
Fishmen, Merfolk and Sea Creatures

Just as Tristan and Clifford played their own part to improve the overall situation for those remaining in Paradise after Alyssia and the others had left, there was another group which had some contributions of their own.

In the middle of the sea where anyone could go missing and never return with no way for others to find out the reason behind it, several ships were under attack from other ships which had surrounded and trapped them.

It all seemed hopeless as cannon balls, gunfire and harpoons were fired from all directions.

Those under the assault were lucky enough to have many armed units with them so they shielded the more vulnerable people and goods on board the ship while some provided support with firing their own cannons and guns towards their attackers.

Suddenly one of the ships seemed to move slightly as if it had been hit by a strong force and was then dragged underneath the water.

Many other ships started to experience similar things one after another as they were pulled under the water or they started to slowly sink after the bottom of their ships were damaged.

Underneath them and within the sea was Ness which had the island on its back that was protected by a large coating or air bubble which kept everything safe from getting wet.

Monera stepped forward at the edge of the bubble and looked at her fellow Fishmen and Merfolk friends who each had a trident or used their fists to do battle. "Bring down the surrounding ships! When the major troubles are no longer a problem, we will journey further away from here!"

Right away they all started attacking the bottom of each of the ships which caused the water to leak into them, the bigger the damage the faster the ships were sinking into the sea.

Ness' long neck moved like a serpent and its head came towards the bottom of a ship as her powerful jaws bit into it then pulled it underneath the water.

The ship was then ruthlessly bitten and torn apart underneath the water while several people within it were bitten or swallowed by her.

There were few survivors which tried to escape but their swimming ability could not match the Fishmen or Merfolk so they were quickly defeated.

Monera suddenly spoke underneath the water. "Surround and kill them all! We have already figured out who could be behind these attacks so there is no longer a need to show any restraint!"

After she had spoke, many star sharks appeared and ruthlessly attacked the remaining survivors which resulted in them all becoming shark food.

On the backs of some of the star sharks were many kungfu dugong and other sea creatures which also offered their aid to each of the battles.

Ness continued to destroy one ship after another with a powerful whip of its long neck or tail and with its powerful bite.

Its large body had grown much more after it had more time to grow after it had undergone growth and evolution after taking the SIQ serum so it had more space on its back and it had become much more useful in combat.

Ness already had a large amount of power and endurance while it was best suited to combat and moving within the water, the serum had helped to further improve on what was already considered perfect by Alyssia.

If there were several big trump cards that Alyssia possessed then Ness was definitely one of them.

After leaving Ness behind, Monera and her companions had each journeyed around Paradise under the water and salvaged all kinds of valuable items which could be sold at a very high price.

Monera had been accompanied by the large amount of star sharks and the other sea creatures but with her new ability, she was able to better control the star sharks than the sea creatures.

While most of the sharks and sea creatures did live within the island on Ness' back within the designated area where there was a large pool with the assistance of the Fishmen Island bubbles and other technology, there were many that preferred to swim alongside Ness and protect Ness and the protective barrier.

After clearing another threat that had threatened the ships belonging to the White Storm, Monera smiled revealing her sharp teeth. "I think we can leave soon. Their attacks seem to be much less and are weaker than before. I doubt they will be able to send stronger groups unless they plan on fully exposing themselves."

While there was no risk for the criminals and the others belonging to other groups to be used because they could not be connected to who was behind everything, if their plan failed and they sent their own well known people then their underhanded methods would be exposed to the public.

It was not something that they were willing to risk even if they wished to do harm to the White Storm.

While the White Storm's growth needed to be stopped, there were much more important targets which needed to be prioritised for elimination or suppression.

While the World Government did have much wealth, influence and power to wield as they pleased, they needed to protect their image to hold onto that influence while the power they wielded needed to conserved for holding off their many other threats.

Even their vast wealth had its limits when the wealth they were spending was not allowing them to get their desired result.

A little later, Monera took Ness into the Calm Belt where they all strengthened themselves as they fought against all kinds of stronger Sea Creatures, Sea Beasts and Sea Kings.

After training a long time with Alyssia and sparring, Monera was able to gradually get a better grasp over her Fishmen Karate and her Haki so when she faced off against many types of creatures underwater, she showed excellent results as opposed to what she had done previously where she was only able to wound them lightly before running away.

The many life and death battles that she experienced after Alyssia left had help her to further hone her techniques so once she came to her destination, she was faced with a large sea creature that was living in the cold waters where there were several walls and fragments of ice all around.

She revealed a large grin as her sharp teeth became very visible which made her look very menacing. "Come and join us all on the island while I am asking nicely."

The large creature which had at least eighteen long tentacles revealed a look of displeasure as it saw the wide grin with sharp teeth as if it had encountered something that brought back bad memories.

It quivered for a while and then had a look of anger in its eyes as a tentacle headed towards Monera who easily dodged it as if she predicted its path.

The tentacle went to wrap around her but she swam forward as she avoided many of the other tentacles and then punched forward. "Fishmen Karate Special Technique: Star Brick Fist!"

The giant sized Kraken was heavily affected by the impact both inside and outside of its body then more came afterwards as Monera continued.

Each punch had an attractive force of the water in five directions towards the central part of Monera's fist which created a star shape then when it was released, the water that was manipulated and used to attack the Kraken was sent through its body which resulted in a small path through its body which was affected around the star shape that passed through.

There was an additional effect that came from the small amount of electricity type attack which accompanied the water based attack due to Monera being able to store a little of electricity/thunder/thunder within her body without being affected by it as she had the immunity.

The amount was not large enough to do a large amount of damage but when it accompanied the water through the body of the Kraken, it did have some effects on causing further internal damage and it slowed down its movements.

The additional Armament Haki had only further caused the Kraken of the North Pole to be overwhelmed as it could no longer endure the pain.

Its body dropped down as it revealed its weakness with a look of despair in its eyes.

Monera looked at it and sighed. "I do not know what kind of bad experiences you have had in the past but now you are one of my people. I will look out for you from now on and you will have many allies to look after you."

The Kraken revealed a look of confusion as it thought to itself. 'They.. are not the same? Then she must not be related to the group that took my elder brother away. I will try to trust them but if they do anything to hurt me then.. hmph!'

One of the requests that Alyssia wanted done by Monera while she was away had been completed so easily as she had gained a powerful ally for the island in the form of the younger sibling of the Kraken who was later named Surume.

Hody Jones would be raising his power on Fishmen Island and had already subdued many powerful sea creatures and among them was Surume who had been repeatedly threatened that his sibling would be killed if he did not follow their demands.

Removing the Kraken and taking it under her was like gaining a powerful ally but also another ally in the future.

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