin smile. His eyes showed that he was impressed with the young man's question. "To answer that question, we have to examine what the twelve acupoints do. The heart is the king of all organs. It holds our blood essence and is the seat of the mind. Without a strong heart, one cannot control one's emotions or hold a stable mental state, making one susceptible to mental attacks and are easily lead astray. Do you think it is important? Do you consider such things primary?"

The young man nodded. 

The old man chuckled. "The same goes for the other eleven. All have vital functions that are essential to separating a cultivator from a commoner. The lung acupoint directs energy throughout all other meridians. The stomach acupoint extracts energy from food and other natural oddities. The kidney acupoint improves memories and critical thinking and allows us to pass on our primal genes, traits, and essence to our offspring."

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