
Alyssia vs Mihawk #1

The MMA set sail once again and Alyssia settled back into her ship which had undergone many changes.

Yvie, Ting and Ton were gardening in the designated area for different types of plants whether it be Pop Green, special desert flavoured fruits that were made to be similar to the special food from Boin Archipelagos and many others while some of the other members were testing out the newly formed arena which was built to be much more durable.

A couple of others had come to the lounge area while others went straight to the laboratory or resting area while some were staying on one of the other ships and would follow along very soon.

On the outer layer of the ship, the metal had been coated with Sea Prism Stone to allow smoother sailing in harsher waters and to have less encounters with Sea Kings and it truly looked like a very strong ship that could survive in any environment as it had been built with all of the best materials and technology in her possession.

On the back was a powerful booster that was similar to the cou de burst of the straw hat pirates and on the front was a large cannon that looked similar to the design of a large rail gun while there was also a sniper with a similar design but smaller size within the lookout which was properly designed to provide extra cover and protection while not affecting the sight and movement of those aiming from within.

Nica was getting used to her new toys that were setup on the ship while Archie was happily steering the ship at the helm.

Ann and Aizah were both enjoying their time together as they livened up the ships atmosphere together while Jester and Sunila both relaxed under the sun as Liushi was sparring with others in the fighting arena.

Zhihaojin, Ein, Alfred, Clifford, Pascia and Tristan were each told to remain within Paradise for a while so that they could grow a little more or carry on their own responsibilities there for a while before entering the New World but one final journey allowed them to follow along to watch what was going to happen.

Monera was given many SIQ serums to boost her new star shark followers and she was given full control of the new underwater or moving island while Medea, Carrot and Ashwin left to continue their journeys in the sky.

Each of them were escorted by a devil ape that complimented their abilities while one large and thin white snake remained by Alyssia's side that had grown a large amount over the time spent in preparation for leaving Paradise.

The two children had also grown a little more and were slowly learning to adapt to their new environment as they had each started to gain more control over their small bodies to allow them to move on their own without the need to be carried all the time.

However the children were much too adorable for everyone to just leave them on their own so they often got pampered by their many god parents.

The MMA continued to move at a steady pace as it finally came across an old and gloomy looking island that looked like the ruins of a destroyed kingdom.

Alyssia looked at the far away castle and smirked. "We have arrived. Everyone… get off! Here are the rules… do not kill any animals here and just defend yourselves and those around you. As for the rest… leave it to me."

The deeper they entered the island, the more ferocious and dangerous the beasts became as many weapon wielding humandrills showed up to attack in large numbers and copied many of the techniques of those fighting then turned them back on the original owners.

However the most surprising part was that the devil apes seemed to be their direct nemesis as they were stronger and had the same capabilities so the humandrills had to rely on their larger numbers to beat their enemy.

Unfortunately by the time a large number of them had gathered, the biggest humandrill arrived too with his large sword similar to Mihawk and cut downwards and Alyssia intercepted the attack with a single spin of her scythe blade as on of the blades met the large sword causing a great shockwave until the humandrill was knocked back while the sword had shown a crack on it.

In its next attempts, Alyssia used many different ways of using her staff and blade skills to spin her scythe blade and sent the attacks away from herself or directly stab or cut towards the humandrills sword or passed through onto its body.

She even separated the scythe blade into two and used many other two sword style techniques to force it into a retreat.

"White Serpents Fang!"

"Rotating Blades!"

"Storm Serpent Whirlwind!"

"Cross Slash!"

"Flurry of blades!"

Many types of slashing and piercing attacks happened at a fast speed one after another as a flurry of attacks came one after another.

Suddenly one of the blades left her hand and flashed past the cheek of the humandrill leaving behind a line of blood but the moment that it had passed, it seemed to stop and then return back from its original direction as it headed back towards Alyssia or more specifically her other scythe blade that it was attracted to.

The spinning blade flew through the air and was then stuck into the back of the humandrill which blocked its path.

Alyssia flash stepped behind it and then held onto the scythe blade as she removed it and glared towards the large creature. "I am done playing with you. Begone!"

The large battle ended just like that and Alyssia made her way followed by many others as she made her way towards the large castle before knocking on the door. "Is the strongest swordsman here? I am here for a duel!"

Many eyes behind here showed great surprise to what she had just said but a select few did not seem so surprised since they had long known what Alyssia was like.

Among the changes in the world especially within the Warlords or Marines, there had been replacements found for those missing positions which allowed for new people to appear like Fujitora, Green Bull for the new admiral positions and Edward Weevil, Law and Buggy for the new Warlord positions.

Those that had maintained their position and remained well known for a long time were very few of them but they were also the strongest individuals that could be found within Paradise which could be identified as Mihawk while some others could be found in other places like the Calm Belt or the New World so her first option was Mihawk for someone to challenge.

Mihawk's eagle like gaze rested on Alyssia's body for a moment before placing his hand on the large sword hilt on his back. "I accept but I need some time since I am in the middle of a lesson."

Alyssia nodded in agreement. "No problem."

She knew that he was probably teaching Zoro and entertaining Perona in his mansion at this time so she was not in a hurry to urge him to fight right away so she spent a little time to calm her mind and breathing as she got herself into the best state possible.

Many simulations ran in her mind for a battle with him since she was familiar with fighting his shadow while she was shadow boxing but she had yet to fight the real person who possessed strong Haki and a great sense for swordsmanship.

Although she did feel a little excited, she pushed it down so that she could be in the best state for battle.

The duel had begun and many eyes were watching as the first slash of Mihawk was done from far away and sent out a large flying wind blade but Alyssia kicked out her leg to create one of the same size which caused the two fierce and sharp winds to crash into each other before more wind blades flew out from each of them in different directions and angles.

Alyssia remained clearheaded as she countered him as she had expected him to act but she did not become overconfident over her initial success. "Good, keep going."

First was a contest of strength and ranged attacks to test each other like like Mihawk had done against Whitebeard during the Paramount War and then it evolved into a more complicated battle of tactics and swordsmanship as they started dancing around and clashed weapons.

Mihawk's strong Haki mastery with the sword and his large but quick and precise slashes were what kept him at the advantage against her as he adapted to each of her moves but Alyssia was much quicker in her response as she adapted to the battle.

In between avoiding wind blades, they clashed weapons one after another as if they could both subtly predict the others blade path.





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