
Killed or Being Killed

After reading the mission that was given by the system, many people who had been transported with Kila began to scream. They couldn't figure out what was happening to them, and the place where they had been transported was unlike any of the things on Earth.

Although the latter was at the end of its life, it was still full of incredible places and beautiful landscapes. However, not a single one of these landscapes included a hell like this. A burning hell that asks to kill someone to survive. They didn't know who could make such a joke, and they absolutely didn't intend to listen to this thing without an answer.

However, only one person did not think like them, and that person was Kila. He knew very well that what the blue bubble asked them was true, and that if he did not obey, a punishment awaited him, and that punishment was their death in this situation. It was sad, but that was the reality of things.

A higher entity that governed the totality of things in this world, even the smallest of these things. It was the truth behind this system that provided them with their power. After observing the situation around him, he decided to act.

He didn't want to die, and for that, he had to kill. He didn't really care for what could happen to others. Why should he? They were all old enough and smart enough to see what was really going on. No virtual reality features had been released yet, so if it wasn't reality, what could all of this be?

The person he cared about to a minimum was Cayron, and even he was beginning to grow up distant from Kila. He could only wait for what the future holds to see in which direction things will go.

However, the system certainly had given him the powers of an Elementalist, but it had not given him any skills that went with it. But as soon as Kila thought of these 'skills', a bubble appeared once again in front of him.

[Water bubble: Allows the caster to create compact bubbles, impossible to destroy with simple force.

Type : Active

Cost: 10 MP/bubble (MP = mana points)

Charging time: None]

[Congratulations! You are the first to want to act. The system will reward you for your quick decision-making.]

[Healing water: Treats the caster's target of any non-fatal injuries. The healing density increases according to the maximum mana of the caster.

Type : Active

Cost: 5% of the maximum mana

Charging time: None]

Seeing his two new skills, Kila couldn't help but smile. He was extremely happy to have skills that seemed equally useful, including 'healing water' which was based on his maximum mana. Certainly, for now, the effectiveness of this spell would not be the best, but later, when he will have a lot of mana, this spell will be extremely useful to him. Especially since he obtained this skill because he had decided to take action, which was a great reward for him.

After that he became completely aware of his two new spells, two minutes had already passed. No one had acted yet, and it was up to him to open the ball. A person needed to start before the others began to follow right?

So he began to close his eyes and concentrate so that he could create water bubbles. As soon as he thought of the skill, a bubble began to form in front of him, which startled Cayron who was still at his side.

"Kila wait, you'r not gonna...?" Cayron said in a friendly but frightened voice to Kila as he prepared to launch his bubble.

Once the bubble had finished forming, it was levitating in front of Kila, following him very closely. After that he looked around, he took a random target. No matter the person, everyone was supposed to die, so the person with the least potential in his eyes might as well be killed.

Watching the landscape with his eyes, he saw a bald man, with a blue suit and a rather huge belly, who seemed to wipe his sweat with a handkerchief already soaked from his sweat.

He then swept his hand in his direction, and as if the bubble was controlled by a wire, it landed directly on his head, drowning him completely in a bubble filled with water. The man tried to breathe, destroy the bubble and even call for help, but nothing happened.

The bubble was unbreakable, and the water inside it completely blocked his vocal strings. He experienced torture for the next 20 seconds. There was nothing he could do, and only death awaited him.

Losing his life, he collapsed on the ground and began to slide on the dune that was below him. This was a perfect assassination, without any trace or evidence, and without any drop of blood.

Cayron who was next to him had witnessed the whole scene. He had seen how much the man was suffering, but could do absolutely nothing. It was a new face of Kila that he had witnessed today, and if he bothered him, he could be the next to be killed. They had still started on the wrong foot before all this started, so he didn't want to play with fire.

"Kila, can you tell me how did you activate your power? If you did that, it would mean there's a reason-... Cayron asked, just before a whole new phenomenon appeared before his eyes. The phenomenon Cayron saw was something different. After killing the man, Kila once again received a message from the system.

[Congratulations!! You have completed the quest 'Killed or be killed, and will therefore be protected until the end of the countdown. Rewards will only come when all participants have completed the quest]

Just after this message, a huge green dome appeared from the ground, covering Kila on all sides, within a radius of 2 meters in diameter. Above this dome, the term 'Protect' was inscribed roughly, showing that the person inside the dome had completed the quest.

Seeing this, Kila couldn't help but smile bitterly. He wanted to be discreet, but with something so showy, it will be extremely hard to be, if not impossible. Everyone will know in a few moments that he had killed a person, not that it bothers him. It was either him or the man. But he preferred to do things without anyone noticing, remaining discreet. Even though it had never worked.

