
Arc 1 - Chapter 10: The Talk

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 10: The Talk

"I think it's best I leave." Chikao quickly got inside his car, following the steps he needs to do in order to have Momoyo as his partner, which wasn't that hard, but there is a 1% of Momoyo going completely berserk at him for many reasons that were technically out of his control. So, to make sure to avoid that 1%. Chikao got to find the best routes among the 99% to follow without leading to that 1% without a chance of it happening.

"Not happening!" Momoyo quickly leaps over the roof of the car and got inside the front passage seat right before Chikao could lock it. "Until you fight me without the usage of [Magic]. I'm not leaving and don't think you can leave me behind. Now, that I know you can use [Magic]. I just need to move faster than you can cast it. Also, I'm Kawakami Momoyo. You can call me by my given name." Momoyo introduces herself.

"Fukui Chikao. And I guess the same." Chikao said dully, not bother with how Momoyo is acting. All for the better future of the partnership between them. Furthermore, Chikao discovers many of his routes in the future have massively changed thanks to Momoyo's existence included in his life.

"So why won't you fight me?" Momoyo has enough self-control to not fight inside a moving vehicle, not that it would matter to her as it won't cause her any harm, but this car doesn't belong to her nor is Chikao an enemy, making her not care about destroying his things like she usually do whenever she faces against people who either want to take her into their organization or enslave, which is kinda the same in her eyes. Either way, she would destroy without any problem and eager to find more powerful opponents to test her might against. Also, to see if maybe they have anything valuable on them to plunder to sell for money. She still needs money to buy food or she will die from starving.

And that is something Momoyo can't have or else those Devils might try to revive her as a Reincarnated Devil. Something she rather not happen to her. Momoyo is proud to be a human and won't change that for a fact.

"Like I said before. There is no point in me fighting you." Chikao said calmly. "In fact, give me a good reason why I should even fight you." Chikao glances at Momoyo before looking back at the front as he drives the car. "A good reason for me, not for you."

"To improve your combat ability! After all, you need to fight in order to gain experience. What better way to get that by fighting?" Momoyo didn't think about much reason other than that fighting strong opponents will give her the thrill of knowing she will always have room to get better in her martial arts.

"That's true, but I have my ways of gaining combat experience without the need to fight." Chikao, once again, spoke the truth to Momoyo, for she will learn about this later on. One of the main factors, for Momoyo, to stick around with Chikao. Seeing how Chikao is technically the ultimate opponent for Momoyo to face. Anything she could think of would either show up already in the future for Chikao to counter or avoid at all costs or show Momoyo that the new moves she had thought of. Might not be the best and should be discarded.

In the entire world, Momoyo couldn't have better found a worthy training partner. Something she will learn later on.

Momoyo was about to ask how that's possible when her instinct scream at her to get the fuck out of the car right away.

Chikao's [Danger Intuition] triggers along with his [Precognition]. Just right in time.

"But, it looks like fate won't let me go off easily without having to fight something personally." Chikao said to Momoyo, who nearly rip the door off to get out of the running car. Taking his right hand off the steering wheel and snap his fingers.

[17th Period Math Time: Car + (Anti + Fire)] = Give the car the effect of [Anti-Fire].

[17th Period Math Time: Car + (Anti + Ghost)] = Give the car the effect of [Anti-Ghost].

A dark red [Magic Circle] appears underneath the car as Chikao drive through the flames without any harm, not even the heat could get in. Neither could the ghost that is attacking them could get in while hiding in the flames.

"I must say, this is the first time a ghost would attack me." Chikao said to Momoyo, who didn't make a single sound, leading to Chikao turn his head to look at Momoyo to see why she so quiet. Even though he knew exactly why thanks to [Numeromancy].

Momoyo's face is pale, with teary eyes, and hugging her knee up to her chest as she begins spitting many soft prays for the ghost to go ahead. She is absolutely terrified right about now, for she has no means of hurting the ghosts.

"You can rest easy. The ghost can't touch, nor could they get in." Chikao said to Momoyo, which somewhat calm her down.

"[Magic] is sure handy, huh." Momoyo realized the ghost was banging against the window, the one on her door, making her flinch a few times. But, that was enough to make her relax once she notices that Chikao spoke the truth. The ghost that she had lots of trouble dealing with, in which, she mainly just run away, but this the same ghost that keeps chasing after her for months now. Yet, here it is now. Unable to reach her, making Momoyo slowly smile and give the ghost a mocking smile, causing it to become enraged by this. All the more for Momoyo continue to mock it, for all the time she suffers from facing it.

