
Arc 2 - Chapter 3: Curing A Disease

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Chapter 3: Curing A Disease

"Excuse me, are you Jang So-Sul?" Chikao asks the little girl, with a thin figure and long blue hairs, and brown eyes.

Around them is a bunch of corpses everywhere. Currently, Chikao is in an unknown building that took him a few hours to find until he reaches the route he needed. Would have taken even longer if it wasn't for [Numeromancy] and [Fortune]. Mostly the latter really, since there many routes he will have to search through before finding the right ones.

"Who are you?" Jang So-Sul asks coldly, trying to not show how scared she is right now before this person, who is clearly a Real Master Martial Artist and if she dares to believe it. This person might be on the same level as that one person, who ruled the Murim world with an iron-fist before leaving it after not finding any more challenges.

"Chikao Fukui. Seeing how you ask this question, then you must be Jang So-Sul, former head of the Sun-Woo Clan?" Chikao should have come to South Korea years ago. Because then he could have learned some amazing martial arts. Though, he didn't think in South Korea there would be the Girls of the Wild's and The Breaker series. The former is due to possessing an abnormal human body trained in some special ways in Wild's High. While the latter is filled with people with access to the energy known as [Ki].

Then again, Chikao didn't think he would be able to access his own [Ki Reserve] even with all the help from others. Nonetheless, as he is now, Chikao should be able to gain backing to help his group survive a bit easier. Though, the fighting strength of all the Martial Artists to fight supernatural beings is still debatable.

Chikao just has to take things slow and make sure to have enough luck ready in case one of those deadly routes trigger by an outside influence. Plus, thanks to finding out about The Breaker series, allowing Chikao to recreate a few [Ki Techniques] and add them into the [Bairong Style].

"Japanese?" Jang So-Sul didn't think someone from Japan would come after her. Bad enough, she has to deal with the [Nine Yin Body Type] that makes her life so difficult.

"Yes, but anyway, how about we leave? I don't know about these people, but I can cure you of your body conditions. To show you proof, here is what I can do for you right now." Chikao moves at a speed that's beyond Jang So-Sul's senses and appears directly before her and an index finger touching Jang So-Sul's forehead, channeling a bit of [Ki] while using [Numerical Precison] and [Numeromancy] to temporary give her the ability to use her [Ki] freely for a minute.

Afterward, Chikao quickly moves back to his previous spot and wait for Jang So-Sul to decide to come with him or not, but she will. Since there is only 1% of her rejecting coming with him and now to speak the keywords to make sure that 1% doesn't happen.

"Shouldn't take me that long, not even a month to make it possible." Chikao said casually while using [Cycle Element] together with [Numeromancy] to make sure he didn't make any mistakes before continue speaking. "If things go right, I should have you done either in a single day if we're very lucky to a week at best if I make sure to put all effort into curing your body. By then, it will take some time before your body quickly grows to match your age and become very beautiful."

"Come on! Let's leave already! I'm not going to wait any longer to be cured!" Jang So-Sul already walking through the doors, not caring about the dead bodies everywhere and the very people that promised to cure her too, with barely any results and it's taking forever! Yet, here this random Japanese Martial Artist has appeared out of nowhere and manages to allow her to use [Ki] freely for the first time! And it's amazing! Sadly, it only lasted a minute from what she kept track of the time. Yet, he did something these people of the Black Forest Defence couldn't do in a short time with just a small channel of [Ki] to her forehead! Like how?! It doesn't matter if there something this person wants from her. Jang So-Sul is willing to do nearly anything in exchange for being fully cured.

"Alright." Chikao appears next to Jang So-Sul and taking their time leaving this hidden base belong to the Black Forest Defense; well, destroyed base since Chikao made sure no one would find out it was him, who came here to take Jang So-Sul with him. While at the same time stealing some important documents too, just in case he wanted to use one of the routes that require them, but there are barely any routes that need these documents.

"Be honest with me. Did someone sent you to get me?" Jang So-Sul didn't think she will get any real answer, but may as well just for the hell of it. Maybe she will get one. If not, oh well, she didn't have that much hope up.

"Not really, I just did some digging and found out about you. Also, mainly because I need your help with a few things then you won't owe me anything after I cure you of your [Nine Yin Body Type]." Chikao replied. "Now, I won't return you to the Sun-Woo Clan straight away and only after I finish curing you. So don't get mad at me for not taking you home." Chikao look around the area before leading Jang So-Sul to the car he parked nearby.