For some reason he did not know, he had always been popular since his childhood. He thought it might be because of his face that was above average, but it didn't make sense, knowing that Cayron was as handsome as he was, but he wasn't popular at all.

People only had eyes for Kila.

Just after the dome had fully formed, people began to look at Kila with contempt. They began to boo him and called him a monster. It was something normal after all. Who would not do the same thing seeing that a person had died in front of them, and that the killer was still at the scene of the crime.

Killing someone of his race had become a very big crime after the interracial war. So great, that the only possible punishment for the enemies of the races was the death penalty.

However, Kila paid little attention to all his surroundings. If they did not act, they would be the ones who will die in the next 7 minutes, not him.

"Cayron, if you don't want to die, go kill someone. It's either them or you. It's up to you." Kila said with a cold glance to Cayron, who gave him cold sweats through his spine.

Nodding his head, Cayron began to look for a target. Even though he wanted to listen to Kila's advice, it was actually quite hard. Who could kill someone with such composure? It was totally inhumane. And yet, as Kila had said, it was either them or him.

So he swept his eyes on the endless desert, before seeing a totally scared person, who looked around him nervously. Cayron then asked Sylphide if she could go and kill him, which she gladly accepted.

She began to gather Cayron's mana in her little hands to create air blades. Then these blades began to flew towards the boy who was still shaking, before cutting off his head with a draft, which made it fly through the air before he fell at the feet of the headless man. Blood squirted from his neck in all directions, which frightened the people around him, before his body fell to its knees, then to the stomach, with his head right next to his neck.

Seeing that what he wanted to 'do' worked, he rejoiced internally, but couldn't help but shake at the reality of things. He had just killed someone, and there was no possible return. He would have preferred a death-like what Kila had done, but instead, he killed someone in an absolutely horrible way.

Horrible for the people who were around him, knowing that torture was something much harder to bear than a simple and delicate death.

A few seconds later, like what had happened to Kila, a dome formed around Cayron, with the term 'protected' inscribed above, before he too saw the message of the system. After finishing reading it, he felt relieved to see that he would be able to live for some more time.

But thinking more about it, he concludes that the most effective way for him to survive was to stay close to Kila. He was the first one to adapt to this new world, and he was sure that he would accomplish great things.

After the death of a second person and the appearance of a second dome, people gradually began to understand what was going on around them. As the messages had said when they were still on Earth, they had arrived on a new planet and were going to live a new life.

As a result of this understanding, a bloodbath began in the desert. The hundred people who were present in this desert all began to rush on it and try to kill each other. Some have weapons thanks to their classes, such as spears, swords, or daggers. The others, not knowing how to activate their magic decided to leave for the hand-to-hand option. These people strangled each other, beat each other where it hurt, and others let themselves be beaten.

These people still didn't understand what was happening, and were therefore doomed to die. Once this bloodbath was over, 6 minutes had already passed, and only two people were still not in a dome, and had to fight for the last 30 seconds.

One of them was a tall man with a great sword in his two hands, and the other was a young girl, quite thin and wearing gauntlets, which suggested that her class was related to a pugilist.

The big guy began to run towards the girl with all his strength, even though he remained extremely slow because of the weight of his weapon, which he slid on the ground. Because of his slowness, the girl had plenty of time to prepare, and so she too began to run towards him to gain momentum and give him the biggest punch she had ever given in her life.

They continued to run, and once within range, the man swung his sword upwards with great difficulty, while the girl swayed her punch directly into the head of her opponent. Once at his destination, the punch destroyed the boy's brain, causing his orifices to squirt blood, while the man's sword had slashed the girl's body, leaving them both to collapse on the ground.

Seeing this, Kila began to chuckle. He couldn't help it when he saw the fight. They had just started running blindly, with no plan in mind before hitting each other, and dying as pathetically as their actions.

However, not everyone was like Kila, especially Cayron. The fight was certainly, … how to say, pathetic? But that doesn't stop him from laughing at someone's death.

It could be that Kila was different from what he believed. And this change scared him extremely deep down.

After all, who wasn't afraid of the unknown? Kila could behave like this because he had already experienced these moments in the various books he had read since he was little. However, Cayron was not aware of this, since he had never paid any attention to what he was reading. For him, it was just that boring thing that only the 'nerds' read.

[Congratulations to all survivors, your rewards will be sent in a few moments]

[Status access unlocked]

"Status" Kila said immediately upon seeing that he had finally unlocked this new feature.

I began writing a new book, check it if you have the time^^: My Angelic System

Karmecreators' thoughts
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