"You got that right. You wouldn't believe how many problems I had to go through before I was able to use [Human Magic]. Not to mention, the enemies I have to run away due to not being able to fight them or even hurt them." Chikao said to Momoyo, who stop mocking the ghost for the time being.

"Why not use [Ki]? Lots of creatures could be harmed by [Ki]." Momoyo looks at Chikao with a confused look.

"True, but I didn't gain access to my [Ki] until I've obtained the ability to use [Magic]." Chikao said to Momoyo, which caused her to be shocked by this. "By the way, where do you live? I'll drop you off."

"Ah!" Momoyo snaps out of her shock, then narrow her eyes at Chikao and smirk. "Nice try, but you're not getting rid of me that easy. Also, there is no point in me going back to where I stay when I'm the only one live there. Plus, I don't have to worry about people trying to steal from there with all the things my ancestors placed some sort of barriers, that no one, but my own bloodline could enter. In fact, I'm tagging along with you until you fight me. I can go back home whenever I feel like it."

"Don't you have anyone important to want to be with, instead of just following me for a fight?" Chikao didn't push too much into checking Momoyo's history of this world. But, just enough to know that she will tell him anyway later on, which he will learn himself in the present, not on those routes. This is mainly just a way for him to somewhat make a bond with Momoyo instead of treating it like a Dating Sim, for him to know better with Momoyo and make her fall for him.

Actually. Now, that Chikao thinks about it. This is exactly what he trying to do in some way, in order to get Momoyo to be his partner in traveling.


Chikao just knows it the moment he dies, he will go straight to hell for doing this to Momoyo or whatever with other people using the [Numeromancy] to get what he wants.

"Not really. I'm pretty much living on my own and go out of my way to fight people, where most of the time. I'm just wandering around and eat some food. Though, I tend to run low on money often and have to borrow from others." Momoyo smile a bit. "Of course, I pay for all the money I owe."

"So, you're not going to leave, are you?" Chikao let out a sigh of frustration.

"Don't bother faking it. I know you like someone like me to tag along. I can tell right away." Momoyo smirk, as she can instantly tell that sigh was forced and fake. "So, stop resisting and fight me."

"Will you go away after I fight you?" Chikao asks Momoyo, as both of them continue to ignore the ghost trying to get their attention this entire time.

"Not really. I still want to see what kind of things you could do as a Magician. Plus, it's getting boring sticking around just by myself." Momoyo replied to Chikao's question.

"Don't you have friends to hang out with?" Chikao asks another question while creating another dark red [Magic Circle], to use on the ghost to make it unable to use fire anymore via [17th Period Math Time: Ghost - (Fire + Ability)]. Clearing the view and allowing Chikao to drive a lot safer now without having to completely rely on [Numeromancy] to predict the right path to drive in.

"Not really. When you're abnormally strong. People tend to avoid you like a plague." Momoyo frown as she begins spilling out her background to Chikao. Seeing how there wasn't any reason not to when it's something that makes it a bad history of hers, that it's nearly impossible to talk about with others.

All the previous friends that were technically her friends at the time before abandoning her the moment her abnormal body changed when she gains access to her [Ki Reserve]. Leaving herself with only her grandfather, for even other people in her family left as they rather not be near her and risk being injured by accident if she so much as got angry. Then, latch out in rage. Which, much to Momoyo's disappointment she kinda did, but no one from her family died under her hands. Cripple, but alive. Life has been somewhat tolerable until her grandfather died under a supernatural influence, throwing Momoyo into a rage and push herself into intense training to the point she could get her revenge, which she did, and now there nothing else for her to do at this point. Other than getting the thrill of fighting powerful opponents.

Chikao didn't say anything the entire time, because what she said is kinda untrue at the beginning. Look at Issei, who is a major pervert and became overpowered due to the [Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear] with his weird power up because of breasts. Later on, become known as the Breast Dragon Emperor. Chikao seriously pity Ddraig, for his title as the Red Dragon Emperor of Domination would be replaced by something degraded. But, that doesn't change the fact that Issei became powerful and still loved by many.

This makes Chikao wonder if it's because Momoyo wasn't the main character of this world, that she will be treated badly instead of being praised by many. If so, then other than Issei, everyone else will have to experience major problems nearly all their lives until they meet the main character of the world, to live without many problems compared to the past.

"Are you not going to try to cheer me up?" Momoyo notices that Chikao been silent the entire time, making her frown a bit for not getting any reaction from him after she spill out her life story. Well, kinda 10% life story. The rest are just random things she does.

