
New Gains, Goals and Danger

As Alyssia had made her way down the mountain, she had noticed the changes she had brought to the clouds above so she was quite excited.

The thought that she could wield all that power hanging over her head was very exciting to her but she did not possess the same abilities as a Rumble Devil Fruit user so she could not freely manipulate it without some kind of tool so she was a little disappointed. 'However.. the thought of wielding that power with my core to restore my energy or to direct it towards a specific location by using my staff is still good even if other methods or tools can now be used on the island to make use of that energy. However the thought of calling down thunder just makes me think of Thor when he uses his hammer, it is kind of similar to my staff aha..'

She saw the benefits but she had also realised that the direction of Raijin Island would eventually lead to them developing their technology and make use of that power in many ways so she could not covet the natural resources unless it was necessary.

As she had briefly went over her gains and what had happened along with many other things that kept her mind busy, her mind wandered off to another subject from the past battles she had. 'In my battles with Mihawk, I was able to learn more about how far his skills are in terms of physical ability, Armament Haki, Observation Haki and sword skill and I was able to overcome it with my own physical advantages and techniques so that I could improve my Haki in those two categories. I had the advantage due to the use of my scythe blades which was able to provide an extra layer of protection against his sharp and powerful cutting attacks and I was able to gain a better mastery over the two Haki and gain more confidence as I started using my tail and two legs to attack too. The growth during the first battle was very noticeable and it is easy to recognise him as a skilled opponent as I battled him again without the scythe blades after I had learned and grown from the previous fight, the increased danger of using my body to clash against his sword helped me to grow further even if I had taken on some light wounds. If he possessed Conquerors Haki then he would be an even more difficult opponent to beat and would stand at the same stage as Shanks.'

She then turned to the next battles. 'My battle with the sisters of Hancock helped to gain even more of a look into their use of Haki and improve my own but I have to recognise that the fight with Boa Hancock was the most stressful because even if her abilities did not work on me, her use of the three Haki and her combat prowess was very high. If the powers did work and I had not prepared a way to combat them then I could have been in danger.'

Through each battle, she had gained a boost in her use of Haki and learned a lot but she did not feel that she was yet near the peak of her potential because she had admired advanced Haki users who were at the peak of physical ability, skill and possessed the three Haki while they also had an excellent mastery over one to three of them.

Whitebeard and Roger were excellent examples when they were alive and in their prime but she could only witness it through reading the manga and Kaido and Big Mom's show of power had yet to be shown properly too within the world but the most mysterious person was Shanks who had only shown off his fearsome Conquerers Haki and was able to intimidate many to end the Paramount War and his power could not be underestimated since he way able to split the sky and clouds above with a clash between him and Whitebeard before the war.

As Alyssia reached the bottom of the mountain, she had walked around and collected some skills and updated her system but she found nothing more that was of use to her so she had went back to her ship to continue her studying of her latest project that she had been studying with Tristan as she had increased her knowledge on diseases, viruses, poisons and mutations along with ways to suppress, cure or use opposing effects to counter such things.

Many microscopic organisms appeared before her eyes as she continued to study them and her programmer skill and the combination of her other science skills like her Lineage Factor and Devil Fruit research had helped her to identify certain things unique to each part but even with her accomplishments in making serums and many other things, it was still a completely new area of expertise so she knew it would take some time to adjust.

Many before her were many different types and strains of different types of diseases, bacteria or viruses that worked in different ways but also had different effects.

Some worked like parasites, others infected and caused averse reactions to the body, others mutated the body in some way while others affected the brain and drove the host to become aggressive or lethargic.

There were many different types that had been collected by Tristan and the crew within Paradise from many islands and even the prehistoric ones from Little Garden were included. "While the area of expertise for these things is best left to Tristan, it is best to always have a backup prepared just in case so I cannot slack but the enhancements brought from mutation… while they do indeed come with side effects, risk of death and more, they do have their perks if they are controlled properly and perfected. There are also some parasite type plants, viruses and creatures that need to be studied further so that I can gain more understanding in those areas."

She did not like Queen's way of doing things but she had to admit that he was a genius to be able to create his own unique and lethal viruses that had enhancing effects on the body.

There was also Caesar Clown who took the route of chemical and gas weapons who had more than enough insights to come up with solutions to combat them and provide Chopper with an improved but more risky version of the Rumble Ball so the knowledge that she had acquired from Punk Hazard was able to help her expand upon what she had already learned from the scientists on Sabaody Archipelago.

