
Jester's Performance

The king was quick to recognize Jester due to his past experiences with him.

It was something that had always stuck with him as one of his twisted memories from tormenting the weak.

He would always remember Jester who survived his torments and was able to find a way to survive.

He could never forget how Jester had always stuck close to his daughter's side and escaped his grasp long enough to become a valuable asset to his daughter.

It was just another reminder of how his daughter had been a great annoyance to him.

She was much too similar to his brother and she showed the same talents as his brother.

His brother knew how to pick out very talented and loyal people who could be nurtured to support Mercy Kingdom and it seemed like his daughter had inherited that same trait.

His inferiority towards his dead brother was passed on to his daughter who shared many similarities.

His daughter taking away Jester was like having anything that had turned to dust in his hands suddenly become valuable in the hands of another.

He could not count the number of times his brother picked up one of his failed projects or other things, his brother was successful most of the time when he had failed.

His eyes were wide as he stared down towards Jester who was up on the platform then he stood up pointing towards him. "Kill him! Kill him quickly!"

He was well aware of how talented Jester was in the past and how he had grown to be someone who could shake the kingdom alongside the princess if they were both given the needed time to mature.

He did not wish for Jester to live any longer and it was even worse if Jester would be able to achieve whatever he had set out to do before being killed or captured.

His signal was not just meant for the guards but was shouted towards anyone else under his command.

He expected many of his snipers to open fire on Jester and for the executioner to begin attacking him too.

Many other loyal people or others that were placed by him and his daughter were expected to join in too which showed how urgent it was for him.

He saw many get up and head towards that direction and he waited to hear the sounds of gunfire but was left waiting longer.

He did not expect that there would be gunfire all of a sudden that would be aimed toward those getting up and moving toward Jester.

Red laser pointers were aimed towards each person and before they could try anything funny, they had been shot without a warning being given.

Two extra red laser pointers were hovering over the bodies of the king and princess which left them both shocked.

Someone nearby saw it and what had been happening so when they saw it on the king, they warned in an urgent tone. "Do not move!"

From their experience, anyone who tried to move from their current location would be shot at while those who remained seated were not yet shot.

Meanwhile, back on the platform, Jester stood in front of the hulking man who was the executioner who wore a hood over his head.

The executioner lunged forward and brought down his large weapon which caused the platform to be slightly damaged where it hit.

He missed his target but his attempt showed off his brute strength well.

Jester was smaller than him in size and did not look as strong as him yet he avoided it so effortlessly and stepped on the weapon which caused it to be difficult to pull back out.

What was surprising was that the executioner could not pull it out no matter how much strength he used to pull at it.

He was using his full body strength to pull it out yet Jester only pressed down on it with a single foot.

The veins on his arm were popping as he was trying to overpower Jester yet he found himself losing.

He finally decided to release his weapon and to go hand to hand in combat but the moment that he let go, he suddenly felt a hit to his chin.

His head was knocked upward along with his body and the last thing he saw before blacking out was the sky.

His body came crashing back down a moment later while Jester stood in front of everyone in the crowd. "Greetings ladies and gentlemen! I would like you all to attend this grand performance as we bear witness to the fall of a tyrant!"

As Jester was putting on his performance, many in the crowd were shocked and panicked about what had taken place.

Many were keeping their bodies low out of fear that they could be targeted next.

Among the large crowd stood a lone figure who looked up towards the platform with a look of shock in their eyes.

They could not believe what they had witnessed and they did not know how to react to it as they stood there frozen in place watching everything proceed as planned.

Jester looked towards the remaining crowd that had not yet run away then turned to some people.

His hand stretched out towards several people as he spoke. "Let me borrow these for a moment. Snatch!"

Several small random objects appeared in his hands from those in the crowd he targeted then they were thrown up.

Jester started juggling while he was on the move and when one would fall, it landed near the ducal family.

What was strange was that each time it happened, the item that fell onto them had missed their bodies and fell onto the ropes binding their bodies.

"Jester! You rotten thing! Why are you alive!?"

Jester turned towards the king who was shouting and then threw out one of the things he caught from the air. "Quiet you."

What was thrown by Jester flew at a high speed and passed by the cheek of the king before becoming embedded in the wall behind him.

A bloody cut appeared on the cheek of the king and sweat poured down his body as he had just experienced a feeling that he could have died.

What had been embedded in the wall then disappeared after it returned to the hand of Jester before being thrown back up into the air.

Jester ignored the king and continued to address the crowd. "Today was supposed to be a day in history where everyone would come to know of the tale of the treacherous ducal family but I am afraid that this story is not quite good enough.

I think it is missing something very important! There is no impact! No Drama! There is no sudden change that can get the viewers hooked and more interested! Now it is so much better!

What is more interesting than a ducal family being charged with treason? It needs to be something even bigger that could shock everyone present! And that is... Drumroll, please... Having someone everyone thought was invincible suddenly fall from their position! WHAT A TWIST RIGHT?!"

I was late to write a chapter so this one written has a little more written than the usual 800-1000 words. Next chapter will be released when I get the time.

dancematdancreators' thoughts
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