

There were several others that were being sent over to each ship one by one but as that was happening, there was some other movements that came from a figure on the MMA.

A small door was opened which led deeper into the ship and a small figure climbed down before closing it behind them.

It had dark scaled skin, large bat ears and walked on two feet while it was dressed in a small lab coat.

It continued to move through the parts of the ship until it arrived at a room where there were many tiny pods that had all kinds of animals inside of them.

Some were very small and looked very immature but they seemed to have a dangerous aura around them that had caused Grem to be cautious to approach them.

Grem showed a wide grin which exposed its sharp fangs before walking over towards a large button that had wires going towards many of the smaller pods.

The button was pushed which caused the pods to drain of the fluid inside and many small fluffy creatures had started to come out.

A lot of them looked a lot like the previous form of Grem before it had undergone the process of evolving to take on its transformed form permanently.

The others had very long fur that covered them so much that only their mouth and eyes could be seen among it all so they mostly looked like balls of fur.

Once they had stepped or rolled out of the small pods, Grem held onto a large tube which was pointed towards them. "Gihihi."

A large amount of suction came from the tube which caused those in front of it to be sucked into it before travelling up the tube.

Once twenty or thirty of them had been released and were sucked up into the tube, the number of them had started to be more difficult to count which showed how many of them were among them.

Further up on the deck of the MMA was where they had suddenly appeared as each of them had shot up into the air after coming through a location where the tube had connected to.

They all saw the chaos that was taking place on the ship and went to guard their home.

Each of them had been created by Alyssia and were raised to be obedient to herself and those around her so Grem was qualified enough to be able to send them off to battle if there was any danger to the ship.

The people that were attacking and doing harm to their home were instantly confirmed as their enemies while other familiar figures were known as their allies that they should help out.

Their tiny bodies had jumped up onto the people that arrived one after another to cling to them and to get in their way so that they could not focus entirely on others.

The small balls bit onto some body parts and clung onto them which caused those who had been caught by them to yell out in pain and try to pull them off their bodies.

They were all very durable to the point that they could not be harmed through ordinary means even if it was by one of the Titanic Ten Captains.

They did not look very dangerous but they were very difficult to damage through ordinary means and once they had grabbed onto something, they were difficult to remove.

It could be possible to injure or deal with them in some way with a much higher mastery of Haki, techniques or Devil Fruit abilities but for most people, they would have a very difficult time just handing one of them.

One of the Ten Titanic Captains could possibly be able to inflict harm upon them but it would not be a case where they could do enough in one or two attacks.


"What is this!?"

"Get it off! Get it off!"

Their tiny bodies had clung onto the people that had been sent onto the ship by Van Augur and refused to let go of their targets as their numbers kept growing.

Val who was up on the lookout was too busy taking out those further away on other ships and Ghost was busy swimming under each ship it encountered along the way.

Anything that had been encountered by Ghost was torn apart from below which caused several ships to start to take on a lot of water before sinking into the sea.

The many ships that surrounded the MMA and had been approaching were starting to be reduced just by one large serpent that was Ghost.

If the Devil Ape King was the best of the primates then Ghost was the very best version of any kind of snake or sea serpent that existed.

It may not have reached its full size and best state after so long but it was still very powerful and possessed incredible destructive capabilities.

Once it got into the sea then its potential was fully brought out and any ship that it encountered could not stand up to its powerful bite or Ghost slamming its body into the bottom of the ship.

Unless it was a well fortified ship that was up the the quality of the MMA then it was very unlikely for it to be able to last long against the attacks from Ghost.

The battle had yet to reach a stage where the conflict looked like it would be over yet and more larger figures started to appear on the MMA which meant that more captains had appeared to offer their support.

An alarm suddenly went off on the ship which caused Archie to suddenly pull his helmet further over his head as he prepared himself for what was to come.

Anyone that had arrived on the MMA was very shocked and confused that such a ship and crew possessed such frightening combat potential.

Archie was able to hold off a Titanic Captain and so was the Devil Ape which showed how the rest of the crew under Alyssia had been greatly underestimated.

If it was just that then more numbers may have been able to turn the advantage towards the Blackbeard Pirates but even that had started to look unlikely the more the fight progressed and more surprises started to appear.

2 advanced chapters can be found on my Kofi page for Reader tier members! Link is in the synopsis. :)

dancematdancreators' thoughts
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