The two of them were masters of their own field of study in gas and virus weapons and were able to come up with a cure for each of their inventions so Alyssia coveted what they knew as they still both posed a threat to herself and her crew.

Even an admiral or emperor could die from a strong enough disease, illness or poison as proved by Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger, although she did her best to maintain her own health and look out for the others and protect them, there were always hidden dangers that could appear out of nowhere on an unknown land.

She did not fear Queen or Caesar Clown for their physical power and abilities but instead it was that they had the power to wipe out an island or world if they had put their minds to it for long enough and had chosen to release their finished products anywhere they could.

She had also hoped that the sky and underwater groups could come across some interesting things that could help her develop her skillsets even further whether it be from a forgotten and underwater land that had sunk into the sea or from another planet entirely.

Sadly she had only gained mechanical knowledge from the moon but she was aware that somewhere out in the vast stars, there would be many types of populated planets like the one she was living on.

While the one piece world was mostly covered in water and had a very large amount of different sized islands spread out around it, others would have their own different environments as some would be habitable, others would not and others may have been destroyed or abandoned because of certain reasons.

Carrot, Medea and Ashwin had briefly told her about their adventures around the moons but they were not able to obtain much more as everything else was very similar or less advanced as the moon they had first landed on together.

Since they had acquired the coordinates from the space pirates, they had been able to plan their first trip that was outside of the planet and further into space so they had been given many things to help them adjust but Tristan and Alyssia had both constantly nagged for them to be careful.

After saying some farewells to some of her crew, she had left many behind so that she could go on another journey and complete some of her prearranged plans that had certain benefits to her after she had completed them or got what she needed.

On the way there, she sat on the deck as she sipped some Irn Bru and she casually directed her crew and gave out orders so that they could be properly navigated without risk to their lives.

Even when a fight broke out against an enemy crew who had decided to attack her ship, she lazily laid back and called out instructions to everyone but remained uninterested in such a small battle.

When a real threat had appeared in the form of a deadly weapon then with a single kick of a metal ball, the person holding and wishing to release the weapon upon her crew had been killed in an instant.

The briefest warning or indication of danger that she had sensed with her Observation Haki had helped her to protect many from being heavily injured or possibly dying. 'Hmm… what should I call this then? Danger sense? Future instinct? Death perception?'

Slowly she was getting closer and closer to improving her observation and finding her own path as she was able to pick up many things in her surroundings and recognise the level of threat to her or others lives depending on how strong her feeling or instincts are warning her.

Even the weakest of life forms or objects would have a certain level of threat to life and raise her instincts so it was easy to become flooded with danger warnings and respond to them as they come towards her body or others but there were some downsides that came with using it without having a greater understanding or control over it.

Her instinct would usually tell her to avoid the danger that would bring her harm so she would have to fight the instinct to dodge if she wished to enjoy her fights against tough opponents and clash against them often before using her great speed to avoid any attack.

There was also the level of threat or danger that she may feel towards certain things, although she is able to pick up on the potential danger of an item or person as they get close, that danger could change suddenly as it is close enough to no longer be dodged.

Even the smallest tool can be utilised to take down a powerful foe if they are skilfully used and the smallest trap or change in a single moment can change the flow of battle whether it be the poison on a tiny needle that may seem harmless or the activation of a release of a gas, poison, corrosive or explosion that is hidden within something small that does not feel threatening but once it is activated, there is no longer room to avoid it due to the danger sense not picking it up until a little before it had been triggered.

Even the strongest person can become arrogant and completely ignore what they do not see as threats, as a result they are brought down because they only had their vigilance up against those who were deemed strong enough or as a potential danger so Alyssia wished to use her power in the right way.

Whether it was the weather that posed a danger, a person, a bullet, a flying weapon or something else that could harm someone, she wished to recognise their threat not only to her life but others too so she may have looked like she was lazing around but she was not.

Her casual support had saved many lives each time that she acted and she was able to train her Observation Haki even further using that method.

The biggest support that she had offered was her use of navigation as she had picked up on the changes in the weather and directed the ships away from advancing into danger.

In her free time, she had studied her new gains from Raijin island while she continued her studying of viruses, bacteria and different types of mutagens while she tried to reproduce them or make slight alterations as she was gaining a better understanding of them but she had faced a couple of failures before she had achieved a minor success with replicating an ordinary virus so her previous failures and persistence had helped to allow her current success in a short amount of time since she had moved onto that area of study and experimentation.

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