"Do you even need me to cheer you up?" Chikao asks back because Momoyo did not look like she needs anyone to cheer her up at all.

Momoyo thought about it, "Not really."

"There's your answer, then." Chikao said to Momoyo as he steps on the gas pedal to speed up the car and exit Kyoto from the south. "By the way, do you happen to know why that ghost is chasing after you?" Chikao checks the side mirror, to see the ghost continue to chase after them.

"Not really. All I know is that one day. Out of nowhere, I was being chased down by this ghost for months now." Momoyo said to Chikao, maybe hoping he has a way to solve this problem of hers. "You got anything to help me get rid of this ghost?"

"Hmm. Maybe." Chikao includes the variable of taking out the ghost in the many routes with Momoyo and see that if he does, then Momoyo would for sure join in his journey as a way to pay him back for helping her out and even go far as saving him in case he been captured. Unable to escape himself, where Momoyo will act as the main character and do everything to save him. "Okay, let see if this world. Hold onto your seat."

Seeing how the two [Magic Circles] on the car hasn't disappeared yet. Chikao stomp on the brake, then not even a few seconds later, the ghost crash into the back of the car with the momentum to push the car a few feet forward while the ghost itself is knocked to the ground, barely moving.

"Oh, hey, it works." Chikao got out of the car, then walk up to the ghost to get a better look of the thing, to only deadpan at it. Because the ghost takes on the appearance of a phantom blue color lizard of the size of a wild wolf. Actually, it nearly looks like the same Yama-inu, but it shouldn't since Chikao and Momoyo weren't anywhere near the mountain roads, so it must be something else.

"Kill it!" Momoyo hid behind Chikao and didn't dare come close to the ghost, since she has no means of defending herself other than doing her best to run away.

"Okay, then." Chikao creates a dark red [Magic Circle] underneath his right foot, with [Anti-Ghost] effect. Another dark red [Magic Circle] on his back with the effects of [100% Ki Control], then enhances his strength before stomping directly at the ghost dog's head, causing it to explode in a green mist that melted into the ground. "Well, that's one way for a ghost to die I guess." Chikao sweatdrop and found this is the best way to deal with this ghost dog compared to the other complicated methods.

"You need to teach me that [Magic]." Momoyo said in a serious tone, the years she had to deal with ghosts and spirits that can't be harmed by anything she could throw at it. Not even [Ki-Enhanced] attacks.

"Can you do [Human Magic]?" Chikao asks Momoyo as he heads back inside the car.

"How do you use [Human Magic]? I never did figure out how people use it." Momoyo got back in the front passage seat.

"Math. Lots of math." Chikao begins explaining literally two methods of using [Human Magic]. One is the many Magicians learn how to use the [Human Magic] that require some to know the formula that could be used together with the usage of [Mana], then there the second method, in which Chikao discovered himself that just use purely on equations of everything. As long as one understands what anything in an equation would lead to [Human Magic], no need for [Mana].

"Yeah, I don't think I could do it." Momoyo might not be that bad in math, but if what Chikao said is true about how much math is involved, even going by the first method. She can't do it, let alone using the second method that doesn't require [Mana]. And Momoyo has checked, she does not have [Mana] and only [Ki]. "Neither method would work for me. And I am not giving up my humanity to become a Reincarnated Devil just so I could use [Devil Magic]." Momoyo snort at the thought popping in her head for just a brief moment.

"I'll be honest too, if I didn't figure out how to use [Human Magic] on my own. I would have gone for [Devil Magic]. Since I have no means to defend myself against stronger foes." Chikao said to Momoyo, willing to let her know he is usually without his [Magic]. For even if he has all the abilities that come from his weird system. Chikao owns very body is the limit of what he can and can't do. One of them is being able to move fast enough to fight against people who are beyond fast than what humans can do without just the body alone without any special supernatural effects included that most people won't have. Maybe with [Ki] would help, but Chikao doesn't have the ability to use it without [Magic] cheating his way into using [Ki].

"I see. Can't blame you for that. This world we live in is very dangerous, with all supernatural creatures walking among humans. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone that is humans would be forced to serve under the strong without being given the chance to live their life normally; well, normal as possible." Momoyo shook her head, knowing that if one doesn't belong to a unique family and/or own a [Sacred Gear]. Even with the latter, these people would be either killed or blackmailed to become slaves of others. Most of them being reincarnated into Devils. "By the way, when are you going to fight me?"

Chikao let out a sigh, that with everything up to now and how they talked. Momoyo still wanted a fight. Talk about someone who loves to fight.

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