"I see." Jang So-Sul accepts the help to get inside the front passenger seat. "How did you find where I am?" Jang So-Sul glance at Chikao and wonder what kind of person he is to become this strong and what kind of help he needs from her. When there are many other people to get help from her. Right now, she was just some sick girl, who temporarily gave up her status as the head of the Sun-Woo Clan to a boy she likes.

"Oh, it's easy to find people when you have the right skill set." Chikao wasn't going to admit him using the [Numeromancy] and even forced to use the [Cycle Element] to find her. "Also, have you eaten yet? We can stop by somewhere for you to eat. It will take a few hours before we reach the destination." Chikao begins driving away from the destroyed base of the Black Forest Defense and use the spells placed on the car to make it harder for people to see the car.

"I-" Jang So-Sul was going to say she already ate, but her stomach took this as its cue to make its presence by making a very loud growling noise.

"Well, that answers that question." Chikao didn't bother to look in Jang So-Sul's direction, to know her face is red from embarrassment. "We can order from the driveway. No need to eat inside." Chikao drives the car to a fast-food restaurant. "I know you rather not waste any more time than needed. So we can just eat while on the road." Chikao could already see a few unwanted people just happen to be in the area and one look was enough for many to know about Jang So-Sul's whereabouts. Chikao can't allow that to happen.

A few hours later*

"Who is this?" Momoyo looks at Asia talking with the new addition into the group. Hopefully, it's just temporary, because Momoyo knew how problem it will be if this group become large.

"Jang So-Sul." Chikao gives Momoyo a brief summary of who Jang So-Sul is.

"Oh, I think I remember the Sun-Woo Clan." Momoyo took an extra look at Jang So-Sul. "I feel like I see her before." Momoyo can't seem to place her finger on it. Yet, nothing, making Momoyo a bit curious who Jang So-Sul is and why her name makes her feel like she met her before or at least someone with the same name. Though, she highly doubts it with this girl belong to the Sun-Woon Clan.

Jang So-Sul gulps and slowly move over to Momoyo while politely excuse herself from talking to Asia. "It's nice to meet The Goddess of Battle again." Jang So-Sul bow while glancing at Chikao with hidden shock, for someone to know Momoyo Kawakami, the very same one who defeated all Martial Artists by herself within a year and made a name for herself as the first person to surpass the rank of Real Martial Artist. Someone who has been recognized by the Murim as individuals who have skills that described as Godly, inhuman, and so on. This rank is left with quite vague meaning as it refers to any individual that has surpassed the limits of human capabilities.

"Have I meet you before?" Momoyo directly asks Jang So-Sul, still not remembering who she is.

Jang So-Sul wasn't offended by this and softly answered, "It was during the time when my father, Jang Gyul, was still alive and requested to fight you, only to be defeated by you in a matter of seconds." Jang So-Sul wasn't ashamed nor embarrassed for her father's defeats under Momoyo's hands. After all, Jang So-Sul sees Momoyo's might with her own eyes and she will never forget the scene of Momoyo only using a flick to her father's forehead to beat him, not even worth a punch.

"Seriously?" Chikao is starting to wonder what is Momoyo's canon version is like because if this is the Highschool DxD world's version of Momoyo is like. He wonders which version is stronger than the other.

"What? I have an interesting childhood." Momoyo grin, then frown. "So why did you bring Jang So-Sul here?" Momoyo really hopes it wasn't because her boyfriend took a liking to Jang So-Sul after wanting to see what she would look like after being cured of the [Nine Yin Body Type], which was rumor whoever have this condition, where blocks all nine [Ki Channels] and make the person's appearance look younger than they should actually be due to the physical growth being slowed down. If that wasn't enough, the [Nine Yin Body Type] makes it impossible for one to circulate [Ki] properly and cannot practice martial arts, making this a death sentence for those that are part of the Murim. However, it's believed that curing the disease would give one the ability to master godly techniques, unattainable by humans. Furthermore, once cured, the person will be 'reborn' figuratively and gain a perfect figure.

Overall, Momoyo had tried her luck in finding anyone with a cured body of this disease and hasn't yet so far. Of course, Momoyo has seen many people with this disease before. Some weren't even part of the Murim world.

"I need some help from Jang So-Sul once she regains back control over the Sun-Woo Clan." Chikao tried not to sigh, for a new route he didn't see up to now and see how easy it was for Momoyo to walk up to the Sun-Woo Clan and demand for things with ease, making it was a waste of time for him to grab Jang So-Sul and curing her disease. Well, it would be a waste of time if it wasn't a few new routes popping after he cured Jang So-Sul.

