

" Hi everyone, my name is Dante Santez...I hope to enjoy my time with you all.

"Tall, warm green eyes…he must have Latin roots…" said Samantha. She was already gauging the new boy who just transferred to their class. However she got the feeling that he was already off limits when he said 'nice to meet you'. She looked at Lora and noticed the way she was reacting.

(That's weird) She thought. The teacher went on to say...

"You can find yourself next to Matthew Grayson--"

"Huh!?" Matthew awoke from his daydreaming….and realized something was wrong.

"Matthew… make sure he's well oriented okay?"

(Damnit! I hate Babysitting!?) He thought to himself as he sighed. Dante walked over, Lora felt like she couldn't breathe, he introduced himself to Matthew when he took a seat.

" Hi, I'm Dante--"

"I already heard you the first time… you know you'll have to make up for disturbing my train of thought lat--"

" Don't listen to this grumpy meat sack, sorry he may act like this but he's a good guy once you get to know him."Samantha interrupted.

"Who you calling a meat sack--"

"So my name is Samantha Miller, you can just call me Sam… he's Matthew Grayson and the girl in front of you is Lora Sullivan."... Lora didn't even turn her head...she sat frozen.

"Hey! Say hello!" Sam urged her quietly. She still didn't move. Sam kicked her and she came back to life…

"Oh sorry… I didn't see you t-there, how are you doing….?"

"I'm okay Lora, thanks." Dante replied. The Teacher ordered everyone to keep quiet.

"If you need anything, you can talk to any of us." Sam whispered. Their teacher began the lessons. After 2 hours, the bell rang for recess and everyone was in the cafeteria. Dante already took his seat with Lora and Sam. Matthew said he had something to attend to and that he would see them in class. The table was quiet, none of them uttered a single word.

"Sooo, which school did you go to before you came here?" Sam asked in an attempt to break the silence.

"Ummm, Eddington High.." Dante responded.

" Really? Is it better than this school?"

" I- I can't say for sure at the moment...maybe when I get to know the place, then I can compare." Said Dante.

"Well I'm sure you will love it here…right Lora?"

Lora was so shy she ended up sweating.

"Oh...y-yeah...ri-right" she responded.( What the heck was that! No...I should calm myse-)

"Lora, are you okay? You don't look too good…" asked Sam.

"Yeah...do you feel sick or something?" Asked Dante. When Lora looked up, their eyes met...the warmth of the green eyes hit her like a hurricane, she couldn't stand them and she ended up looking down.

" No… I- I'm okay, Don't worry." She responded. Samantha looked concerned at the way Lora was behaving. Meanwhile Matthew was walking through the hallways, following Donald Hampton cautiously. He seemed to be distracted by his other friends. Matthew thought that if he could get to his locker then he could find whatever he's hiding. But that was just a secondary thought….what really consumed his mind is the mystery of this killer. ( So Lora has these dreams with so much detail that she feels like she's the one getting stabbed to death….and she still can't see the killer's face,...how typical.) He lamented in his head. He remembered what Lora looked like when she just heard that her aunt died. (Anyway, can't blame the poor girl…) . Dante suddenly came to mind, he thought about how Lora reacted around him. He couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious about him, he seemed calm and collected... even smart, but that wasn't it. There is something about him that just made him uncomfortable.( Maybe I'm just jealous…..)

"HAAAA!" Matthew ended up laughing out loud. Donald just noticed that he wasn't alone.

" Hey! Is there anything funny about me? Why don't you share it with us so we can all laugh along." Said Donald. Matthew and Donald basically had the same body type, it's only that he took more advantage of it than Donald did, also he was taller. Donald was already backed by his two buddies. Matthew adjusted his glasses as he responded…

"Oh...you talking to me? Don't worry I was just passing by." He proceeded to move, only to be blocked by Donald himself. Matthew looked him straight in the eye, this went on for a minute until Donald felt intimidated and let him pass. Donald watched as Matthew walked on and disappeared to the left.

"Hey isn't that guy from your class?" One of his friends asked.

" He is, just because he's smart now he thinks he can look down on us!? He won't be so lucky next time." He said. Donald fished his books out of the locker and put in some black plastic bag. He closed his locker and continued moving. Donald didn't notice Matthew just pass him by. Matthew proceeded quickly to his locker. (I better hurry up before classes begin.) He thought while he checked his watch. When he arrived at the locker he tried to open it, however it was locked…(of course it's locked…) He thought of trying the combination…(no, it'll take too much time.) He thought.

" 'sigh' Only one way to do this…" Matthew whispered to himself. He quickly looked around to see if there was anyone around...it seems they were all getting to their classes. The hallway was left empty by the time the bell rang.

"There goes my perfect attendance…" He said as he stretched his arm and made his hand into a fist. He took a deep breath, then he punched the locker. The damage was visible, but when he tried to open it it still wouldn't budge. He could feel himself getting irritated. (Just give in damn it!) He thought as he proceeded to hit it with more force. It finally swinged open, Matthew started to look through Donald's stuff for anything suspicious. He found a magazine with lewd pictures….( He's a perv eh?...I knew that much.) He put it aside and checked the lower division of the locker. He then found a black plastic bag sitting behind some text books. When he took it he opened it and looked inside...he found weed rolled up into blunts.


"Hey!" Matthew heard a voice from his right. He stood still, the door to the locker kept his head and part of his upper body hidden. He could tell that it must be one of the janitors, since the teachers were either in class or in the teacher's lounge having a lunch break. But he didn't dismiss the possibility that it might be the school principal himself. At this point, it all came down to luck.

"Hey! You! What are you doing out of class?" The voice said. Matthew closed the locker the best he could, he looked in the direction of the voice…( CRAP!) It seems luck wasn't on his side today. Things would have been way easier if it was a janitor, unfortunately the school principal was closing in on him. Matthew figured if he saw the damage he had done to Donald's locker, then things would get worse. He had to prevent him from coming closer.

" Hi Principle Gavin, how are you doing?" Matthew said as he walked towards him. (This is it… I am royally screwed…)

"Hey...hey Lora!" Samantha whispered to her friend while the teacher was writing on the chalkboard.

"What is it Sam?" Lora responded.

" Do you know where Matthew is? He isn't in class yet…"

"Really?..." Lora looked behind and saw Matthew's desk still empty. Her eyes then shifted towards Dante. When he looked up, Lora quickly looked away.

" Where could h-he be? He's never missed a class on purpose… let alone run late." She said bashfully.

"I don't know, maybe he's sick and he got sent home." Said Sam.

Lora just remembered what she and Matthew were talking about in the morning. She forgot all about her nightmares. She was so caught up with Dante and Sam that she lost track of the matter at hand. She looked to the back and saw Donald fidgeting around. She started to feel her heart racing and her temperature rising. (Matthew, where the heck are you!?).

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