
Raijin Rebuilding

Near the temple area, Alyssia stood in front of a large crowd of people as much more than two hundred people had gathered so she had to use a sea snail to send her voice towards those further away.

It was about the limit which she could handle giving a lecture to without the crowd becoming restless and problems start arising so not everyone was able to attend so many had to go about their daily lives or carry out their own tasks.

She continued to give out many types of lectures on humanity, social structures, morality and religion as a whole. "And so.. in conclusion! A church or religious group should not be able to hold too much power otherwise it will become corrupted and become a harmful existence. In most places, the council or royal family handle political and economical matters while the religious groups deal with charity work, aiding disasters, housing the homeless or orphans and provide spiritual relief in the form of prayer and confessions. Business or merchant groups provide a stable environment for trade and farmers help to grow goods which can sustain the population, builders and crafters of all sorts help to provide more variety and comfort to the people. Entertainers help to lighten everyones mood and express what people are feeling through their art, warriors train hard to protect their family, friends and land while scientists and scholars will seek the truth of the world and enhance their understanding through exploration and experimentation. Laws are put in place and lawmen and officers help to maintain order and prevent crime and death while punishing those evil people. Even the weather behaves in a set way and has its own rules, even the thunder god you worship has its own patterns and ways of acting. Once you learn more, you will be able to understand.

Many of the people remained silent as she continued. "So no more living trapped by the past events and developing more hate or guilt in your hearts. Look to the present and learn more about others before you see them as a threat, each human is different and can not be all put into one category or definition as you all have been thinking. Outsider or not one of us does not mean that they are a danger to your way of life, in fact some may even be helpful to you or wish to trade with you. I am not asking you all to change overnight as the danger outside is great!"

She paused again and then let out a light sigh. "Once you really do face a true threat, you should be able to recognise it if you have learned enough. If you know more about your own island and how to use the thunder then you can develop new or similar ways to defend yourselves. For now, we will remain here to provide you some additional support but we will leave in some time so I suggest you take some time to listen to more science and weather lectures before we leave, try to not develop prejudices against others within this island or outside based on your past experiences or initial first impressions before you even think of judging them or start seeing them as a threat or enemy. Once again, we do not allow sacrifices anymore so please abide by the rules of the island as we establish a new order together."

She had plans to remain on the island for a little while so that she could use the environment to stimulate the later stages of her training as she is reaching the limits of her potential.

The environment was perfect to further tap into her bloodline and temper her body so she wished to remain there for a little while before moving to somewhere else but that did not mean that her crew couldn't remain where they were.

Due to the shift in power, a new power or structure needed to be established within the island so that the island could be restored to as it was once more or it could be better than before.

There was also the potential danger of attacks from pirates that were entering the New World and had chosen Raijin Island to travel to first so they needed to be defended from outside threats for a while before they could find their own way to protect themselves.

It did not take long for the assistants provided by Alfred to make their move as they traded some imported goods for the local goods which allowed Alyssia to gain many types of ores, plants, seeds, food ingredients and many other things that were useful to her or others.

As she climbed up the mountain, many thunderbolts hit her body one after another as she endured it all covered in a white and yellow glow of energy. 'Now that I think about it, Mad Monk Uruge had visited here and passed through so he must have faced their hostility and plotting against him. My guess is that he either chose to kill many as revenge before moving on or he just chose to run away as he realised the potential dangers within the island even if the islanders were not that strong enough to cause him trouble. Ugh…'

Another thunderbolt hit her body as she held onto the mountain with her hands and she pulled herself higher as she climbed. 'If he had caused harm to those on the island then it would also make some sense why everyone had an easier time as they conquered the island before I had arrived.'

Although she had believed in her crews abilities to survive the first island visit in the New World, she did not expect them to act in such a way which would completely get rid of the current ruling influence in the island and create a following behind her as the residents of the island had turned their beliefs towards her.

She had expected them to encounter some difficulties and possibly settle any problems with violence or negotiation but she was not aware of how far gone those people were and how her crew would use the information provided by K1 to settle everything.

Several coincidences and the ignorance of the original residents of the island had helped to create a chance for the White Storm to put an island under their control within a couple of days.

When Alyssia arrived, the speeches given and the performance of the thunder god which had been carefully crafted had contributed to her becoming someone they worshipped or believed to be some messenger from their god.

Although she was not too happy being revered as a gods messenger or chosen one, she was impressed with the overall result which had helped her gain a new following.

Some scientists and scholars were arranged to assist with rebuilding new order and a stable political system along with the church but some had helped in teaching people the basics of science which was related to metals and electrical based energy.

In a little time those efforts would help them to establish their own weapons which could be used to defend themselves and even later, they could advance as a civilisation.

A small team of scientists had went deep into their research as they had started to research the new materials but they had received some extra help from Alyssia who had collected the skills from those on the island which helped her better identify some of the materials and their uses or effects better.

While some scientists were gaining new insights, Alyssia already had some ideas on how to use those materials as her system had some rough blueprints already saved.

K1 was the biggest contributor who had helped with many tasks as it had lots of information to help with setting up different types of power structures within the kingdom as a council was appointed.

A new king or ruler of the island had been established who was a key member of the council who was responsible for the royal treasury, using their vote to overrule some decisions made by many within the council that may not be beneficial to the island and keeping those with power in check.

A new pope was also elected as the church of the thunder god had been remade from its ruins and the pope had their own voice within the council.

Some others would be elected to the council so that they could speak up for different groups of people in different rankings or positions so that even the smallest voice could be heard.

The Raijin Council was birthed from the ashes of the old rule as the island would enter its greatest age in a long time while the White Storm was gaining a potential trading relationship from them as they slowly were investigating and gathering information on the situation in the New World and the islands surrounding Raijin Island.

For them to establish themselves as a mercenary group and business, they needed to have enough information to allow them to resume their mercenary duties and trade so establishing a headquarters or route of trade was important.

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