"You do know I can just do the same, right?" Momoyo raises an eyebrow at her boyfriend, as she knew right away that what he did was a wasted effort; however, now that she found out he could cure the [Nine Yin Body Type]. Momoyo rethinks if it is truly a wasted effort or not. "Actually, this is good, because if you manage to cure Jang So-Sul, then we have another powerful ally." Momoyo starts to grin. "Also a powerful Martial Artist to spar with."

"Yeah... Sure, let's go with that." Chikao checks other different routes and this time, he includes Momoyo and even Ophis too. Decreasing the number of routes he needs to take.

Much to Chikao's surprise, the routes with Jang So-Sul in it have made things a lot easier for his group dealing with anything in South Korea while Momoyo's status in the Murim wasn't really that well-known outside of the powerful high ranked Martial Artists. If that wasn't enough, Chikao found a route by accident, with Ingui Yoon is the main person in it that could help him deal with many unwanted people part of the supernatural route. Therefore, Chikao might have to push himself into the already destroyed Girls of the Wilds' plot.

Going even further, Chikao can see Jae Gu Song having a bit of a helping hand somewhere in the future, that save Chikao and his group some time that could be wasted through his newly acquired connection thanks to being rich.

"I'll be delighted to be your sparring partner." Jang So-Sul didn't back off from this and more eager to want to test herself against the Goddess of Battle once her body is cured.

"Good to hear it." Momoyo starting to like Jang So-Sul by the second, for there are very rare few people who would gladly have a friendly spar with her even when knowing her many statuses. "So, Chikao. How long will it take before Jang So-Sul here be cured and start training in martial arts?" Momoyo didn't mind waiting for a bit, but if it's too long, then she might have to use some of her connection in the Murim to speed things up.

"Shouldn't take too long. Maybe by the end of today if there nothing on my schedule or anything interrupts me. However, if things getting in the way or I have something to do, then a week at best." Chikao gave those two options because those are the best time to cure Jang So-Sul without any problems occurring during the process. Leading to crippling Jang So-Sul even further at best and death at worse.

"Let's get to it! There no one other than us in this apartment. So why not do it now?" Momoyo couldn't believe her boyfriend can cure this dangerous disease so easily and in such a small period of time.

"I'll have to prepare first." Chikao wasn't going to cure Jang So-Sul right away when he can easily thank his bullshit [Human Magic]. However, first, Chikao rechecks a couple of times with [Numeromancy] to see which methods would work the best and not cause any problem later on with Jang So-Sul once the process is finished. "Give me an hour before we begin."

"An hour I can wait." Jang So-Sul has waited longer before, an hour is pretty sure in her opinion. No need to complain or anything other than maybe if the process to cure didn't work. Then, she has the right to complain all she wants. Hopefully, Momoyo won't take offended by her words. However, if she truly can be cured of her disease. Well, she rather not put too much hope just yet, even with that small brief minute of being able to use her [Ki] freely.

An hour later*

"Okay, I'm ready." Chikao opens his eyes and got up from his seat, where he can see Momoyo eating a small hill of cheeseburgers while Asia is eating one, but slowly compared to Momoyo and would feed one cheeseburger to Ophis, who ate the entire thing in one bite. Jang So-Sul is watching this whole thing before her eyes with a dull look, but Chikao can see the hidden shock in them. "So, I'm going to need Asia just in case. Momoyo, you just need to make sure no one disturbs us and Ophis. Go to sleep."

"Finally!" Momoyo pushes the leftover cheeseburgers back into the box that she grabs it from for her daily snack and stands next to the only door to leave this apartment while Ophis did as she was told and bury herself inside the backpack to sleep. Asia quickly moves over to Jang So-Sul with a serious look on her face, which just looks like an adorable puppy trying to act so seriously.

"What do you need me to do?" Jang So-Sul can't wait to be cured and be able to finally be able to train in martial arts as well as hoping the boy she likes is still single. Of course, the former is important the most. Yes, not about dating a boy like a normal girl, and so on. Nope.

"Just lay down and I'm not going to lie. This may hurt. A lot. So, Asia makes sure to begin healing straight away as her body begins to damage due to having too much [Ki] running through her body." Chikao thought about it for a moment. "I'm going to make it a bit easier for you by putting you asleep. So, you'll wake up after everything is done." Chikao snap his finger casting the [Sleeping Spell] on Jang So-Sul, to put her to sleep straight away. "Time to get started."

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