
Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. I only own my OC characters.

Chapter 7: Departure from Amazon Lily

After the wedding and the large party held, Ainz and Hancock went to their private quarters to pack for their honeymoon which Ainz proposed to her awhile back, promising her to show the four blues and exploring the unknown together.

Upon reaching their quarters, Ainz hugged Hancock from behind, expressing how happy he was and saying that he was the luckiest man alive to marry her while intertwining their fingers together, locking it firm and staring into each others' eyes. What seems to be hours feels like seconds to them as they stood there just enjoying the warmth of each other's embrace. Soon after, they drifted off to sleep, excited for their honeymoon adventure.

When Hancock woke up, she found that Ainz had already woken up and went to look for him. What she saw shocked her, Ainz had built a submarine that looks like a snake, iconically the Kuja type of snake. To say she was surprised would be an understatement, she was blown away, thinking that Ainz would always have something up his sleeve. She was in deep thought when Ainz approached and when she realized it, Ainz was only an inch away from each other. Not wasting any time, Ainz scooped Hancock in a hug, snapping her out of her thoughts, causing her to blush up a storm. Now both were touching each other noses, hands not letting go of each other. "Elder" Nyon seeing this, sighs… sweet young love, reminding her of her previous self.

"AHEM AHEM" Nyon shouted, reminding Ainz of his purpose earlier. Ainz suddenly remembered and pulled Hancock's hand enthusiastically to the submarine he constructed with his devil fruit powers.

The outer layer of the submarine's shape is like a replica of the Kuja snake, with an automated door with a sensor. Ainz explained that only the crew with the serpent rings can enter the submarine. Hancock could only look at Ainz with a baffled look which shocked Ainz as this was the first time she showed an expression of confusion. Basically the rings and the entrance of the door have a connection, only the ring users will let the entrance open up due to its sensor. The special thing about the sensor is that it's absolute, meaning that absolutely no one can break into the sensor or tamper with it. This also means that the submarine serves as an absolute shield in times of need, people without the ring cannot penetrate or break down the entrance, no matter how strong or the devil fruit power used, not even Charlotte Brulee can enter the mirror in the submarine using her powers. Similarly, when someone takes out the rings, they will be teleported to the outside entrance of the submarine without warning, this serves as a protective mechanism for everyone on board.

The best thing about the rings use case is that, only Ainz and Hancock's rings are green colored serpents; they can summon the Kuja submarine wherever they are in a bright green light accompanied with an opaque green storm which blocks out all light in the surroundings, only green and purple(crewmates) ring users will be able to see through the storm and be completely unaffected by it. All it takes is to just chant the phrase "The Kujas will never be vanquished".

Just another exceptional use of the make-make fruit.

Hancock and Ainz took a step from the entrance and went into the submarine which defies all logic, inside the small submarine, compromises 5 levels of deck:

Starting from the entrance, the first level comprises a small garden and the auto steering wheel of the submarine with a special kind of eternal log pose installed into the system of the submarine. This special eternal log pose can travel to any destination within seconds. That is to say, factoring time will no longer be necessary and will cause many conveniences. However, there is only one limitation, the last island, Laugh Tale, can never be reached via this method. Ainz can only think of a possible explanation, Laugh Tale is an island that wanders around the world, therefore needing the four road poneglyphs to pinpoint the current location of Laugh Tale.

The second level comprises the kitchen and dining area. The dining area is so exquisite that even a 5-star restaurant can't compare in the least. The area is split into 2 parts; cafe and lounge area. The cafe has all the different pastries and deserts, making one to be spoiled for choice. The lounge area has a large round dining table with comfortable cushion chairs. Besides that, there is also a big long sofa for leisure after meals. Going further down, there is the bowling alley and library. Truly matching the definition of a lounge area. Lastly, the kitchen, the pantry consists of all kinds of ingredients that will never expire or go bad, making any chef weak to their knees. The cooking area also has everything a chef needs to cook and the utensils as well.

The third level is the living quarters. It consists of over 50 luxurious suites with an indoor spa and separate personal wardrobe room attached to each suite. There will never be a need to clean or do chores anymore due to Ainz devil fruit ability, he makes the whole submarine squeaky clean at the end of each day automatically as it is embedded into the ship's system and layout.

The fourth level is an indoor private beach and villa house. Not much is needed to explain except that the villa can house up to 100 people, given the size of the villa. The artificial weather is also programmed to be sunny 12 hours a day following the normal weather cycles.

Before taking Hancock to the last level, Ainz blindfolded her and took her there. When the blindfold came off, Hancock was shocked beyond words… why was she suddenly in the middle of the sea on an unknown island. Ainz was very satisfied with her reaction as he planned this level the longest and hardest. He explained that this level will house the entirety of Amazon Lily. Before Hancock could get a word out, Ainz went on to further add on that he knows Hancock is worried for her nation when she leaves for the honeymoon, fearing that something may happen to one of her previous Kuja citizens as she doesn't want any of her subjects to go through the hell she and her sisters went through.

"The outline of this level is the sea because the Kujas grew up hunting sea monsters or just being around this kind of environment to train themselves as warriors, therefore this level is dedicated to them! I will also be adding 10 islands in the sea that the Kujas can travel safely due to their immortality, that is only advancing after they successfully fight the mini bosses and final bosses of each island. After all, strength is beauty amirite?" Ainz finished explaining with a happy expression on his face when his ideas can become a reality. Hancock, on the other hand, shed tears of joy and embraced Ainz into a tight bear hug. "To think that you thought this far for the citizens, you're truly one of a kind my beloved, you have already done so much for us and yet you still keep giving us, I'm not sure what I can give you in return-…" Hancock tearfully said before Ainz interrupted her "It's alright, I don't need anything in return and besides, I already have the best thing in the world which is the love of my life right beside me…I love you and the country that is why I will always help improve the lives of the citizens and give it my all!", giving Hancock his brightest smile. "Truly, I'm so blessed and happy that I opened my heart out to you and the happiness I'm feeling everyday is something relatively new to me but I only feel this way with you, sometimes I fear that it was just a dream and I wake up in my bed alone", hugging Ainz tighter, "fortunately, seeing you beside me when I wake up makes all my worries disappear and I wake up each day excited to start the day with you, so again, I'm beyond thankful and I love you, darling~ ." Hancock exclaimed, snuggling into his neck and feeling a strong sense of belonging close to Ainz.

After Amazon Lily is integrated into the submarine successfully and the citizens are briefed on what is going on, Ainz made a hologram of Amazon Lily so as not to rouse suspicions. The good thing is Hancock will be notified by the ring through a glow in the serpent's eyes, if intruders or marines come to find her.

The submarine submerged and started the course to the Four Blues, thus starting off the honeymoon adventure!

So there you have it!! The finale of the Amazon Lily Arc and starting off the Four Blues Saga… So where should our adorable couple go first, with the exception of east blue?

kurumi_XDcreators' thoughts
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